Predictions for the New Week, September 17 – 23

Predictions for the New Week, September 17 - 23

General Predictions for the New Week: There are still so many things happening in the Stars. Things that graduatly affect us more than ever before. Although the Storm caused by retrograde planets and Eclipses seem to be over, we still need the Equinox, to manifest the Great Shift. Thankfully, this will happen by the end of this Week on Sunday!

Since last New Moon, the cosmic balance has changed the sequence of troubles, making room for many positive outcomes. Even if they happened at the very last moment we can see that the Stars are saving the day. 

As we actually approach the Equinox, balance is restored and things now can go smoothly. The Magic of Water will cleanse the Realm. 

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Maybe the most dominant influence of the week is…

Mars in Aquarius – More interesting experiences, Less restrictions!

Mars in Aquarius will give us the emotional strength to try something new, something fun! This is the time to experiment even with our sexuality, giving in to new ideas as long as safety is provided! 

Let us remind you August Full Moon was pretty clear about its intentions. Saturn’s trine with Uranus will show us the way to make innovation and inspiration reality. We are forged by the passion of our hearts and determined to win!

Moreover, Jupiter’s Sextile with Pluto in Capricorn will empower our dreams and find a way to manifest our deepest desires.

Since Mars is now in Aquarius, Gemini and Libra will be affected in a very interesting way along with Sagittarius and Aries. And when i say interesting, i mean good-interesting! However, Leo should be more careful, making sure to guide their anxiety in a creative way and not choosing self-destruction!

Predictions for the new Week – Aries:

Something in you has changed and this is a very good thing. For the last months, your powers – and you birth rights – where severely affected by the retrograde course of your governor, Mars! However, this has now changed and all the troubles in your professional life -most likely serious ones – now fade away. As it turns out, your social life is not dead. Yeah! Now, in this new week, you will have the chance to gather up your friends and maybe meet new interesting people to enrich your life! Flirting is also favoured!  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Taurus:

Well on one hand, you feel so blessed as the mess that happened in your life seemed to be over. On the other hand, your governor slows down her speed, and soon enough she will be retrograde, delaying your dreams. However, this will also give you the time to prepare for new great days. This week, you will have the chance to achieve more in your career and maybe become a little more creative than usual in your home. Hard work seems to pay off! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Gemini:

Mercury was extremely active the past days and yet you don’t feel as tired as you were 2 months ago. This is because Mercury is now blessing you with all his bright magic and his ability to broaden your mind’s perspectives. Finally, your mental abilities are refreshed and you can work miracles! New ideas come to you and with Mars in Aquarius you can now put everything together and start the creative process. Your destiny is now un-paused!  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Cancer:

As the days go by, you slowly realise what I was telling you about. Although things have not magically been fixed – yet – you already feel the healing process. Soon enough, your life’s dreams are going to be empowered and stronger forces will be released in you – shining brighter than ever before. Even in this week you are going to feel everything changing. Money and Career are going to be affected more along with your lust for life!  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Leo:

Power is coming back to you and you now feel mighty enough to make things right in your relationships. Although this passion is extremely helpful, make sure you direct in a good way as other may take it in a very wrong way. Misunderstandings and quarrels may occur along with issues regarding legal matters. However, Jupiter now helps you to move on with your life and rejoice the fun side of it! Need more convincing? Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Virgo:

With Mars in your sixth house, you are going to put your life back on track. Your everyday life becomes more interesting and you are going to feel more active than usual. Probably you are about to embark on new adventures, but before this, you feel the need to cleanse and strengthen your body. Yoga and all athletic activities are favoured along with a new balanced diet.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Libra:

Now it’s time for you to empower your life. How are you going to do so? Well, by raising your vibrations of course. Since Mars is in your fifth house, you are going to love having fun and spending time on things that can actually replenish you batteries. Moreover, you are going to enjoy sex and flirting while it is also possible to find new hobbies or even adopt new interesting habits in your daily schedule! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Scorpio:

Your traditional governor now speaks of difficult things. You see, for the past months, probably because of the overwhelming external stimuli – you may have neglected things to do in your home and your family. Your absence (physical or emotional) was noticed – be sure about that. Therefore, you need to find some time to make things right, probably by giving some of your attention and your energy to your family. They are expecting it  you know…  To help you more, you can try Your Daily Tarot Card.

Predictions for the new Week – Sagittarius:

Oh yeah! Bring on the good stuff Sagittarius! Now that Mars is in Aquarius you feel uniquely empowered and your mind feels like it’s working better than ever! Although misunderstandings might be part of your everyday life – especially amongst you friends and your closest relatives – you now have the chance to clear things up and broaden your personal life’s opportunities! Well, your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Capricorn:

Mars has left your Zodiac Sign leaving you with many interesting memories although some were painful enough. However, now things have changed and cosmic energy is fixed on your financial status and the way you manage your expenses. You may embark on new endeavours as you feel confident enough to give it a try. That’s exactly the kind of power that springs from Mars! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Aquarius:

It’s true. Mars is in your Zodiac Sign again, but now he is Direct! This means that all the power and the passion can actually be directed in a very creative way. You feel empowered and confident again. Moreover, you feel sexy, as if your libido has been resurrected! Now it’s time to use this primitive energy to fuel your dreams and your spirit!   More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Predictions for the new Week – Pisces:

There is something strong going on during this week, although you are not sure what is it. You see, a war is happening behind your back yet you can only feel it in your guts. However, secret forces are gathering up to help you deal with this and expose possible secret enemies. Make sure you ground yourself periodically and release the excessive anxiety!   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Astrology and Magic:

Changing your love karma receives much support this week. The same goes for your appearance.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your week!

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