How to Release Yourself from Family Karma

How to Release Yourself from Family Karma

In Witchcraft we believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything is a result of a known or invisible force, we or someone else has set in motion. When? Probably many lifetimes before. Family Karma is real but is not what you actually thought. You see, we come in this World in conjunction with our Past Karma and our Current Wishes. What does this suppose to mean?

Shedding Light on Family Karma

Family Karma can be really unbearable. However, we should always remember that Karma can be changed. Why? Because we are powerful forces! 

What is Family Karma?

Family Karma, is the situations we face as children due to the current situation of the home and families we are raised into.

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What is NOT Family Karma?

We are not forced to give into Family Karma. Why? Because, we are always responsible for our actions, and our actions only. This is why children born in poor families, can meet a completely different fate and vice versa.

How to Release Yourself From Family Karma:

1. Understanding Why We ‘Suffer’

Karma is not here to punish us. Karma is Here to Prevent us from Future Suffering. Karma, is a mechanism which source is our Spirit itself. We are part of it.

What does this mean? Well, its important to understand that we are brought on this World be parents we’ve chosen while we were preparing our next incarnation. During this process, we choose our experiences we need to ‘feel’ what is needed for our spiritual evolution.

  • YES! Our parents are our ‘spiritual’ and ‘karmic’ Choice.
  • NO! This doesn’t mean that we cannot break free from their mistakes! 
  • Understanding the messages Karma brings us, is half the way we have to walk until we are released. We are not responsible for them. Only for ourselves and our actions!
  • Moreover, the actions of our parents cannot and should not affect us. Their actions belong to them and to consequences are theirs too.

What to do: Meditate on your current situation and think of what this situation can ‘offer’ you as wisdom for the future. Use the Garunda Mudra to empower the procedure and Awake the True Force of Light in you! Remember, you are never bound to any situation. You can always change your reality! 

2. Repairing Energetic Family Ties

Although Family Karma is not here to keep us trapped, for most of us, it may still affect us in a deep and profound way. But why does this keep happening?

Well, we humans sometimes tend to make ‘dependent’ relationships. We ‘depend’ for example on our mother as children to nurture and protect us. But this can actually go on many more years after our upbringing. Us Adults, we should set ourselves free.

Love should be the only link between us and our parents and not any kind of dependence. Whatever we do for them comes from our Love and not from any kind of duty. Dependence leads to imperfect relationships and often to parasitic ones. There are many people who feed from this suffering thus creating a vampiric cord, a sick energetic tie which affect both parts. These invisible links, drain everyone although this is not obvious all the time. We see children being restrained from ‘family values’, or ‘religious teachings’ or any other form of ‘ethics’. These people may delay their dreams as they keep feeling bound to their mother’s or father’s wishes.

What to do: Love for our Parents should be unconditional as well as the love of our Parents for us. However, we cannot change the way others feel. But we can change how we feel. Set yourselves free and keep love as the Ultimate Link which connects you with your family. Forgive yourself and your parents for all your and their mistakes. TIP! Forgiving doesn’t mean that you forget (especially when it comes to criminal acts, abuse or violence). It means that you stop letting yourself get influenced by these past experiences. Clean your path for a bright new future!

3. Breaking the Curse

Karma can be collective. Although we are not always suffering from curses cast on our ancestors, sometimes this might be the case. Dark Arts can make things worse, especially when we voluntarily open to door for Evil. 

The Oldest your family name is, the more possible to

What to do: You don’t and you can’t know the whole history of your family. What you can do though is to learn how to break free from possible curses. To do that you can cast this Karma Cleansing spell, which set you free from curses or dark arts you may or you may not have meddled with.

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