Predictions: Full Moon and Blue Moon in Libra – March 31

Predictions: Full Moon and Blue Moon in Libra - March 31

Predictions: Full Moon and Blue Moon in Libra - March 31

General Predictions for the Blue Moon in Libra:

On the 31st of March 2018, at 12:37 UT, the Moon in Libra accurately opposes the Sun in Aries, forming the second Full Moon of the month. A Blue Moon.

Mars and Saturn, as we’ve seen are both in Capricorn and in a conjunction. Right now this conjunctions is in its strongest days. It will become accurate on the 2nd of April, but it will affect strongly the whole waning Moon period. In actuality, most of the energies of the period are caused by this aspect, or focus on this aspect one way or another. Also, keep in mind that the slow acting Saturn now literally slows down, as it’s getting ready to turn retrograde. Thus, the tension between Saturn and the fast acting Mars becomes greater.

The Retrograde Mercury in Aries will stop pressing Pluto in Capricorn on the 2nd of April, but it has already started pressing Saturn, Mars and their conjunction. As we’ve seen the two planets don’t communicate very harmoniously. Now, with both in square with the Retrograde Mercury, the disharmonious conjunction becomes even more chaotic. It’s worth mentioning that on the eve of the New Moon Mercury will turn in direct motion again.

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Sun’s role will be both auspicious and inauspicious. It’s squares with Saturn, Mars and their conjunction lose power day by day. Also, it is in conjunction with Mercury. The day after the Blue Moon, this conjunction will is perfect, but it will be active until the Third Quarter. This reduces some of the “bad luck” the Retrograde Mercury produces, and therefore, the stress it posses on the Saturn-Mars’ conjunction. On the other hand, on the very same day of the Blue Moon, the Sun starts squaring Pluto in Capricorn and it will continue doing so until a few days after the Beltane. This square will become accurate on the 11th of April.

The good news comes from Venus. Venus will have stop squaring Pluto by the 2nd of April. It has stopped squaring Saturn and Mars for some days now. Even more, on the day of the Blue Moon, Venus enters Taurus and from there it blesses Mars, Saturn and their conjunction via triangles. In fact, we may feel these blessings even a few days before the Blue Moon.

Venus’ triangle to Saturn will become perfect on the 7th of the month, the day before the Third Quarter, and it will remain active until the eve of the New Moon. Its triangle to Mars will be perfect on the 11th of the month and it will be active until well after the New Moon. Even more from the 4th of the month and onwards, Venus will also form a hexagon with Neptune in Pisces. Also, from the 9th of the month onwards, it will be blessing Pluto in Capricorn with a triangle.

The Retrograde Jupiter from Scorpio will continue supporting Pluto, of course. As we’ve said, this hexagon will stop acting early November. On the same time, Jupiter’s weak triangle to Neptune, now acquires a considerable strength. It’s strongest period will be from May to September, but from this Blue Moon and afterwards we’ll be enjoying this beneficial influence. On the relatively negative side, the Retrograde Jupiter will start opposing Venus from the 9th of the month onwards.

So, what do all these mean?

The stressful influences of the waxing Moon period are, more or less, present during the waning Moon, as well. The tension and stress produced by external circumstances will be lesser, and that’s good. On the other hand, the one generated by our psych will be greater. On this regard, it’s a good tactic to support our self in a daily bases. The mantra for pleasure and happiness can help us do that. It will also make good use of the very strong healing energies that surrounds us during this period.

Yes, there are strong healing energies that affect both traditional methods of healing and alternative ones. Meditative and hypnotic ways, as well as energy healing receive a great support. Practising on such techniques, can give you good results, and also you can make progress on these. Learning new such techniques is also auspicious. Doctors, healers and similar professionals will have some good luck, too. Expansions of business are never recommended during a Retrograde Mercury and Jupiter, but if you are in the this line of business and need to do this expansion now, at the very least do it before the 9th of the month.

Beautification also receives much support. Age reversing, weight reducing and similar ways of beautification are more supported than others. Magical and spiritual methods for this purpose are strong and promising the whole period. Light mundane methods too. But if you intend to do a cosmetic surgery, research well prior deciding when and where to perform it. Muscle toning is supported, but muscle gain isn’t. In actuality, if you try to do the latter, be extra careful as the odds of accidents and the like are higher than usually.

Love life receives many energies. Healing energies for the whole period will be present, so healing problems in your love life and relationship is possible. It isn’t going to happen on its own, though, and difficulties will arise during the procedure. If it’s done, the results will benefit you for long time after, though. The Retrograde Mercury stressfully interacting with this influence makes communication and understanding difficult, so prepare yourselves, if you intend to co-work with your spouse or current love.

From the 9th of the month onwards, love life receives strengthening energies as well. But when I say “strengthening”, I don’t necessarily mean “supporting”. Whatever the situation, good or ill, they will magnify it. They will also magnify your efforts, or lack of those. This includes spiritual and magical efforts. So, if you are looking for a new relationship, do your best before the 9th of the month, for starting your activities afterwards will be much more a difficult thing to do.

