Predictions for the New Moon in Sagittarius – Friday 7 December 2018

Predictions for the New Moon in Sagittarius – Friday 7 December 2018

General Predictions for the New Moon:

On the 7th of December 2018, at 7:20 the Moon meets the Sun in Sagittarius, forming the New Moon.

Mars, Neptune and Pluto:

This is a stressful New Moon, as it squares both Mars and Neptune. Health, both physical and emotional may need some attention. Accidents can also happen, so be extra careful. Especially if you are involved with dangerous activities and sports and when around water, metal and fire. Stress, anxiety and, usually misleading, impulsiveness will also be present. The good news, though, is that this isn’t a growing aspect, but a declining one, instead. It won’t completely cease to act until the Full Moon of the 22nd of December, but it loses power by the day, and especially after the 16th.

Moreover, because Mars and Neptune are in conjunction – accurately so during the day of the New Moon – and this conjunction will be active until the day after the Full Moon, as the power of the inauspicious aspects declines, the blessings of this conjunction will be more vivid. An inspiration and motivation, usually coming from within, will be present, and we’ll be willing to act upon it. Even more importantly, we’ll be able to resist against, and overcome, any discouragement coming either from people around us, or from the events and situations.

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Mars is also in hexagon with Pluto. Neptune, too, but, we’ve talked about this in previous articles, including the Predictions for the Full Moon in Gemini – November 23. The accurate hexagon between Mars and Pluto takes place on the 17th of the month, but it has already been active since the beginning of the month and it will remain so until the 2nd of January. Amongst else, this hexagon will empower all magic, and especially the magic of Fire, Earth, philtres, potions, perfumes, oils and charms. It can also help us achieve better connection and communication with other planes.

Also, for those receiving a pharmaceutical treatment, the results will become better. In times, unexpectedly so. In the same time, though, side effects may appear when Mars, Pluto, or both are stressed by the Moon. Overall, though, the results will be beneficial. Drug, alcohol, or other substance’s abuse, though, may also take place. If you know you have such a weakness, be extra careful.

Also, this hyperactivity of Pluto – as you probably have already guessed, after a year of a usually hyperactive Pluto – can cause our emotional and mental problems to act up, including stress and depression. Since Pluto is mostly auspiciously active, it’s unlikely for those who don’t have a previous experience with such issues to experience this side-effect, other than when Pluto is stressed by the Moon.

Mercury and Chiron:

Mercury has turned into direct motion in Scorpio and it’s going to return in Sagittarius on the 12th of the month. Now that Mercury is direct, and until it returns to Sagittarius, it’s time to decide what we want to achieve and how. It is a good period to reinforce our relationship with ourselves. Forgiveness should have happened during the retrograde period. If not, though, do it now. But, more than that, focus on supporting, loving, respecting and understanding yourself.

This need is even more crucial as Mercury is in triangle with Chiron. The accurate triangle will happen on the 9th of the month, but it will be active until the 20th of the month. Incidently, on the9th of the month, Chiron turns into direct motion.

Also, on Yule, just a day before the Full Moon, Mercury will accurately conjunct Jupiter again. As we’ve seen, this aspect is already active since the previous month, and will remain active until the 30th of December. Now, though, that Mercury is in direct motion, it is a much more promising aspect. Our social life becomes more active – especially after the 12th of the month – and new people are coming in our lives. In some cases, too many of them, but, the important thing is that, amongst these new people, some will be very interesting and supporting, depending on what we are seeking.

Venus and Saturn:

Venus is in a hexagon with Saturn. This aspect will be accurate on the 16th of the month, but it’s already active in the day of the New Moon and will remain so until the 29th of December. This beautiful hexagon supports us in many ways. First of all, Saturn is in a relatively good mood, and this is always a good start. It means less problems, less difficulties and, most importantly, we feel more confident – realistically so – we can deal with whatever comes our way.

Health is supported by this hexagon. Beautification, too. Especially the anti-ageing kind of it. Also, if this is what you prefer, strengthening the attractiveness and seductiveness of maturity. For the same reason, love life becomes stronger. Existing relationships can strengthen their bond and their stability. Problems can be solved. Keep in mind, though, that Saturn is quite unforgiving to really unhealthy situations. Therefore, a purely problematic relationship can end. Unpleasant as this may be, it is, in fact, a solution. Also, relationships with a considerable age difference will enjoy this beneficial aspect even more intensively.

