Daily Predictions for Wednesday, July 18, 2018


General Daily Predictions: Getting away from the Solar Eclipse’s we are coming step by step closer to the magic of the Blood Moon. As the Moon left Virgo, today, from Libra shines a completely different light on us. This is the Moon of negotiations, partnerships and all kinds of agreements.

NOTE: Remember that the energy of the Eclipse affects us AT LEAST 13 day before and after the Eclipse. This is why as we already told you, this is one of the most powerful weeks of 2018. 

The Moon in Libra, helping us to heal and find solutions that bother our everyday life. Moreover, as also discussed, Venus is still in Virgo intensifying every healing progress while giving us a unique chance to send love to Mother Nature. Remember, during this week, miraculous cures may be discovered.

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Daily Predictions for Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Daily Predictions for Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Today, from this place, the Moon will favor Gemini, Libra and Aquarius – primarily, while also Leo and Sagittarius will feel this influence.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Today you feel quite different, as if your most intense and personal relationships somehow affect you more! If you are married pay more attention to your wife/husband and work things out. Moreover, be more careful to all kinds of negotiations or when you sign all kinds of papers and contracts. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

The Moon is in your 6th house, shedding light to your health and your everyday life. During the next couple of days you will probably feel the need to reschedule your daily routine putting more healthy and practical habits. Nutrition becomes more important that usual. Stay hydrated. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

The Moon has moved in the part of your life which has to do with love, flirting and fun activities. This actually means that during the next couple of days you will have the opportunity to go out and actually shake off your anxiety that has been bothering you a lot the past weeks. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

It is a day of powerful emotions and decisions. During the next couple of days you will have the chance to focus more on your house and all the chores needed. Moreover it’s a good chance to contact your family and try to sort things out. All these things that have been bothering you from the past can now be solved! More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

A good day to meet friends and people you love. Optimism finds a way to get back to you giving you the proper boost you need to fight back. It seems that you need some help, and the ones you love can actually today be there for you. Friends are family. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Today is a day of important decisions financial-wise. You see, for the past weeks you’ve been struggling to find solutions in order to more successfully manage your expenses and/or find more ways to increase your income. Use your practical minds to make things right and cut off from debts. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

A day of power and expended awareness. Today the Moon moves into your Zodiac Sign and all the secret forces that have been working behind your back are now obvious and you feel ready to deal with! More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Today is a tribute day for the Unseen forces which influence you and your life. You will be more aware of ‘occult’ part of your life which you don’t quite understand. Moreover, you will have the chance to taste what’s coming for you in the future as your psychic powers are more active than usual. Pay attention to your dreams! More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Today is day which feels lighter than the previous ones. You are actually more willing to talk about your problems and ask for advice. It seems that friends and people you love are by your side. Moreover, you are also invited to join social events and circles which seem kinda interesting. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

A day of power as the moon is in your horoscope’s Midheaven. This means that your professional life receives a major energy shift. What is happening in your work that makes you so anxious? Great chances might be awaiting for you but also work must be done. Prepare for overtime.  More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

This is a great day to look into the future and gaze upon your destiny. What have you always been waiting for? This is a day to set the basis for your new life. Education is favored along with all activities that help you broaden your spiritual, professional and personal horizons. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Something feels awakened deep inside your heart. What can that be? It feels like a fire of passions and instincts which you have neglected its existence for a very long time! Today, you will probably meet someone or come across to a karmic situation which will wake up many emotions that you tough were dead. More spiritual advice for you today here along a your lucky number.

Also, find here the influences of yesterday’s Solar Eclipse for your zodiac.

Astrology and Magic:

Despite the negative influence, magic receives extra strong and empowering influences, so all magic is strong today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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