All forms of art receive beneficial influences. Creativity will be present, but it isn’t supported greatly. On the other hand, perfecting existing creations and skills, introducing yourself to a greater audience, advancing in your art in whatever way, all these receive much support. Selling your artistic works and skills receives both beneficial and stressful influences, so it’s possible, but not easy.

The magical arts will be strong and capable the whole time. Potions, philtres, perfumes, talismans and the like will lose a little of their focus, but also a lot of their stress. From the 9th onwards the focus becomes again just as strong, but without bringing as much stress back. So, the whole period is good for using such methods, and relatively good for charging such means before the 9th, but very good for the same purpose after the 9th of the month. Meditation, visualisation, hypnosis and similar methods will be strong and capable the whole period.

Also, putting in order your daily life and routine is supported by the period. This includes work, as well. Great changes don’t receive support, but corrections do. If you want to advance, heal, correct and advance in small, certain steps.

Finally, Pluto, as we said, is extra active during this period, too. Not as stressfully as during the previous one, but still hyperactive. So, taking care of our mood and supporting ourselves is advisable.

Predictions for Aries:

The Sun and Mercury are still in your zodiac and very active. They also interact with Mars, the ruler of your zodiac. Venus has left your sign, but by doing that it starts beneficially interacting with Mars. Thus, there still is enough focus of energies on you. The waning Moon period will be almost just as important as the waxing Moon, but now things are more harmonious and calm. Not really calm, but somewhat more.

There is less interest in what others think and say of you, but whenever you face a negative opinion, you take it more in heart than you should. On the other hand, now it’s easier to materialise your goals and dreams. Money are much luckier even from the very day of the Blue Moon. This can help you in the procedure. Focus your efforts on work and career matters, but do not neglect taking good care of yourself. If you find the perfect balance there, the results will be wonderful.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Taurus:

Venus, your zodiacs ruler, entering your sign is a good thing, of course. As it also stops being in odds with Pluto, your love planet, this will help your love life. The sense of freedom, we’ve talked about in the New Moon’s article, is still an important parameter in your love affairs, but, in general, now there is less stress and more pleasure there. Probably some good luck, too. These affect both existing relationships and those who search for one. If you belong in the latter group, make sure you start your hunting before the 9th of the month.

Freedom, in general, is the main issue of the period. Any lack of it, probably affects you more than in the previous period. Don’t let this happen. On the other hand, you are now more determined to express yourself and to follow your heart and dreams. Following this determination will give you great benefits. It won’t only make your daily life more satisfactory, but it will also make the years to come happier. So, do that.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Gemini:

All your magical and psychic abilities are rather strong and capable during this waning Moon. Other than the general influences, money and business spells are very promising for you. As this is the waning Moon, banishing problems there is more advisable than creating the situations you desire.

All sources of joy and satisfaction, including money, are under the microscope. Good and bad situations and event will help you better realise what really matters for you. The more you work with yourself on that end, the less the unpleasant situations will be and the happier the period will be.

Social life can become a little too busy and stressful, now. Don’t let it overwhelm your days and thoughts, though. I wouldn’t suggest to avoid it all together, as some of it can bring beneficial developments in your life, regardless the stress it may produce. Just make sure you secure some time for you, your thoughts and your desires.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Cancer:

For those in a marriage, or a relationship, things are getting better regarding their love life. The previous period presented you with some challenges. These challenges didn’t cause real problems in good relationships. Instead they helped them, at the end. Now, the period will be even more pleasant. Relationships with problems that survived the waxing Moon, now will have it a little easier. Good things happening in your life or the other party’s life can help reducing the tension. This is a good thing, and enjoy it. If you haven’t solved the problems though, they will reappear. Probably as soon as after the 9th of the month.

Luck is not that strong for those seeking a relationship and even less so after the 9th of the month. But, meeting people is supported. Do that. A relationship may come in a later time, from amongst those people, or their acquaintances, or this socialisation will help you find out how to better attract what you want.

Business and work matters are luckier this period, most of the time. Difficulties are lesser, while opportunities and good luck are greater. There are less stressful situations, but you probably experience the ones that are, more intensively. Control this tendency.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Leo:

Work and career matters now seem to be more in order. Both your previous efforts and the changes in the circumstances will help with this. Things there are more pleasurable and more lucky. Successes can also come. Continuing taking care of this areas of your life will be easier now. It is advisable, too, as the results will be long lasting.

The rest of your daily routine life, though, can become a little more chaotic and stressful. Everything that restricts you, or keeps you away from what you want to do and be, can easily overwhelm you. Don’t let this happen. Step forwards courageously. Changing the situations there can be difficult and, in some cases, unpleasant, but it’s something worth doing. Some things may be out of your control. If so, deal with them as calmingly as possible, and don’t let them take over your life. Instead, however demanding these situations seem to be, make sure you offer some time to yourself, your needs and your dreams and wishes.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Virgo:

Joy is still the main focus of the period and things seem, for the most of it, more joyful during the waning Moon period. This is probably mostly because of your efforts and because you allow yourself to enjoy your life more. This is a good thing, and it is something you should be doing.