As Mercury expands our social circle, singles can also get lucky because of the Venus-Saturn hexagon. A relationship formed under this astrological aspect is, most likely, one that will last for long. When, on the 16th, Mars, and then, on the 19th Pluto, too, will enter the game, sexual attractiveness will become much stronger. Even more, sexual attractiveness can become the root of a strong and lasting relationship. Also, for existing relationships, your bed can become more adventurous and interesting.

The Sun:

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning a few more things about the Sun. From the 12th of December onwards it will be in a triangle with the only retrograde planet, Uranus in Aries. By then, even Chiron will be in direct motion. The accurate triangle will happen on the 19th of the month and it will be active until the 29th of December. Whatever changes we are trying to achieve receive luck and support. Even more so when we are trying to change something back to a previous condition.

Also, on the 21st of the month, at 22:23 UT the Sun enters Capricorn signifying Yule and the beginning of a New Magical Year. This day is very important for a few more reasons, too. Since that day Sun will be in conjunction with Saturn, a conjunction that will last until the 13th of January. Also, Yule will be the eve of the Full Moon, which will make it an even more powerful, magically speaking. And finally, it’s the eve of the beginning of the Ecliptic Period.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Stressful thinking comes along with the New Moon, but this will decline as the days go on and a more optimistic outlook is growing from within and radiates from you. Studies, arts and jobs of the mind will be affected in a similar way, but there, achievement and productivity will be present, regardless the stress, and from the 12th onwards things will be much brighter.

Also, career receives some additional beneficial influences. Careers related to the arts, health, chemistry and the like will enjoy this support even more intensively. Whatever your job is, though, and whatever business you are running, or trying to start, expect some positive developments. Even more, the successes you achieve during this period will support you in the future, for a long time.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Your self-confidence and your enthusiasm can be too strong and too weak alternatively the days near the New Moon, but as the time passes the downs appear less often and they don’t affect you as much, while the ups are more permanent and steady. This will help you achieve quite a lot during this period, as long as you act upon this motivation coming from within. Studies, the arts, and jobs of the mind receive some extra support. Therefore, even more successes are to expected, there.

Your sexual energy is strong. This is what keeps you brilliant and confident. It also makes you seductive and helps you to summon around you sexually interesting people. And people who are sexually interesting in you, of course. A sexual relationship can become a really good and meaningful relationship. In the same way, an existing relationship can become stronger and better with means of sex. Trying new things can also become interesting and pleasant.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Work can become a little stressful near the days of the New Moon. Bosses, business partners and the like can become overly demanding. But this stress declines by the day and a productive balance comes in your work environment. Those going through exams, or interviews may feel the stress even more intensively, but, once again, expect good results. In fact, work, in all its aspects, is the main focus of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, and in a beneficial and supportive way. Doctors and therapists of any kind will enjoy this blessing even more intensively.

Also, health and healing receives much support. Both physical and psychological health can have pleasant developments. Also, if you want to learn a healing technique, or advance in one you already practice, this is a good period to do that.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Work seems to be a bit stressful the days close to the New Moon. Performing arts and works that require bodily activity, even more so. Travelling can also be somewhat stressful. If possible, avoid it until the 15th. These stressful aspects, though, are losing power day by day while the support work receives is getting much stronger. Even more so, from the 12th onwards.

Also, love life receives very supportive influences. Singles seeking for a relationship should make the most of this period. Especially so if you are looking for a much younger, or much older partner. Those in a relationship can make it stronger and healthier. In the latter case, sex should not be your first priority. It will come naturally, though. In fact, it can become much more playful and interesting.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Love, sex and whatever makes your life happy and fulfilling may not be as happy and bright as you expect it to be the days near the New Moon. I don’t expect it to be really bad, though. Even more importantly, day by day this stressful aspect loses power and in its place a supportive influence grows. So, overall, this is a good period for love life, sex life and whatever makes your happy.

