General Predictions for the New Week: A New Day has come and every day that goes by we start realising it more and more. Cosmic Energy is unblocked and everything comes easier for good or ill.
Since last New Moon, the cosmic balance has changed the sequence of troubles caused by the Eclipses and the Retrograde Planter. The New Moon refreshed the energy of the World and its cosmic impact can only be compared only by the first New Moon after the Autumn Equinox which will take place in October.
As we actually approach the Equinox, balance is restored and things now can go smoothly. The Magic of Water will cleanse the Realm.
Now things go even better.
Saturn Direct – Less restrictions, anxiety, frustration and feeling of being held down!
Since September 6th , 70% of the planets are in direct motion, when only few weeks ago 60% of the planets were retrograde! You can only imagine how much of this is going to change!

Let us remind you August Full Moon was pretty clear about its intentions. Saturn’s trine with Uranus will show us the way to make innovation and inspiration reality. We are forged by the passion of our hearts and determined to win!
Moreover, Jupiter’s Sextile with Pluto in Capricorn will empower our dreams and find a way to manifest our deepest desires.
All Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and favored this week. Moreover, Gemini (along with Virgo) will be the first to notice these blessings since Mercury is now direct!
Predictions for the new Week – Aries:
All the tension caused by the challenging aspects of this Summer seemed to fade away day by day as now the Cosmic Balance has changed – favouring you. After the impact of the New Moon, you will be directed in simplifying and detoxifying your everyday life. Work becomes more important than before, setting new rules to your time schedule. Health is also important this week. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Taurus:
This is actually the beginning of something new and great in your life as the New Moon inaugurated a new era in your life. Moreover, this New Week will give you the time to do things that you actually love. Spend time in things that make you smile and are capable enough to replenish your batteries. Flirting is also favoured. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Gemini:
This is a strong and yet challenging new Week. Although now your powers have been restored and you are much more capable on dealing with issues, it feels like Cosmos has planned some interesting stuff for you. You need to focus you attention on your family and your career as new but demanding situations may occur. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Cancer:
This is sweet and productive new Week as all the energy of the World is focused on journeys and intellectual interactions that bring you happy feelings. Friends seem to be closer to you compared to the previous months. Now is the time to get your thoughts back on track and use the good magic of the week to slowly rebuild your dreams. Again, let me remind you that trips are favoured as they can inspire you. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Leo:
I know that you don’t want to read that but this week is quite challenging. What you own and what you owe becomes important right now and you might be forced to seek additional ways to increase the ‘money flow’ in order to stand up on your own feet again and pay your dues. Need more convincing? Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Virgo:
This is such an interesting new Week for you as the power of the World is focused on you! You are becoming more important in your work, in your family, amongst your friends and in general, anywhere you go! You somehow glow and your energy is radiating good and lucky vibes. As a result new and interesting people are attracted by you. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Libra:
You already feel it don’t you. Your intuition has been awakened along with your powers and your will to learn and discover more about what is going on – especially behind your back. Either way, Empathy runs in your blood – something like a birth right – and this is actually a great opportunity to realise once again what you can actually do about it! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Scorpio:
This is such a great opportunity to go out and broaden your social circle by inviting new and interesting people to come in your life and inspire you. It is actually very important to understand that stimuli from other people can transform your lives in a very unique and profound way. To help you more, you can try Your Daily Tarot Card.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Sagittarius:
Your career becomes so important for you right now and during this week you will be asked (or even forced) to work more and undertake more responsibilities. Your personal time becomes extremely precious. Unfortunately this is that price of successful people but you are capable enough to invent more time just for you and the ones you love! Well, your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Capricorn:
This is a week for growth and advance for all your goals and your dreams. Anything that has to do with long-distance travels and contacts with people living abroad is favored. Also anything that has to do with your education and new opportunities on this part of your life can bring to you successful results. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Aquarius:
A Change has just occurred in your life. This is no ordinary week for you because, this cosmic shift deeply affects you. What you thought was important can now seem dull as new powerful influences have entered your life. You thirst for something real this week and tend to focus on strong spiritual stimuli and instincts. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Predictions for the new Week – Pisces:
This is a week that you will be asked to focus on your personal and professional relationships. Even your marriage will be affected by the cosmic influences. What you need to do is organise your mind and set goals about how you want others to treat you. Much emotional pain has been stuck in you vulnerable hearts. It’s healing time! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.
- Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
- Also, read how the New Moon in Virgo affects your zodiac sign.
Astrology and Magic:
Changing your love karma receives much support this week. The same goes for your appearance.
- Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Leo
- How to bribe Saturn!!!
- Retrograde Saturn – How Will Affect You?
- Retrograde Mars: June 27 – August 27 2018
- Horoscope of 2018
- Numerology for 2018: a Year of Mysteries
- Jupiter in Scorpio – A new era has started
- Jupiter in Scorpio turns Retrograde
That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your week!