The stress from your financials, friendships and love affairs is less, now. Financials are more in order. In some cases there is some progress there too. This is a good thing for anyone, even more for a zodiac of the Earth. Nonetheless, whatever isn’t just as you would like it to be, financially and non-financially alike, can easily depress you. Keep your spirits high. Consciously keep your focus on the good things and create more of them. Heal the negatives, where this can happen, or cut them off of your life, when this is necessary.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Libra:

For those in a marriage, or a relationship, love life is a little challenging. What isn’t in harmony with your wishes can feel quite depressing. Discussing things with your other half can also be difficult, especially when the Moon stresses Mercury. But you have the chance to connect deeper with your other half. At least until the 9th of the month. They seem to be more open to you. If you manage to do this until then, afterwards the progress will continue. If not, then things will be much more difficult. Sex can be your best ally. Engage in sexual activities with your love as much as possible.

Financials become better this period. Venus, your zodiac’s ruler, blesses both your traditional money planet (Mars) and your nowadays money planet (Pluto). These blessings are neither stress-free nor too generous, but progress can happen there. Don’t rely on your luck, though. You need to do your best for this “luck” to manifest and to bring the best results.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Scorpio:

The stress in your love life is less during this period. Actually, there are some really beneficial influences. Your love planet (Venus) blesses both the traditional ruler of your zodiac (Mars) and your nowadays ruler of your sign (Pluto). So, good things can happen there. For the singles, the best period is until the 9th of the month. For those in a relationship, depends on the quality of the relationship. Good ones will have an even better period after the 9th of the month, while problematic relationships will have the best period until then. Solving problems in a relationship is more possible until the 9th of the month.

Other than that, this is a very busy, and probably stressfully so, period. It can become productive, but you have to set things in order to achieve that. Otherwise, the situations will take control of your life. Health is also a little sensitive and a tendency to overtire yourself is present the whole period. Take good care of yourself.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Sagittarius:

Financial matters receive both stressful and beneficial influences. Expenses may be greater than you were expecting, and some of them, unavoidable. Reduce your unnecessary expenses, but don’t deny yourself every form of joy and luxury. Work, on the other hand, can provide you with more money. Bonuses, raises of your salary and other similar things may happen. If you have applied for a job with a better salary, odds are in your favour.

New such applications are not as favourable, though. This is unless you receive such offers, or you were searching or waiting for a particular position. Otherwise, thinking and researching for your possible options for the future, is more favourable than actually applying for such positions, or acting upon such decisions. Of course, if the opportunity comes, go for it.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Capricorn:

In most aspects, this will be a continuation of the waxing Moon period, but it will be better, for the most of it. The stress isn’t as strong, as the challenges aren’t as great. On the other hand, you are probably a little tired, and more sensitive. Thus, the situations can affect you a little more strongly. Rest, relax and support yourself and your mood, and things will be much better.

Some good luck and happiness enter the game now. You feel more proud of yourself, in a good way. You probably are more satisfied of yourself and your efforts. That’s good. Focus on this. You also seem more brilliant than usually. You can see people enjoying your presence more. They want to be with you, more. If you are searching a relationship, this brilliance of yours can help you. So, go out and hunt! If you are in a relationship, your other half will enjoy your company more, so your time with them will be more pleasant. After the 9th of the month, though, if your relationship is problematic, you will feel it more intensively, even if the situations don’t call for it.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Predictions for Aquarius:

The waning Moon period will be quite a busy one, but in fact not as busy and the waxing Moon period. At the very least, not as stressfully busy. In fact, people around you, and even more your family and other similarly important people to you, offer you much support. Nonetheless, you feel the stress more intensively. Do relax and take good care of yourself and your mood.

In fact, what happens inside you is the most important parameter of your life during this waning Moon period. If you haven’t already started taking care of yourself, do so now! It will be a more difficult thing to do than it was during the waxing moon, mostly because you feel already tired. Nevertheless, do it. The better care you take of yourself and emotional well being, the better this period will be, and the better you’ll take care of everything you need to take care of. As we said, now your important people are supporting. If you can’t deal with whatever happens on your own, ask for their help.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

This is a much more more social period than the previous one. The desire for socialisation was strong then, too, and you probably acted upon this desire. Now there is even more social activity, and more good luck and pleasure there. As Mercury is in retrograde motion now, meeting people with whom you’ve lost contact with, or others who remind you of such people, is even more possible.

Money is a little discouraging from time to time, but some good energies are flowing in this area. Focus on them, realise them and make good use of them. Most lines of work and most business receive mostly beneficial influences. Trade of goods and services is a little peculiar. Good developments can happen there, but most probably this means more expenses than more profit. The latter is not impossible, but the Retrograde Mercury doesn’t support it. Creating the grounds for future gain is what is the most possible.

Also, do refer to the New Moon’s article as most of the influences there are still in action.

Astrology and Magic:

Just like during the waxing Moon, Sex magic, Fire magic, wish manifestation, meditation, hypnosis and visualisation, as well as making, charging and using talismans, philtres, potions and perfumes are all very strong. In fact, now the energies are more easily handled and less experience is needed to produce better results. Also, do refer to the Retrograde Jupiter’s article, as this is also an important influence of the period.

That’s all. Have fun and make the most of this waning Moon!

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