Daily Predictions for Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Daily Predictions for Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Daily Predictions

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Taurus forms a hexagon with Neptune in Pisces and a triangle with Pluto in Capricorn. It also opposes the Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio. Also, from 17:21 UT until Thursday at 5:30 UT the Moon will be void of course.

Keep in mind that the three planets affected by the Moon today are in harmonious cooperation amongst themselves. Pluto forms a hexagon with each of the other planets and Jupiter and Neptune are in a triangle. These very long lasting beneficial aspects are active, but not very strongly this period, but with the moon highlighting all of them, their cooperation becomes stronger and more effective, today. I usually say that Jupiter’s aspects, even when they are inauspicious, like today’s, have many blessings to offer. Right now, though, Jupiter is in retrograde motion, so it’s stingy in sharing its blessings. It mostly tells us, “Hold your horses and realise your current situation and blessings. Then decide how to proceed.” It doesn’t tell us, though, to stop our progress.

So, yes, there will be some difficulties today, but it’s going to be a good day. The twelve hour long void of course Moon is probably the worst “aspect” of the day, as it discourages new beginnings and new deals. It doesn’t stop us from making them, but it will bring difficulties to them, if we do make them. So, if possible avoid them. Otherwise, though, the void of course Moon, as we’ve seen, neither brings bad luck, nor undoes the good luck other aspects bring.

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Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Scorpio has a very special day. It will face the most stress, but also, if you overcome it, you can achieve magnificent results. Cancer and Pisces will be the less lucky zodiacs.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Most things proceed nicely and relatively easily in your day. Work and career matters probably enjoy this aspect the most. Nonetheless, insecurities about your future can appear. In most cases without a concrete cause. Money can also become a little stressful. But about this, too, the way you feel about it is probably worse than the actual circumstances call for.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is a very important day for all your social activity. Promoting yourself, business, dreams and everything you want to promote receives support. Self expression can be demanding and restricted in the same time. Find a way to express yourself. Love life is the one facing the most difficulties, yet progress can happen. You may need to alter your ways, though to make it happen.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

You magic and your intuition are very capable today. Philtres, potions, talismans and the likes of those can give you good results. Charging such objects today is more than advisable. Also, artistic careers and hobbies receive much support. Both creativity is strong, and success is willing to come. Money can also come, but raise of your fame is more likely.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

This is a mostly good day for you. Some of your plans can go a little wrong, but this most probably wont affect your important ones. Arranged meetings, for example can be forgotten, and things like those. Reconfirming things like those in advance, or taking any appropriate according to the case action early enough, can help you to overcome this influence. Other that that, this is mostly a good day and things proceed beneficially. In most cases, harmoniously, as well.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Your focus is mostly on work and career matters. It should be there as today is a good day to progress in these matters. Try, though, to avoid obsessing and losing your balance. Health also receives some beneficial, supporting and healing influences. Weight reducing diets, as long as you start them before the void of course Moon, are most likely to give you the results you want. On the other hand, home and family can stress you in some ways. Remaining calm and optimistic will help you to deal with that better.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

This is a very good day for all love matters. Both the singles and the ones in a relationship will enjoy at least some of these benefits. Your sense of happiness can be a little challenged today, though. If you are in a relationship, your partner will most probably help you overcome this. If you aren’t then, you need to support yourself. Especially if it’s the lack of a relationship the reason. Also, you may feel the desire to meet with friends, but this can become difficult to arrange.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Avoid any significant expenses today, if possible. In some cases, these expenses will help you heal and strengthening your financial situation. If this is the case, then, do not avoid them. On the contrary, it’s a good day to proceed with such actions. Your most important people and your everyday activities can cause you some stress from time to time, but for the most of it, they give you a sense of success and satisfaction.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

All forms of person to person social activity receive beneficial influences. Being with your special someone, or seeking for a special someone are also supported. Internet socialisation, though isn’t supported. At least not significantly. It doesn’t receive any negative influences though. The greatest challenge of the day can very well be that you need some time for yourself, and it can be difficult to find such time.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

There is some progress in your work matters happening today. If your income depends on your daily efforts, then this progress will also give you financial results. Activities that benefit your beauty and health are auspicious. If they are something like starting a new diet, or a new work out program and things like those, avoid the void of course Moon to initiate them.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Your mood can be a little unstable today jumping from joy to sadness and back again. Try to control this and keep yourself to happy-mode. The situations will mostly support this, so it won’t be such a difficult task to achieve. Friends, and especially those you don’t see very often, but you keep them close to your heart, can give you even more reasons to be happy, or to enjoy the day.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Relocating your business or your residence to a new place is inauspicious today. Especially so if you do it during the void of course Moon. On the other hand, small scale renovations, redecorations and things like those, are auspicious. Also, today is easier to receive moral and financial support, if you need any. It’s possible that you’ll receive some without even asking, but if you need it, ask for it.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Avoid, if possible travelling, and especially long distance travelling today if possible. Unfortunately, the coming retrograde Mercury will also add to this, so if you can’t postpone it until the 16th of April, then do it now, but take all possible precautions, and expect some difficulties regarding the trip’s goal. Studying and learning, both through books, or similar means, and through practice, can also face some stress. Other than those, though, the day proceeds nicely and productively.

Also, find out how the New Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Astrology and Magic:

Gratitude is always a good spiritual attitude. Today, though, it can become your strongest ally. Talismans, oils, perfumes and the likes are strong throughout the whole waxing Moon, but today even more so.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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