February Energy Calendar

 February Energy Calendar.

After the high and intense energies from the end of January, we begin to settle down into a semi-relaxed flow, because of Valentines day can be a little fractious and unnerving. Note this is not about the energy connected to the day, rather the enegies that have been created by today’s society, putting pressure on couples and making those who are single feel like they have failed, or are outsiders. Lets take a look at what February holds. February Energy Calendar.

February Energy Calendar

NOTE: There is NO Full Moon this month

1st February –
* Imbolc (Northern Hemisphere)
* Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere)
* The Moon enters Virgo at 19:12
2nd February –
* Groundhog Day (time watch the film huh?)
3rd February –
* The Moon enters Libra at 21:56
6th February –
* The Moon enters Scorpio at 03:56
7th February –
* The Last Quarter of the Moon – Waning to New
* The Month of Rowan Ends (Celtic Tree)
8th February –
* The Month of Ash Begins
* The Moon enters Sagittarius at 13:53
11th February –
* The Moon enters Capricorn at 02:20
13th February –
* The Moon enters Aquarius at 15:11
14th February –
* Valentines Day
15th February –
* Lupercalia
* New Moon at 21:05
* Partial Solar Eclipse
16th February –
* The Moon enters Pisces at 02:41
17th February –
* The Month of the Cat Ends (Celtic Animal)
18th February –
* The Month of the Snake Begins
* The Month of Aquarius Ends (Traditional Astrology)
* The Month of the Otter Ends (Native American)
* The Moon enters Pisces at 12:04
19th February –
* The Month of the Wolf Begins
* The Month of Pisces Begins
20th February –
* The Moon enters Taurus at 19:11
(* Cheeky Plug… the 20th is my Birthday lol)
23rd February –
* The Moon enters Gemini at 00:07
* First Quarter of the Moon at 08:09 – Waxing to Full
25th February –
* The Moon enters Cancer at 03:05
26th February –
* Neptune Enters Rx Zone at 01:43
27th February –
* The Moon enters Leo at 04:41

The times in this article are in UTC and if you’d like to find out what the times are for you, check out www.timeanddate.com

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*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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