May’s Energy Calendar

May's Energy Calendar

We start may off with the energies from April’s Full Moon, blending with the energies of Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere, and Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere. this is a great time to be working on your spiritual development as well as plans being “fertilised” by the coupling of the God and Goddess, or being harvested.

May’s Energy Calendar

1st May:
* Beltane – Northern Hemisphere
* Samhain – Southern Hemisphere
* The Moon enters Sagittarius at 16:19
3rd May:
* Mercury leaves Rx Zone at 17:01
4th May:
The Moon enters Capricorn at 03:05
6th May:
* The Moon enters Aquarius at 15:45
8th May:
* Last Quarter of the Moon at 03:08
9th May:
* The Moon enters Pisces at 04:10
11th May:
* The Moon enters Aries at 13:40
12th May:
* Mars enters Rx Zone at 13:52
* The Month of the Cow Ends (Celtic Animal)
* The Month of Willow ends (Celtic Tree)
13th May:
* The Moon enters Taurus at 19:15
* The Month of the Seahorse begins (Celtic Animal)
* the Month of Hawthorn begins (Celtic Tree)
15th May:
* New moon in Taurus at 12:47
* The Moon enters Gemini at 21:43
17th May:
* The Moon enters Cancer at 22:14
20th May:
* The Moon enters Leo at 07:51
* The Month of the Beaver ends (Native American)
* The Month of Taurus ends (Traditional Astrology)
21st May:
* The Month of the Deer begins (Native American)
* The Month of Gemini begins (Traditional Astrology)
22nd May:
* The Moon enters Virgo at 03:02
* First Quarter of the Moon at 04:49
24th May:
* The Moon enters Libra at 07:57
26th May:
* The Moon enters Scorpio at 14:39
28th May:
* The Moon enters Sagittarius at 23:28
29th May:
* Full Moon in Sagittarius at 15:19
31st May:
* The Moon enters Capricorn 10:26

*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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