Daily Predictions for Friday 2 November 2018

Daily Predictions for Friday 2 November 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Leo squares Jupiter in Scorpio and forms a hexagon with the Retrograde Venus in Libra. Then from Virgo it squares Mercury in Sagittarius and it forms a triangle with the Retrograde Uranus in Taurus and another with Saturn in Capricorn and, also, it forms a hexagon with the Sun in Scorpio.

So, this is a day with a lot of energies co-working. Not all the times in an harmonious way, but overall most of the energies and the synergies are beneficial. Also, since both the negative aspects happen relatively early, the second half of the day will be better than the first half.

Taurus, Capricorn and Libra will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Sagittarius will be the one receiving the most stress. As there are too many energies in the day and many, if not most, won’t manifest for each individual, I’ll only point out the areas that need the most attention. So, please keep in mind that in most other aspects the day will be at least, good enough.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Love and sex life may need a little more patience. Work, and especially trade, will probably be the field that receives the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Your spouse or love need more of your understanding. Flexibility and diplomacy can help you a lot. This will affect mostly the relatively fresh relationships and those in progress of forming one.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Work can be a bit tiresome. Also, your relationship with your spouse is what needs the most attention. In some cases, though, it’s the parental couple that will be facing the problematic situations.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Work can become quite stressful and tiresome, too. There may be many obligations, as well as many mistakes that can force you repeat again and again the same tasks. Jobs based on communications or transportations will be the most stressful ones.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Avoid unnecessary orders and purchases, even when they look like they are a very good deal. If you need something, if possible, order it, or buy it, with a better judging mind, or after a better research.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Intuition is not very reliable, today. Also your family can stress you, in most cases unnecessarily so. Also, land lines, internet cables and the like can malfunction a bit.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

It’s quite easy to misunderstand what people are saying, or mean with whatever they are saying. Even more so, you tend to focus more on negative, or discouraging opinions. Try to alter your focus.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Trade, and especially the one of services rather than actual goods, can face some problems and difficulties. Also computers and other high-tech equipment can malfunction.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work, and especially for those running their own business, and for those seeking for a new job, can become quite stressful today. Occasionally, discouraging, too. Do remember that as the day goes on things are getting better.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Friends who live elsewhere, or with whom you haven’t been in contact for some time now can stress you. In some cases the very same event of their reappearance will be what will cause you this stress.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Business partners and, in some cases, colleagues can cause you some extra difficulties. Also, this is not the right day for buying high-tech equipment.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Work can become stressful in many different ways. Those running their businesses, alone or with partners, will be facing the most stress. Also, if you have any issues with the law, they may stress you a bit, too.

Astrology and Magic:

Banishing bad luck and negativity are strong today. Especially negative energies and karma from your love life.

That’s all. Have fun, enjoy your day!

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