Once again March begins with a bang and it’s important to keep yourself grounded through everything. We are again faced with a month containing two full moons, and the Spring Equinox. Let’s take a look at March’s Energy Calendar and see which are the days of power.
March has also marks the beginning of 2 Planets in retrograde course. Jupiter and Mercury. Are we ready for it ?
March’s Energy Calendar:
1st March:
* The Moon enters Virgo at 05:57
2nd March:
* Full Moon in Virgo at 00:54
3rd March:
* The Moon enters Libra at 08:20f
5th March:
* The Moon enters Scorpio at 13:22
7th March:
* The Moon enters Sagittarius 22:02
8th March:
* Jupiter enters Retrograde at 22:58
9th March:
* Last Quarter of the Moon 11:09
10th March:
* The Moon enters Capricorn at 09:51
12th March:
* The Moon enters Aquarius at 22:44
15th March:
* The Moon enters Pisces 10:11
17th March:
* New Moon in Pisces at 13:11
* The Moon enters Aries at 18:56
* CAZ – Snake Ends
* CTZ – Ash Ends
18th March:
* Mercury enters Rx Zone 22:56
* CAZ – Fox Begins
* CTZ – Ash Begins
20th March:
* Ostara/Spring Equinox at 16:15
* Mabon/Autumn Equinox 16:15
* The Moon enters Taurus at 01:56
* NAZ – Wolf Ends
* TAZ – Pisces Ends
21st March:
* NAZ – Falcon Begins
* CTZ – Aries Begins
22nd March:
* The Moon enters Gemini at 05:29
* Mercury enters Retrograde 20:12
24th March:
* The Moon enters Cancer at 08:52
26th March:
* The Moon enters Leo at 12:44
28th March:
* The Moon enters Virgo at 15:30
30th March:
* The Moon enters Libra 16:57
31st March:
* Full Moon in Libra at 13:36
* Blue Moon in Libra at 13:36
*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*