Daily Predictions for Sunday, 1 April 2018

Daily Predictions for Sunday, 1 April 2018

Daily Predictions for Sunday, 1 April 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn and opposes Uranus in Aries. Also, from 18:30 until 22:57 we’ll have a short period of void of course Moon.

Also, as we’ve see in the Full Moon’s article, Venus since yesterday is in Taurus and today, the Retrograde Mercury accurately conjuncts the Sun in Aries.

So, this is going to be a little stressful day. Our mood might need some support and our ability to adapt in situations and make best out of them can be a little rusty. The good news is it’s a Sunday and even more a holiday for many countries. So, take it easy and be with people who love you and make you feel better.

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Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will probably be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Capricorn, Libra and probably Cancer will be the ones facing the most stress..

Daily Predictions for Aries:

There is some stress coming from work matters. Also, if you are in a relationship with someone of a very different social status, this can also be a cause for some stress.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

If it’s a working day for you, work can feel somewhat restricting. But even if it’s not a working day you may feel like you can’t be yourself today.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Love and sex life can cause you some negative feelings today. The lack of those can also produce the same results. In some cases, it’s your kids, or your kids’ love life that stresses you.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

There may be some tension between you and your other half. Family can also play its role to this. Also, in some cases it’s the parental couple that experiences the tension, and this causes you some stress.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

This day can become a little more chaotic and busy than you’d expect. Work is the most probable area for this influence to manifest, so things will be calmer for those who don’t work today.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

There may be some financial related stress. In most cases, though, this happens not because something bad happens in your financial situation, but because you want to make some expenses and you can’t afford them right now.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Family can stress you more than support you, today. You may even feel like you are not belonging there. In some cases this feeling comes from your other half, rather than from your family. Keep in mind, though, it may be just a feeling and nothing more.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

During a retrograde Mercury communications can become problematic. Today, for you, this can be very obvious. Don’t read too much in what people say, or don’t say, to you, and ask for clarifications whenever you need to.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

High tech equipment can a little cranky today. Internet and internet activity can also be somewhat peculiar. Avoid ordering things online, today, and maybe update your antivirus and firewall.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Career can feel a little satisfactory or otherwise unpleasant today. Even more so if your current career isn’t what you want it to be. Also, careers depended on the opinion of the public can have a stressful day.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Focus your thoughts on positive things and support your emotions. The most stress you experience today comes from within, so don’t let this happen. Artistic and not artistic creativity can also be a more difficult task than usually.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

If you are having multiple love and sex partners, today you probably need to be a little extra careful. Also, party like events and ways of entertainment can end up being less satisfactory than you’d expect them to be.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Astrology and Magic:

Grounding, balancing and chakra and energy purification are the best things to do today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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