Daily Predictions for Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Daily Predictions for Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Daily Predictions for Wednesday, 25 April 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today the Moon from Virgo triangles the Sun in Taurus and the Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn.

Also today, Mercury from Aries accurately squares the Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn.

So, this is going to be a mostly good day. The now Retrograde Saturn is stressed for sometime now, but today the Moon releases it from some of its stress, despite Mercury’s pressure. So, things will go a little more smoothly and some good luck will be present, thanks to the two Lights cooperating harmoniously.

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Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer will be the less lucky ones.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

This is a good day for all work and money matters for all the signs of Fire. For you, taking care of the fine details and sorting out what needs to be sorted out is what is most important and mostly supported.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is a mostly lucky and happy day for you. Love life also seems lucky, and you are more charming than usually. Studies and spiritual occupations and avocations also proceed well, especially if you need to overcome some problems or challenges.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Home, family and whatever you consider as fundamental in your life, or as your personal space can provide you with much support, inspiration and probably pleasure and satisfaction. The latter ones, though, may come after some effort or difficulties.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Trade and social interactions are supported by the day. This is true for all the zodiacs of Water. This can become even more obvious to you than the rest of the Water signs. Your day can become quite busy, but mostly pleasant and productive.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

This is a good day for all work and money matters. The same is true for all the zodiacs of Fire. For you, money is the protagonist. Investing and gaining money, as well as finding a new job, or achieving a promotion or pay rise, are the aspects that receive the most support.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

This is a very good and potent day for you. You seem to be confident and brilliant enough and this helps you overcome any challenge. All forms of learning receive good luck and blessings. Actual students, even more. It’s also a good day to solve problems in your love life.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Intuition and magic are rather strong today for you. Pay attention to your spontaneous intuition, as well as to omens coming to you. Imagination, and especially sexual imagination, is very strong, too. Also, your most important people seem to be rather supportive.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Trade and all form of social interactions receive some kind of blessings. Business meetings can become rather productive, today. Also it’s a good day to make things better with your other half, or to find one such person.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

All work and money matters receive support and some sort of good luck today, for all the signs of Fire. Therefore, for you, too. Finding a new job and achieving significant career advancements are the aspects that receive the most support and good luck.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

This is quite a good and pleasant day for you. Good luck can be by your side almost all the time. Love life, and especially long distance relationships, receives much good luck. Finding time for yourself and for your personal goals can be a little challenging, but if you do manage to find such time it will be a very fulfilling experience.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Sexual energy is quite strong today for you. This raises your self-confidence and seductiveness as well. All these are good, but you have a tendency to be at home, or in your comfort zone, whatever it is for you, so you may not enjoy this blessing to the most. Magic, though, is also strong for you, so use it. Problem solving intuition, too.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

All forms of social interactions, as well as trade, receive much support today for all the zodiacs of Water. For you in particular, your most important relationships play the most important role. This means, your life partner, business partners and close friends. It’s also a good day for signing agreements of any kind.

In addition, find read here how does the New Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Astrology and Magic:

Good luck and problem solving magic and meditation are quite strong today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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