April’s Energy Calendar

April's Energy Calendar

After a lot of change this year the energy of April is still following this trend as it begins on the heels of a Blue Moon, and ends with the Veil thinning with Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere and Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere.

1st April:
* The Moon enters Scorpio at 23:57
4th April
* The Moon enters Sagittarius at 07:54
6th April:
* The Moon enters Capricorn at 19:01
8th April:
* Last Quarter of the Moon in Capricorn at 08:57
9th April:
* The Moon enters Aquarius at 07:49
11th April:
* The Moon enters Pisces at 19:39
14th April:
* The Moon enters Aries at 07:49
* The Month of the Fox Ends (Celtic Animal)
* The Month of Alder Ends (Celtic Tree)
15th April:
* Mercury Goes Direct at 05:15
* The Month of the Cow Begins (Celtic Animal)
* The Month of Willow Begins (Celtic Tree)
16th April:
* New Moon in Aries at 02:47
* The Moon enters Taurus at 09:59
17th April:
* Saturn enters Retrograde at 20:39
18th April:
* The Moon enters Taurus at 13:02
19th April:
* The Month of the Falcon Ends (Native American)
* The Month of Aries Ends (Tradtional)
20th April:
* The Moon enters Cancer at 15:26
* The Month of the Beaver Begins (Native American)
* The Month of Taurus Begins (Tradtional)
22nd April:
* The Moon enters Leo at 18:08
* Pluto enters Retrograde at 16:07
* Lyrids Meteor Shower
23rd April
* Lyrids Meteor Shower
24th April:
* The Moon enters Virgo at 21:40
27th April:
* The Moon enters Libra at 02:12
29th April:
* The Moon enters Scorpio at 08:11
30th April:
* Full Moon in Scorpio at 01:58
* Samhain Begins in the Southern Hemisphere – Sunset
* Beltane Begins in the Northern Hemisphere – Sunset

**NOTE** Please note that the times in this article are in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) and you can convert to your local time by using www.timeanddate.com

*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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