Daily Predictions for Monday, 19 March 2018

Daily Predictions for Monday, 19 March 2018

Daily Predictions for Monday, 19 March 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. It also conjuncts Uranus in Aries. Afterwards, from 19:29 UT until 01:07 UT of the 20th, it will be void of course.

So, this day will be similar to yesterday in most respects. The same areas of our lives are effected in a similar manner. In most cases, difficulties will feel stronger, although they won’t be so. It’s the stressed Pluto that makes our emotional world this extra weight. Thus, let’s try to support ourselves and our mood. Also, changing rather than healing is supported. The two of them may feel the same in many cases, but in some cases they might be a little different.

When it comes to magical and spiritual works, focusing on changing a situation will give as better results. As this is the Eve of the Equinox, magic is strong. Using this day to remove our problems and obstacles, and then tomorrow for creating what we want is a way to both use the power of the Equinox and the powers of the day. Even more so as today we’ll have a five and a half hours long void of course Moon.

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So yes, this is a similar day to yesterday in many matters, but not quite the same in the ways it will express itself. Nonetheless, just as yesterday, Sagittarius, Leo and probably Aries will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Today, though, Aries will have to take the initiative for the day to be a good one. A passive mindset will give them more stress than benefits. Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will be the less lucky ones.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

This day can help you, in an unpleasant way probably, to realise what you don’t like in your life and in yourself. It will also give you the power to change it. Act upon your inspirations on how to achieve that. This is the way the day influences all zodiacs, but to you, these influences will be much stronger.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Your mind can tend to focus on what you can’t do and what restricts you. External situations can help this happen, too. You may need to consciously try to change the way you see things. Your inner powers are very strong today, for good or bad. So, keeping a positive attitude can create better luck for the day and better karma for your life.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

If you are using magic today, sigils, talismans, magical oils philtres and potions can help you achieve better results. Using them is promising, creating them can be challenging, though. If there are things you don’t like in your social interactions and relationships, speak up today, or act determinately. Keep your calm, but keep your self-respect too.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

You may feel a little overwhelmed by the demands of your job, your bosses, or your co-workers and partners. Your life partner can also put a similar pressure on you. Support your self-confidence and gather your courage. In some cases, just saying that something is troubling you will be all you need for the change to start happening. But even if this isn’t enough, it will be a start. So, do it. Calmly, though.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Healers, alternative and traditional, still have a promising day. If you are handling or suggesting drugs, philtres and potions be a little more careful and thorough in your investigation. Mistakes there can happen. If you are the “patient” and there is a change in your prescription, be a little more careful. Allergies and side-effects may appear.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Love life can be quite peculiar today. Things there that don’t satisfy you can feel much more unpleasant than usually. If you are not in a relationship, then this can be the reason for this unpleasant feeling to occur. In the same time though, changing these situations is also supported. Your relationships with other important people of your life receive similar influences, but calmer ones.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Concerning your domestic affairs, whatever you didn’t handle yesterday, for whatever reason, today can seem a little more difficult to handle. Nonetheless, it is possible. If this is something between you and your spouse, or current love, then be a little more careful in the way you express yourself, and handle the situations. It’s easy to do it in the way. In the same time, though, if your relationship with them is a problem-free one, they can become the source of your power today.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

You may luck energy or motivation to do whatever you have to do. Including your job. Your health can also be an issue on this, as it seems to be a little sensitive. If it’s a health issue, of course take proper care of your health, firstly and most importantly. If not, though, motivate yourself. Your today’s actions can bring a long-term beneficial change in your life.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Money still feels a little problematic today. In most cases, though, there are no added problems in your financial situations. It’s just that today you feel more insecure about them. In fact, there is some potency in the day to change things for the better, even if just a little. So, focus on that, and adopt a optimistic mindset.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

The more stress you let go yesterday, the better this day will be for you. Otherwise you may not feel like having what you need to have to deal with the day. In most cases, things are much better than the way you feel about them. Even more, you have the power to make them even better. Keep this in mind as you go on with your day and good things will happen.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Being with friends today can become very important and beneficial for your mood. Taking their advice about your problems, or whatever bothers you, can also help you achieve beneficial changes in your day and life. Just keep in mind, though, that the wrong choice of friends can give the opposite results, too.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Your financial matters can feel a little stressful, but in the same time, some beneficial changes can happen there. In some cases, these changes can come via unexpected ways and methods. Trying a new promotional strategy of yourself and your business can be one such method. Trade is still a little difficult, but, at least in most cases, things look better there, now.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Astrology and Magic:

Road opening, block busting and whatever has to do with talismans, potions and the like is very promising today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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