Daily Predictions for Sunday, Autumn Equinox, September 23 2018

Daily Predictions for Sunday, Autumn Equinox, September 23 2018

General Daily Predictions: THIS is the day of a major Energy Shift! Today, Sun enters Libra signifying the Major Sabbath of Witches, the Autumn Equinox! Today our prayers have been answered. We no longer have to wait and pray for this moment of perfect balance. Today, the Moon in Pisces, make us sensitive to all the Spiritual Awakening. 

Moreover, the Moon will make it pretty clear that we need  to sacrifice something mundane for our spiritual up-lifting. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to our spirit and nurture our arcane self.

At the same time the Sun conjuncts with Mercury in Virgo affecting all mental activities and enhancing our performance. Artists and scientists will receive a great boost today.

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Cancer and Scorpio will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Although the start of the day may find you with an unbalanced mood, the as the day proceeds things are getting better. There will probably be some issues regarding your business or job, but you deal with them confidently and efficiently. Web pages, social media profiles, and online businesses receive a good amount of blessings and luck.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Inwardly generated stress and pessimist are present. Most of the times with little, or no help from the world around you. Find the causes and heal them. Focusing on your career though, can also brighten your day, as there is some luck and some good advancements there.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

If you are searching for place where you can learn something, being it an actual school, or not, this is a very good day. Starting lessons, enrolling in schools, seminars and the like, as well as applying for schools, either as a student, or as a teacher, all these are very auspicious. Friends and acquaintances may unsettle you a little, though.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Partners and bosses can stress you today. The way you handle things can greatly affect the outcome of what you are trying to accomplice. So, try to keep your mind clear and your self calm. Magic for work and business is quite strong today for you. Work itself can be satisfactory and fulfilling. Finding a new, better job, or starting a new business is auspicious.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Mental and skeletal health are a little sensitive today. Old issues may act up a little. Also be a little careful to avoid new such issues. Jobs where your mind is your main “tool” can be a little unpleasant, too. Travelling for work is inauspicious. Travelling for pleasure, though, is auspicious. Going on a trip with your lover, or partner is even more auspicious.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

A very good day to enhance your health and beauty. Relaxing, resting and sleeping can be part of the procedure. Sexual health and psychological health receive even greatest healing energies. In fact therapists, healers or books to help you with those may come your way, or you may find your way to them. Love life, though, may be a little stressful for those in a relationship, and a little unlucky for those seeking one. Work, on the other hand, will be pleasant.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Love life for the singles is quite optimistic and lucky today. Meeting people is favoured. Especially so in places of entertainment. Those in a considerably new relationship will be mostly under the same influence. On the other hand, those in a long standing relationship, or a marriage will face some stressful situations. Don’t let them get out of control, though.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

All work matters receive beneficial influences today. Jobs based on transportation and communication may face some difficulties, but even those will have a good day. Health also receives some good vibes. Health of family members, too. Finally, taking care of your home, can be a very pleasant and healing experience.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

This is a mostly happy day. Money can be a little tight, or feel this way, and this may stress you, or disappoint you a little. Instead of concentrating your thoughts on what you can’t do under your current financial situation, count your blessings. Friends may inspire you, or help you realise how blessed you already are.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Family can become bothersome, one way or another, today. I wouldn’t expect a big event, but the way small things affect you is mostly what causes the problem. So, try to remain calm and optimistic. Also, support yourself as much as you need. If you are working from home, work-wise you will have a good and fruitful day. If not, this influence will be more imperceptible, but, still, present.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

All the negative thoughts and feelings you have for yourself and your life very willingly express themselves at every opportunity they get. Don’t get overwhelmed though. Listen to these thoughts and feelings and heal them. You have the power to achieve that. And in fact, other than these inner annoyances, you’ll have a very good day, when you can further all your goals.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

If you are in trade business, finding problems and, also, ways to deal with them and overcome them, is what this day brings. Furthermore, finding better ways to make progress in your business is also possible and easy. Opportunities to do that may appear, even unexpectedly.

Astrology and Magic:

All forms of philtres, potions, charms and perfumes are strong today. Good luck and money magic, too.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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