General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon is still in Pisces, making this day, a day of mystery, illusions and misunderstanding. Feelings are not easily expressed but they tend to hide behind weird attitudes. Moreover, the Moon from Pisces will give us the chance to shed light on our Magical Powers and all the arcane knowledge we bear with us – without even realizing. Some of us may discover a new path in Magic today!
Also, today is such a special Day. Why? Because, Mars, the planet of passion, blood and energy, is the BRIGHTEST for the First Time In 15 Years! This means the Mars is closer to the Earth than has been since 2003. Hence, the energy of Mars influences the Earth and all mortals. We can use the energy of Mars to replenish our vitality and magical powers!
Furthermore, today powerful influences dominate the Astral Realm. Saturn’s trine with Uranus makes this week really interesting and powerful. This influences, fires up our desire to re-build was has been destroyed and fulfill our dreams in the most creative and innovative way possible. Those who will work hard will be rewarded in time. And that’s a promise Saturn always keeps!
Moreover, Uranus today is more active than usual giving an urgent need for independence. As Mars squares the planet of changes, anxiety kicks in as we thrive to verify to others how valuable we are.
The Moon in Pisces makes Today luckier for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces (primarily) along with Taurus and Capricorn (secondarily).
NOTE: Remember that the energy of the Eclipse affects us AT LEAST 13 day before and after the Eclipse. This is why as we already told you, this is one of the most powerful weeks of 2018.
Finally, as also discussed in previous Daily Predictions, Venus will remain in Virgo intensifying every healing progress while giving us a unique chance to send love to Mother Nature. Remember, during this week, miraculous cures may be discovered.

Daily Predictions for Aries:
Today, energy is elevated and you feel it all over you like a thunderstorm coming. This energy is pretty tough to handle. Hence, anxiety may kick in, making you – even more nervous than usual. Moreover, something is happening behind your back that you are not quite able to see. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Taurus:
Today things are going more smoothly than the Weekend that just passed. It’s time to make time for fun and adventures! Also, it is very important to look out for your friends and have a pleasant evening as your social life can act as a saving boat from the tides of your emotions. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Gemini:
A big change has begun. With Mercury Retrograde you can only hope that no misunderstandings will occur due to the fact that you cannot express yourself smoothly. Anxiety kicked in and you need to find a way to bring balance back in your life. Why don’t you try some meditation? More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Cancer:
Today is a lovely day where you tend to focus on things that make you smile and bring you joy. Although this day is not easy, you will realize more about things that can help you feel alive. Flirting is favored and optimism kick back in! More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Leo:
Great changes are coming for you Leo and the more you fight them, the more exhausted you become. Although you do need to stand your ground, make peace with change as nothing lasts forever in this Realm. Therefore, embrace your instincts and unleash your true potential! More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Virgo:
Today is a very powerful day that actually feel like a Full Moon. Your emotions are pretty tense and you are closer to your feelings than usual. Somehow, you are vulnerable but stronger. This tense however may affect your relationships so be careful how you interact with other people, especially the ones that matter the most to you. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Libra:
Crisis has begun and you will be asked to be more focused to deal with all the issues that may rise in your life especially in your daily routine. Is your body giving you signs that is getting exhausted by your overwhelming schedule? Find a way to bring balance and spend some quality time on healthy activities! More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Scorpio:
Today is a day to creatively express yourself and your ideas. And you know why? Because fun comes back to your life. Moreover, life gives you signs because it seems that you’ve neglected the best part of yourself. Your inner child! More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:
Today, things are getting out of hand in your home and your family. As things there were already pretty tense, you now have the chance to sort things out and bring balance back to your heart and the ones you live with. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Capricorn:
Today the light of the Moon will shine through your friends and the ones you feel closest to you. From these people you will receive powerful stimuli which will wake up your powers and see what opportunities are waiting for you. Listen to your friends. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Aquarius:
Just a couple of days after the storm of the Blood Moon and you feel something in you has changed forever. Now the power is fixed on the part of your life that has to do with your income, your expenses and your possessions. Try to bring balance there. Moreover, remember to ground yourself as the energy of the Moon is still running through you! More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Daily Predictions for Pisces:
Today is a day of strong magical powers flowing through you. Right after the Blood Moon and your are waking up all the magic in you to fight back and sort things out. Moreover, you have your intuition guiding you and revealing you the truth about things that have been kept secret from you. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Blood Moon Eclipse for your zodiac.
Astrology and Magic:
Despite the negative influence, magic receives extra strong and empowering influences, so all magic is strong today.
- Waning Moon Predictions – July 1 until July 12 2018
- How to bribe Saturn!!!
- Retrograde Saturn – How Will Affect You?
- Retrograde Mars: June 27 – August 27 2018
- Predictions: New Moon in Gemini – June 13
- Retrograde Mars: June 27 – August 27 2018
- Horoscope of 2018
- Numerology for 2018: a Year of Mysteries
- Jupiter in Scorpio – A new era has started
- Jupiter in Scorpio turns Retrograde
That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!