October’s Energy Calendar

October's Energy Calendar

October is always an energy turbulent month especially if you are sensitive to energy changes. This month we are experiencing the veil thinning, and whether you live in the Northern Hemisphere, or the Southern Hemisphere, these energy changes as the veil thins will have an effect on you. Not everyone will experience drastic energy changes, but those who are sensitive need to remember to stay centered and grounded throughout October, especially in the latter half of the month. Let’s Move on with October’s Energy Calendar!

The Names for the Moon in October are:
* Colonial American – The Hunter’s Moon
* Cherokee Native American – The Harvest Moon
* Choctaw Native American – The Blackberry Moon
* Sioux Native American – The Moon when the Quilting and Beading is Done
* Celtic – The Harvest Moon
* English – The Blood Moon
* New -Pagan – The Blood Moon

October’s Energy Calendar

* 1st October:
– The Moon enters Cancer at 19:00
* 2nd October:
– The Last Quarter of the Moon at 10:41
* 3rd October:
– The Moon enters Leo at 22:12
* 5th October:
– Venus Enters Retrograde at 15:07
* 6th October:
– The Moon enters Virgo at 00:19
* 8th October:
– The Moon enters Libra at 02:09
– Draconids Meteor Shower
* 9th October:
– The New Moon in Libra at 04:46
* 10th October:
-The Moon enters Scorpio at 05:09
* 12th October:
– The Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:52
* 14th October:
– The Moon enters Capricorn at 20:16
* 16th October:
– The First Quarter of the Moon at 08:35
* 17th October:
– The Moon eneters Aquarius at 08:35
* 19th October:
– The Moon enters Pisces at 21:20
* 21st October:
– Orionids Meteor Shower
* 22nd October:
– The Moon enters Aries at 07:58
– Orionids Meteor Shower
– The Month of the Raven Ends
– The Month of Libra Ends
* 23rd October:
– The Month of the Snake Begins
– The Month of Scorpio Begins
* 24th October
– The Moon enters Taurus at 15:33
– The Full Moon in Taurus at 17:53
* 26th October:
– The Moon enters Gemini at 20:40
* 28th October:
– The Moon enters Cancer at 23:36
– Mercury enters Rx Zone at 20:52
– The Month of the Wolf Begins
– The Month of Reed Begins
* 31st October:
– The Moon enters Leo at 02:41
Samhain (Northern Hemisphere)
– Beltane (Southern Hemisphere)

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All time on this post are in UTC and you can convert this into your own time zone by using www.timeanddate.com

*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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