Daily Predictions for Friday, 30 March 2018

Daily Predictions for Friday, 30 March 2018

Daily Predictions for Friday, 30 March 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Virgo form a triangle with Pluto in Capricorn and a hexagon with the Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio. Then it goes void of course from 4:59 until 17:52 UT, and then it rests in Libra.

So, this is going to be a mostly calm and relatively good day. The beneficial lunar aspects happen early in the day, and give us a boost. Then their energies progressively calm down as the day proceeds. Then again, this is the eve of the Blue Moon, so don’t expect them to calm a lot.

Virgo, Capricorn and Scorpio will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Pisces, and probably Aries and Leo will be the less lucky ones.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Work wise this day proceeds mostly nicely. In most cases, uneventfully, but there is some gentle good luck, or good atmosphere there. The rest aspects of the day can be pleasant, but probably you feel like something is missing.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Love life can have some good luck out of seemingly unlucky circumstances. Work can follow a similar pattern, too. On the other hand, allowing yourself to have some fun can bring several kinds of good luck.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Home and family can take some of your time and energy today. Even if this doesn’t sound promising, it will be a pleasant thing. Correcting, healing and strengthening your relationships with your family and other important people of your life is possible.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

This is a very good day for every kind of social activities. More for in person ones than the online ones, though. Jobs that require lots of interactions with co-workers and clients will have a busy, but good and pleasant day.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Buying or selling property during the Retrograde Mercury is not really advisable, but if you need to do it now, this can be your lucky day. Real estate business will also have a beneficial day. Your mood, though, may need some attention.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

This is a happy and fulfilling day. This influence affect your personal life more than your professional life, though. Nonetheless, both will be affected. Meeting, or communicating with friends you’ve lost contact with, is possible.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Money matters can feel quite stressful, but some good luck, or some help can come there, today. Also, creative and artistic works will be productive. Even more, selling, such products is lucky today. At least as lucky as it can be during the Retrograde Mercury.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

This is still a busy and also a very social day for you. Finding time for yourself and for what you want to do can be challenging. You probably won’t feel the urge to do it, but so find at least some time for you. Also, if you are in a relationship, your significant other may need your attention or support today.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Today the stress is less than yesterday. In some cases it may have vanished all along. So, today, work, career and money matters advance in a good way. Maybe not very much so, but they do so, nonetheless.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

This can become an enjoyable and liberating day for you. This freedom will mostly come from your decision to follow your wishes and respect and express yourself more. Nonetheless the situations will both encourage and support it, as well.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

This day is mostly satisfactory for you. You may come to face some difficulties. In most cases work, or money related. But even them will give you the satisfaction of overcoming them, or of finding the way to overcome them.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Work is mostly pleasant today. Business meetings, discussions with your partners, and similar activities can become very productive. Even elsewhere than work, brainstorming today can give good results.

Also, find out how the coming Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Astrology and Magic:

Career, business and money magic are very strong. Especially for achieving long term goals, or solving problems that bother you for some time now.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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