Full Moon in Taurus – 24 October 2018

Predictions for the Full Moon in Taurus - 24 October 2018

Full Moon in Taurus - 24 October 2018

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Taurus:

On October 24 at 16:54 UT the Moon from Taurus accurately opposes the Sun in Scorpio forming the Full Moon.

During the day of the Full Moon the Retrograde Venus from Scorpio forms an accurate hexagon with Saturn in Capricorn. This aspect will be active until the Full Moon (and the day after), although Venus returns in Libra at the 1st of November. Moreover, the Full Moon gives more energy to this hexagon, for better and worse, as the Moon triangles Saturn and opposes the Retrograde Venus in the same day. The good thing is, though, that the longer-term influences coming from the Sun are both beneficial, as the Sun conjuncts Venus, almost the whole period, and forms a hexagon with Saturn, for the whole period until the New Moon. You can find more on this beautiful aspect in the Predictions for the New Week, October 22 – 28 2018.

Other than Venus, Mercury also changes its sign at the 1st of November, entering Sagittarius for a long period, remaining there until the 1st of December. By doing that makes us more extrovert and more willing to find new people and learn new things, as well as travel more. Those studying and investigating things can have a good progress thanks to this and they can even enjoy the experience even more. Those trying to expand their social circles, can have an easier and more enjoyable time doing that. Those travelling will be under it’s helpful blessings unless the Moon stresses Mercury that day. At least, these will be true for this half of the Lunar month, as ten days after the New Moon Mercury turns Retrograde. Therefore, make the best of this period.

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Also, the Retrograde Uranus changes its sign at the sixth of November, the eve of the New Moon, and returns into Aries, but this will affect mostly the period after the New Moon.

The focus of energies in Pluto is now reduced a little, but it’s mostly beneficial now. Jupiter still supports Pluto, as their 13 month long hexagon is living its last days, coming to an end at the 5th of November. After the 2nd of November, the Sun will start influencing beneficially Pluto, too. Also, Mercury supports Pluto via a hexagon until the 1st of the month. So, other than the occasional stress coming from the Moon, Pluto is now calm and generally beneficial. That’s good for our mood and psychological balance and health, especially after the very strong and stressful aspects Pluto gave us the previous period.

So, Pluto is calm and gentle, Saturn is in a good mood, Mercury is communicative, Mars receives no long-term stress. Therefore, most things look good this Full Moon. The only worrying aspects are the opposition of the Sun and the Retrograde Uranus, which will be active until the 3rd of November, and the opposition of the Retrograde Venus to the Retrograde Uranus, again, which will be active the whole period. The most mystifying part of it, though, will be from November the 1st until November the 6th when this opposition will be strong and both planets will be in Venus’ houses. So, try to avoid conflicts as much as possible, especially with your most important relationships, and, also, avoid rushing to make significant changes. If you have to do such a thing, do it taking many and as careful steps as possible.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Money, and especially the way you feel about it and about your financial situation, as well as about everything else that consists your sense of foundation and security in this material world is under the spotlights of this Full Moon and the waning Moon period. So, naturally, there will be some stress about those subjects, coming both from the inside and from the outside.

Nonetheless, overall this is a beneficial period for those subjects. Even more so about work, career and business matters. So, keep your optimism and enthusiasm and avoid any unnecessary expenses and things will be quite good. In case of an opportunity to expand or start your business, proceed with some extra attention, but this doesn’t mean to avoid it.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

This is a very significant Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. Your governor, being retrograde and in the protagonist’s role for good and ill makes it even more so. But mostly for good, thankfully. Your most important relationships need your attention, patience and diplomacy. Nonetheless, good such relationships will only get better. Moreover, this is a in noway bad period for meeting a new potential love or renewing a relationship with an ex, or “like ex”.

Also, studies, travelling and especially in other countries, jobs that employ the mind and inspiration, as well as most of your significant goals receive supportive energies. So, do make the most of this period to make a progress there.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

This period is extra potent for all magical and spiritual activities. Your powers are stronger. Also receiving spiritual and energy healing, or other forms of spiritual blessings, from experts, is very effective on you. It’s also a good period to study or get involved with such methods. Also, your sexual energy is quite strong, but most of the time not uncontrollably so, therefore, your libido, your self confidence and your seductiveness are quite strong.

Your psychological health and well being, though, may need some extra attention on your behalf. Also, trusting your intuition on work matters, especially when it encourages you to make rapid changes can be the wrong thing to do.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Despite Venus being in retrograde motion, it blesses your love life quite well this waning Moon period. Both those in a relationship and those seeking one can enjoy these benefits. Socialising is a key factor. For those in a relationship, spending time together with your other half and friends and acquaintances can be something you will be doing, but it can liven up your relationship, too. Those seeking a relationship, such going-outs can help them find a potential sweetheart.