Family can also play an important role in your life this period, and it will be a mostly pleasant one. At least a harmonious one. Also, health issues in the family will have a pleasant development. Taking care of your home, redecorating it, renovating it and similar activities, are all auspicious, too. Finally, work receives some support. You won’t feel it like a powerful push, but it is a support, nonetheless.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Balance and harmony are the key words for this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. They are most likely the qualities you’ll be missing the first days of the New Moon, though. Family, your spouse, and probably your business partners will play a role to it. Nonetheless, things are getting better by the day. Maybe these unpleasant situations were necessary to motivate you to establish a better environment around you. Conversations will help you, so don’t be afraid of expressing your needs and opinions.

Your social circle, and especially the people you hold dear, will give you many reasons to be happy. Friends and lovers will enjoy being with you. Also, there is the potency to expand your social circle. In most cases, this won’t be a major event, as the quantity of the people you meet won’t be that great, but the quality will be so.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Work can become quite stressful the days near the New Moon. It can also become chaotically busy or very much the opposite. Whatever the case, though, things are getting better by the day. In fact, this period is beneficial work wise and money wise. Trade, and especially trade of goods, receive the best influences. Also, jobs based on communication, transportation and the equipment of those, will enjoy these blessings.

Work-wise and not-work-wise this is going to be a somewhat hectic period. You always have much to do and not enough time to do them. Overall, though, you are achieving much, too, and so, this is a good thing. Try to prioritise what is the most important for you, and your achievements will be more meaningful and more fulfilling.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Money matters can become quite stressful the days near the New Moon. If you are expecting some money, don’t make haste to spend them before receiving it. You’ll, most probably, receive it, but better safe than sorry. In any case, overall, this period is beneficial for money matters. Pure luck may not be in your side, but the more you do your best, the more lucky you will be. Trade of all kinds receives even better influences.

Also, this is a good period to start something new. Finding a new job, starting a new course, establishing a new business and everything else, are all receive support. So, be courageous and daring, but also wise cautious and you’ll achieve the best results.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

This is quite an important period for you. The New Moon, most probably, brings some stress to you for almost every aspect of your life. In some cases it’s the family that stresses you and then you reflect this stress at the other aspects of your life. Whatever the case, though, this won’t last long. As the days go by, this imbalance gives its place to a productive and pleasant balance. Therefore, especially after the 12th of the month, good luck will be following everything you are trying to do.

Money matters also receive beneficial influences. There, you may need to try a little more. Be conservative with your expenses, but not stingy. Also, it’s a good period to come up with new ways to earn more money, either from the same job you are already working at, or by finding a new source of income.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

You are probably too sensitive to whatever people think and say. Even more importantly, more often than not, you interpret those in a more negative way that they were intended. Or, at least, you let them to affect you more negatively than you should. This, effect, though, won’t last for long. You’ll continue paying much attention to your close people, but you’ll find them being more supportive and inspiring, rather than discouraging. Also, your intuition and dreams are becoming more vivid and important.

Trade of all kinds receives beneficial influences. If you are starting a business on the field, or you want to expand the one you are already running, this is a good period. Also, if you want to buy new phones, computers or other high-tech gadgets, either for work, or for personal enjoyment, this is the right period to do that.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Trade, and especially trade of services, receives the main focus of this New Moon and the waxing Moon period. Things can be a little chaotic at the beginning, but they are getting better as the days pass. If you are the client, unless it’s something you need right now, it would be wiser to wait until after the 12th of the month, when the stars will be more auspicious.

Even if you are not in the business of trade, your career receives supportive influences. It’s also a good period to decide on changes in your rout, or actually make them. Finally, your social life seems active and mostly pleasantly so. Expanding your social circle is also possible. In fact, very much so.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

All business and career matters receive the energies of this New Moon and the waxing Moon period. The first days can become a bit stressful, but then on successes will be more common than stress. If you deal well with this unsettling first period, later on it will seem like these successes are coming on their own. Starting a new career, a new job as well as achieving a promotion, or a significant improvement in your current job, all are possible and all receive supporting influences.

Also, travelling, and especially travelling abroad seems very auspicious, whether it is for personal or for professional reasons. Whatever has to do with people from other countries, too. Meeting interesting and helpful such people is quite possible.

Astrology and Magic:

Summoning people in your life, by quality, is quite strong during this period. Also, good luck and money magic is strong. Meditations and hypnotic techniques are very capable and effective, too.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and the waxing Moon period!


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