Daily Predictions for Friday, 06 July 2018

Daily Predictions for Friday, 06 July 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today the Moon is still in Aries. So we should probably shed more light on this moon. When the Moon is in Aries, we usually tend to react a more impulsive and/or faster. Moreover, we are ready to gamble and take the risk to make a step further while at the same time, is giving us all the energy we need to stand our ground and fight back possible threats. As we also discussed, this is a fiery moon which gives us self-confidence but can also raise our anxiety and make us prone to accidents. Hence we need to direct this energy creatively.

As it happened yesterday, today the Sun is still in Cancer forming a powerful trine Jupiter from Scorpio. Therefore, this is still a day of remarkable opportunities. Judging from the progress of the aspect along with fiery Moon in Aries, today will be a lot more easier to find ourselves trying to decide the choice we’ve been given.

Although these good aspects could help us alot, we should try to remember that there is a challenging aspect too.  As Retrograde Mars from Aquarius opposes Mercury in Leo, we should learn to filter out thoughts and make sure that we come out clear and truthful but with a sense of gentleness and warm heart. 

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Still, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are the ones who are considered the luckiest today. The stars also favor Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo and Sagittarius. Libra should be more careful today.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Today you are stimulated as if you are hit by lightning. That’s how it feel with all these thoughts, fears and desires gathering in your head. However, although this can be challenging you are likely to succeed in so many things as you’ve been given the good feedback you need. Here, the Spirits give you another piece of advice for Today.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Although you don’t want to express your emotions keeping away from drama, you do feel a lot more today. That’s a pretty strong aspect preparing the way for what’s coming. Moreover, your spiritual powers are about to play a significant role helping you find the right way for every step of your way. A spiritual revelation can inspire you today! More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Today the key for you happiness is independence. You thirst to find an innovative way to break free from the chains of your life. Moreover, you do realize that the time has come to expand your social circles giving those new interesting people a chance to meet you and come closer to you! Check here what the spirits are advising you to do Today.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

This is still a pretty powerful day for you regarding your career life and your future in general. You are focused on your professional life trying to find ways to make things better and create a more interesting job environment for you. The more creative you become the more opportunities you’ll come across.  More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Freedom! That’s what’s on your mind today. You want to pursue your financial and personal independence and you are open to any suggestions. Remember thought that real freedom comes from within and what you truly need to do is make room in your mind by breaking the chains of the past.  Listen to the spirits. Click here to see what they can tell you today.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Libido is activated giving you a sense of spiritual awakening you actually needed! Moreover, today you are more magically powerful. Hence is time to re-discover your magical self as you’ve got the chance to try some things you’ve actually wanted to do for a long time. Furthermore, you can check out what the Spirits advice you to focus on today.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Today you’ll be given the chance to work on things you’re actually pretty good at. Remember that your diplomatic skills are still pretty powerful. You’ll be asked to use them while sorting things out from your most important relationships. Marriage and business partners might seem demanding but you can handle them as long as you are truthful and warm-hearted. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Work and daily routine seems pretty important today dear Scorpio and you are trying to find a way to ‘spice up’ your life. Moreover, you feel the need to do more about your health and your sense of well-being. You should probably think seriously of going back to the gym and starting a balanced diet.  For more insight why don’t you take a look at what Spirits advice you to focus on Today!

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

This is another day, the universe strongly advises you to pay attention to the ‘inner child’ inside your heart. You actually need to have some fun. No, it’s no luxury. It is actually your duty to ‘nurture’ your inner child with lots of fun and creative imagination. Dream more, love more, open your heart to endless possibilities.  See here what the Spirits like to advise you for Today.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Today your focus is still needed in your family as there might be things there that need your energy and your intervention. However, you could have so much fun in your house. Why don’t you let yourself decide what you want to create in it? Maybe some redecoration?  For more insight why don’t you take a look at what Spirits advice you to focus on Today!

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Communication and a strong desire for freedom are the keywords for today. However, as Mars in your sign opposes Mercury you need to be extra careful not hurt someone with your words. Be clear and thoughtful to avoid any kind of misunderstanding. And remember, a smile can heal things in an unexpected way!  For more insight why don’t you take a look at what Spirits advice you to focus on Today!

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Not much have changed from yesterday and money still is a big deal for you. Today though, you may be more creative in finding ways to end this endless quarrel between your pocket and your desired. Remember, riches come from inside our hearts. There lies the true source of happiness.  More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of the Waning Moon for your zodiac.

Astrology and Magic:

Philtres, potions, perfumes and charms are much promising today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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