Daily Predictions for Thursday 15 November 2018

Daily Predictions for Thursday 15 November 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Aquarius squares the Sun in Scorpio and trines the barely retrograde Venus in Libra.

Also, today Mars from Aquarius forms an accurate hexagon with the Retrograde Uranus in Aries. Then Mars changes its sign and enters Pisces. And last but not least, late in the day the Retrograde Venus stands still in the sky, in order to turn back into its direct motion.

So, this isn’t a really bad day, but it’s not a really lucky one, either.

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Libra and probably Aquarius and Gemini will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Scorpio and probably Cancer and Pisces will be the ones facing the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

In jobs and projects where co-working with others is a major factor can proceed have a good progress. In many cases, “good” doesn’t mean “a lot of”, as the influences affect quality over quantity. Your high-tech equipment and your internet activities may need some more attention, today.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is a mostly good day for work and career matters. Business partners and bosses can become a bit pressing, or unreliable, though. If your life partner is this business partner or boss, then you’ll probably feel this influence more intensively.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Work can become a little stressful. If you need to travel for work related reasons, even more so. Other than that, though it’s a mostly pleasant day. Your kids, or your other half can make your day even brighter.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Family can be either supportive or in need of your support. In both cases, this can help your relationships with them to become even stronger. On the other hand, people from whom you expect to receive joy, including sex and love partners can be not as enjoyable as you would prefer.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Co-workers, partners, and probably friends work with you quite harmoniously. There may be some difficulties, and probably you’ll need more time than you would expect to achieve what you are trying to achieve, but over all it’s a pleasant and productive experience.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Work receives mostly beneficial influences. Money receives similar influences, too. Nonetheless, your day can become a bit tiresome. Also, try to have a flexible schedule as the events and situations don’t seem very willing to follow your original plans.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

This is a mostly good and mostly happy day. Love life can be quite pleasant. Especially for those who need some kind of pause or rest in this aspect of their lives. Money, on the other hand, can be a little unlucky today. In most cases nothing major, though.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

There is a tendency to see things negatively today. Or, at least, more pessimistically than you should. Try to avoid that. The most important people in your life can help you see a brighter side and maybe even inspire your progress.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Trade of goods and services receives quite beneficial influences. Restocking, organising your inventory, methods and priorities and similar activities receive the astrological support even more strongly. On the negative side, your intuition is a bit unreliable and people can more easily than usual discourage you. Don’t let that happen.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

This is quite a good day both for career and money matter. The latter needs some attention, though, as unexpected expenses can rise. Computers, smartphones and the likes of those can become the cause of such expenses.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

This is quite a good and promising day. What needs some attention is career, which can be a bit difficult and it can feel unlucky. Consider the possibility, though, that the obstacles are happening for your best, instead. Studies, as well as mental and spiritual kind of careers will have it easier, though.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Both your spiritual and your magical powers work very well today. Energy and spiritual healing, even more so, whether you are the healer or the one receiving the healing. There is a tendency to think of negative scenarios, though. Do your best to keep a positive outlook.

Astrology and Magic:

This is a difficult day for magic. In general, gentle methods work better than intense ones, unless you know very well what you are doing.

That’s all. Have fun, enjoy your day!

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