November’s Energy Calendar

November's Energy Calendar

We have been through quite year this year, and we start off November’s Energy Calendar with the same remembrance of our ancestors as well as those who have given their lives to ensure our safety. We end the month in a sense of gratitude and thanks (especially in the US), but November is the time when we look back over the previous months, release what hasn’t worked and prepare for the darker months of the year. Preparation was everything to our ancestors, and while we may not have to harvest, hunt and store like our ancestors that doesn’t mean we can’t enter into the spirit of thanks and gratitude for what we have gained over the last year.

The Names of the Moon in November

• Colonial American – The Beaver Moon
• Cherokee Native American – The Trading Moon
• Choctaw Native American – The Sassafras Moon
• Sioux Native American – The Moon when Horns are Broken
• Celtic – The Dark Moon
• English – The Snow Moon
• Neo-Pagan – The Long Night Moon

November’s Energy Calendar:

• 1st November
– Beltane Ends – Southern Hemisphere
– Dias de la Muertos (Mexico)
– Samhain Ends – Northern Hemisphere
• 2nd November
– The Moon enters Virgo at 05:57
• 4th November
– The Moon enters Libra at 09:00
• 6th November
– The Moon enters Scorpio at 13:02
• 7th November
– The New Moon in Scorpio at 16:01
• 8th November
– The Moon enters Sagittarius at 18:59
• 11th November
– The Moon enters Capricorn at 03:54
• 12th November
– Mercury enters Retrograde at 20:27
• 13th November
– The Moon enters Aquarius at 15:54
• 15th November
– The First Quarter of the Moon at 14:54
• 16th November
– The Moon enters Pisces at 04:41
– Venus Goes Direct at 05:45
• 18th November
– The Moon enters Aries at 15:55
• 20th November
– The Moon enters Taurus at 23:32
• 21st November
– The Month of Scorpio Ends
• 22nd November
– The Month of Sagittarius Begins
– The Month of the Snake Ends (Native American)
• 23rd November
– The Moon enters Gemini 04:10
– The Full Moon in Gemini at 05:39
– The Month of the Owl Begins (Native American)
• 24th November
– Neptune Goes Direct at 17:43
– The Month of the Wolf Ends (Celtic Animal)
– The Month of Reed Ends (Celtic Tree)
• 25th November
– The Moon enters Cancer at 06:37
– The Month of the Hawk Begins (Celtic Animal)
– The Month of Elder Begins (Celtic Animal)
• 27th November
– The Moon enters Leo at 08:34
• 29th November
– The Moon enters Virgo at 11:07
• 30th November
– The Last Quarter of the Moon

All times in the November’s Energy Calendar are in UTC and you can find a conversion chart here at

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*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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