Daily Predictions for Monday, 14 May 2018

Daily Predictions for Monday, 14 May 2018

Daily Predictions for Monday, 14 May 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Taurus triangles the Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn and forms a hexagon with Neptune in Pisces.

So this is going to be a mostly good day. Saturn may cause some stress, but it most likely give a positive outcome.

Taurus Capricorn and Pisces will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Leo and probably Gemini and Scorpio will be the less lucky ones.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

All career and money matters receive beneficial influences today. There is some quite capable intuition regarding these matters, too, but not so much the gabling type of it. Also, this is a good day for creating balance in your life.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This seems to be a very good day for you. Things you wanted to achieve for some time now, you may achieve them today. This can affect your work life, and your love life, too, but it mostly affects your personal goals. Socialisation is also auspicious.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Both your magical and your spiritual powers are quite strong today. Charging Earth talismans and meditation are probably the strongest. Also, artistic careers will be very creative today. Other careers receive some positive energies, too, just not as many.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Travelling is auspicious today. Astral, or other forms of spiritual travelling, too. Solving problems and calming the situations in your work is possible and promising. Partially it may happen on its own, but mostly you’ll be the one working on it.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

All work and career matters receive beneficial influences. Workwise you seem to be very capable and productive, today. Especially for jobs where what you do is some form of routine. Receiving satisfaction, in the form of money or other successes from there is also possible.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Love life receives quite healthy energies. This means that good relationships, fresh or not, will be benefited by these energies. Problematic but healthy ones, will become healthier. Unhealthy relationships, though, can become more intensively problematic. Breaking ups there, are also possible.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Both health and work receive beneficial influences. For health, psychological health receives more healing energies than physical health. It will also be a good day for healers, especially for the alternative ones.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

This is a good day for love matters of all kinds. Finding a new love is also possible. Exes also may appear. Work wise, this is a good day in general, maybe too busy, but good. It’s also a very good day for decision making.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

All work and money matters receive the blessings of the day. You need to make this blessings manifest, but they are quite capable ones. Finding a job, or achieving an advancement in your job, especially if you were working on it for some time now, is very possible.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Love life, especially for the singles and for those in a fresh relationship seems very promising and lucky today. Irrational decisions that feel right, can be proved to be more right than those which satisfy logical thinking. For all other matters, this seems to be a somewhat lucky and benevolent day.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

All the fundamental aspects of your life receive beneficial influences. Family and money maybe the most. Also your thinking and imagination can become quite practical. This can help you both with your everyday activities, and with your meditations and other spiritual practises.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Today you feel much more powerful. Like you can take the control of your life. And actually you can. At least partially, since this is a daily influence. Also, trade of all kinds, including services, receives very good vibes, especially if there were upheavals there.

Also, read here how does the Pink Full Moon influence your zodiac sign.

Astrology and Magic:

All forms of meditation, and all forms of Water magic are strong and capable today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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