Nonetheless, not all socialising will be pleasant and lucky. In some cases it can ba just obligations you can’t or shouldn’t avoid. Also, for those in a very fresh or unstable relationship, such situations can become a double edged sword.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Most work and career matters receive beneficial influences. Home and family can try to restrict you or discourage you. Many a times it’s them thinking they are being the voice of logic, but this isn’t necessarily accurate. Other times, it can be just because they distract you from what you want to achieve. In either case, don’t let them either discourage or distract you. Of course, if you are working in a family business you may feel this influence more strongly. Also, if your career or social status is influenced by your family, then you may face a little more stress.

But, as said, in general work and career matters are looking good. Occasionally they need much work to progress, but they do so.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

This can become a very challenging and in the same time very beneficial period for those who are studying or doing a work of the mind. Obligations and distraction can sum up before you even notice, so make the best of the time you have when you are having it. Friends and siblings, and especially if they are living afar can cause some of those distractions. Many times in a pleasant way, but still with a negative side-effect.

Resting, though, and having fun is recommended. It can even summon a potential love interest, if you are looking for one. If you are in a relationship, your other half can directly, or indirectly, motivate you to do your best.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Money and its handling needs some extra attention under the influences of this Full Moon. It’s not a really bad period money wise and it doesn’t need to become one. If you are a bit careful, and try to avoid unnecessary and unwise expenses, then you’ll either face no problem, or just some easily controllable yet slightly stressful situations.

In fact, strengthening your financial stability during this waning Moon is possible. You may also receive some financial support if you are in the need of it, or some good advice otherwise. Also, those who make an income by selling or letting property can have a profitable period.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Communication is the key for this period to be a most beneficial one for you. Saying communication that doesn’t refer only to phone-calls, mails and the like. It also includes how you talk to people face to face. Try expressing clearly what you want to say and make sure you understand correctly what the others are telling you. Misunderstandings can lead to stressful developments, but good understanding can lead to very good developments, this period.

This aspect affects both your professional and personal life. So, it can affect your business progress, but, also, your relationship with your spouse as well. It can influence your odds for finding the right employee as well as for finding a new friend or potential love.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work can become stressful this period. Occasionally quite much so. Nonetheless, it is a good period work-wise for almost all, if not all, kinds of work, A raise of your income, which can be a permanent one, too, can happen. If you are seeking for a job to make a living, or a job that pays a better salary than your current one, this can become your lucky period. Nonetheless, you have to do your best for finding and grasping the opportunities.

Health, on the other hand can be a little sensitive. Psychological and psychosomatic issues can trouble you a little. Excessive stress or other negative conditions can take a tall on your physical health as well. Of course ask the advice of a health specialist, but, in most cases, resting and relaxing sufficiently can help you avoid such problems.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

This can become quite a happy and lucky period for you. Many energies are concentrated on your zodiac and most of them are beneficial. Therefore, make the best possible use of this period in order to achieve the most.

Having some pleasurable time is advisable and will recharge your batteries. The problem with this period is that you may have more such time than you should, which can throw you out of balance. This try to avoid. Keep in mind that overspending time needlessly on your social media profiles can be a way to cause this problem. Once again, this doesn’t mean you should abandon them. It only means you should not overdo it.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family can play a significant role in your lives this period, for better and worse. Mostly better, though, but in most cases they’ll play both roles. The same aspect can be expressed by the neighbourhood and whatever you can call “home”, as well as by people you consider like family. Those who work from home, or in a family business, or have family members as colleagues can experience this influence a bit harder. Also, it’s not the best period to move into another home.

But the very same people and places can become quite inspiring, too. If you are doing, or want to do anything that requires this touch of inspiration, you’ll experience this even stronger. This doesn’t necessarily refer to those doing and artistic job. Inspiration help us in all aspects of our lives.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

This can become a very busy period for you. Very busy, occasionally very tiresome, but, overall very successful, too. Those studying something to raise their qualifications for their job, receive mostly supportive influences, and success in their endeavours is quite possible. Students and those studying a “general” topic, can have a more stressful period.

Also, travelling during this period is not advisable, so avoid it, whenever this is possible. Those working in transportations or similar kinds of jobs may face some extra stress. Nonetheless, overall, this period is going to be as good for you as you make it.

Astrology and Magic of the Full Moon:

Philtres, potions, perfumes, oils, charms and karma cleansing are strong during the period. Even more more so than the previous period.

That’s all. Have fun and make the best of this Full Moon and Waning Moon period!

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