Daily Predictions for Thursday, 23 August 2018

Daily Predictions for Thursday, 23 August 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon is still in Capricorn and things are pretty serious as responsibilities haunt us back to finally get things done! However, as the day progresses, the Moon will enter Aquarius and things are feeling more aloof and weird. 

A Chance for Power!

The Moon in the beginning of the Day is going to conjuncts and align this the planet of passions and intense feelings, Mars. Therefore, we are all going to feel like we are about to begin a war to conquer what we need in our life.  

However, this is also what can make us easily irritable and anxious. We feel that we had enough and we are about to exceed our limits. We are mighty but we can also lose the balance of our feelings. Make sure you don’t engage in quarrels. Mars is still retrograde. Save this energy for something creative!

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Now that the power of the Moon is still in your tenth solar house, make sure you focus all your creative energy to your professional life. Many opportunities may be waiting for you there as long as you learn to deal with your explosive emotions and your unanswered wishes for evolution.   With your Tarot Card of the Day you can get more insight for what coming Find it here.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is still a great for you as the Moon and Mars will give you all the strength you need in the beginning of the day to fight back and reach for great understanding. You set new goals. Later in the day you may need to focus more in your professional life and your career.   Get spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day, here.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

What is happening right now is not easy to explain as your deepest and most secretive powers are awakened and you try your best to manage all this excessive energy. Your libido and your primitive desires wake up your magical powers. Later today you can see yourself setting new goals for the future.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

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The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need
by Taylor Trade Publishing – Get if from Amazon

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Early in the beginning of the day, your most intense and important relationships – marriage included – are going to challenge your emotional balance.Play the card of diplomacy and you will be rewarded as soon this influence is going to fade away. Make sure you’ve got no regrets.  Why don’t you read your Tarot Card of the Day.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Still today, your focus is in your health and your everyday life which can give you really interesting stimuli to change your life. Something you already do may be waisting your energy. Make sure you meditate on your everyday habits.  With your Tarot Card of the Day you can get more insight for what coming Find it here.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

The morning begins with an excessive need to have fun and do what needs to be done to put the smile back on your face. Today, you should listed to your heart and make sure you open your soul to the greatness of the divine.

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Virgo Astrology Tea- Serene Herbal: All-Natural, Gluten Free, 24 servings, The Tea Can Company

Moreover, as the day progresses you should be more aware of things that can help your health and your everyday life. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.


Daily Predictions for Libra:

The day begins with increased responsibilities and restrictions in your home and family. They still need you and today this is more unsettling than usual. Don’t try to escape your responsibilities. As the day progresses happiness will get back in your life and optimism will be reinstalled in your heart. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

The day begins as a great chance to meet with the ones you love the most and go with them short trips. It feels that they still need your attention but as the day progresses things are getting more serious and your need to focus on your family and home! Invest more time on you!  More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

The day begins with anxiety in your financial status as challenging situations will push you to your limits until you find the proper solution to successfully manage your expenses and your depts. However as the day progresses, things are going to change making you more extroverted. Problems seem less important now.   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Today, the day begins will all Cosmic energy still focused on you. Moreover, with the conjunction of the Moon with Mars you are going to be more capable on solving the issues that have been bothering you all this time.

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Capricorn Astrology Tea- Serene Herbal: All-Natural, Gluten Free, 24 servings, by The Tea Can Company

However, as the day progresses you are going to be more aware of your financial status and your expenses. Get more magical insight with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

You will probably wake up with a powerful and maybe a kinda scary dream or even a vision. What was this dream about? Write it down and see how the day progresses trying to decipher what your guts are trying to tell you. You see you intuition is highly active today. Secrets are going to be revealed.   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more about Today.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Your friends and your social circles are hiding something interesting – yet challenging for you. Avoid the quarrels which may happen between you and the ones you share a common goal. Forgiving is a sign of the strong ones. Later in the evening something is your guts is trying to warn you.  Listen to the energy. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Astrology and Magic:

Money and good luck magic can be quite effective. Charms, philtres and potions of the same purpose even more so.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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