Daily Predictions for Sunday, 4 March 2018

Daily Predictions for Sunday, 4 March 2018

Daily Predictions for Sunday, 4 March 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Libra forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn. It worth mentioning that it also forms a hexagon with the North Node in Leo. Also, it practically forms a hexagon with Mars in Sagittarius. In actuality this hexagon will become accurate at 00:01 of the 5th of March, but, truth is, it will affect this day just as much as the next one.

Also today, the Sun accurately conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, and both Mercury and Venus accurately conjunct Chiron, also in Pisces. Although the Mercury – Chiron – Venus synergy is active for some time and will be active for some more time (we’ve taken in account its effects in the Full Moon’s article), today its influence will be probably more intense exactly because of the similar influence of the North Node’s hexagon. Saturn is active, Chiron is active, Pluto is active and the Node is active. This can only mean Karmic activity.

Pluto’s stressed activity, as you probably know by now, can cause psychological issues to get stronger, and negative thoughts to become very loud. It is worth the effort to control them and take good care of ourselves. On top of that, Mars’ beneficial activity, can fire either out efforts to overpower the negativity, or the negativity itself. So, use Mars’ energies for your benefit.

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Pisces and probably Sagittarius and Leo will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Libra and Capricorn will be the ones facing the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Your intuitive and empathic abilities are rather strong today. Also the Universe tries to talk to you through this means and also with omens, so keep your eyes and mind open. Business plans can face some tension, and maybe some disappointments, but still, there is some progress.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is a good day for working out, or starting such a program, but since you have a tendency in small accidents and overdoing it, try to be careful and to hold your horses a little. Sexual energy is also very strong. This strengthens your seductiveness too, but also you egotism as well.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

There may be some negative feelings trying to fight against your plans of joy and success. Focusing your energies on your love life can be the best strategy. Especially if you have a significant one, rather than if you are searching for one. Work also can support your smile, and long term plans may start feel more approachable.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Taking care of issues in the family, home or neighbourhood will most probably bring good results today. Loosing your temper while doing that can, occasionally, be difficult. If there are no such issues, then taking care of your place of living, or working can become a little of an obsession, but a good one, that is.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Important friends and, in some cases siblings, can become a source of joy in your day. It can appear to be more of a hassle in the beginning, but you’ll find it more enjoyable as you play along. Also, you may come to realise better what’s important for you and what makes you happy. This is an important lesson and it’s worth to pay attention to it.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Money may look a little tight, but some important people of your life can support you on the matter. Sometimes more willingly than you’d expect. Also, this is a good day to set the wheels of fate in motion regarding both your love life and your career. Taking magical and non magical action on this regard is advisable.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Jobs and other activities that are done through telephone, mail and similar means can produce very good results today. If your work is of this kind, it can be a little to busy today, but successful too. There may be a development in your long term career plans as well. This can also happen for your spouse or love.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Your mind can produce many plans for financial development, or for bettering your financial situation, today. This can be very good, as long as you keep these plans on a realistic base and an easy to take action upon base. If your job is of this kind, then this can become a brilliant day for you. Once again, make sure your suggestions are compatible with your clients’ current situation.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

This is quite a good day for you. Although problems may appear, and some stress may be present, mostly about money and business subjects, you also have a vast amount of energy. This can help you overcome any problem. This energy also tends to support your self-confidence. Focus your thoughts on this, as, otherwise, the overactive Pluto can turn it to a “self-destructive” kind of power.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Both intuitive and magical powers are quite capable today. Use them for your benefit. Creative works of all kinds receive support. This support influence firstly your productivity and secondly your profit. Also, “creative works” refers both to artistic and non artistic kind of works. Those that use mostly the body are much more supported than those that use the mind as a main “tool”.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Studies of all kinds can be a little stressful, but productive. The same goes for trade of all kinds. Trade of services, international trade and this of products of technology receive the most support. This day can also help you realise your true wishes about your love life and your financials. It can also help you advance in these subjects, or provide you with good ideas about how you can achieve this advancement.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

There is probably some tension in, or about, your work. This can refer either to your current job, or your desired career. Regardless the tension, things proceed in a satisfactory way. Also, you may realise your worth and your achievements today. This influence can also encourage you to reach out to your life goals, too.

Additionally, check what the Crow Full Moon brings to your zodiac.

Astrology and Magic:

The Water Element today is very strong and creative. Filters and potions, although they belong to Water they are also under Pluto’s jurisdiction, so they may not be the best choice. On the other hand, using them rather than creating them will be quite effective. Magic to cleanse your Karma, find your soul mate, or find and accomplice your life goals is very strong.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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