Predictions for the New Week, December 03 – 09, 2018

Predictions for the New Week, December 03 - 09, 2018

General Predictions for the New Week: Such a powerful week with such good vibes have just begun! Although things start a bit difficult, it will gradually become better and all zodiac signs will be able to breathe again. Mercury stops his retrograde course on December 6th. So there you are. A difficult start with such a lovely ending. 

Venus Opposite Uranus – Changes, so many changes

The fact that Venus who rules over emotions including sensuality and material comfort is right opposite to Uranus, the planet of Changes, brings us to the edge of emotional breakdown. It feels like we’ve got so much to share and we are unable to express them in the right way. Therefore this is usually manifested as we burst out the things we hide inside. As you can understand this rarely goes well…

Mercury is Retrograde now in Scorpio (until December 06 2018)

A new Week is about to begin with a very interesting change of hearts, or maybe we should say ‘change of focus’. This playful planet is making us change our focus – again – towards our most intimate and personal thoughts and feelings. 

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Mars entered Pisces & now Squares the Sun!

This is not a place for Mars as the sensitive energies of Pisces don’t really suit the fiery passion of the Red Planet. This new position along with the square with the Sun, creates emotional havoc unless we find a way to direct his overwhelming energy in the right way possible. Creativity is compromised. 

Jupiter in Sagittarius – thus beginning a new year of amazing opportunities for all!

The king of Gods, Jupiter is at his home. Therefore he feels so great about it that he blesses everyone and everything under his dominion. We are all blessed by this effect, although Sagittarius and the rest fire signs, Leo and Aries will receive more of his good magic! To learn how Jupiter in Sagittarius is going to affect you click here!

Retrograde Uranus in Aries

In fact, Uranus, after a short stay at Taurus, he returned to Aries for few more months. What has already occurred from April till November 2018, is going to soon be repeated. In fact, Uranus, just wants to make sure, that Fire signs, have learned their lessons, and made room for the benevolent influence of Jupiter! 

Predictions for the new Week – Aries:

The fact that your mighty governor is in a pretty emotional zodiac sign, messes with your head and your heart. All this power you hide inside is not expressed in a right way and this causes many troubles regarding your physical and mental health. Anxiety kicks in and your vitality is drained because it’s misused towards unworthy goals or probably drained by parasitic energies. Let go of toxic people and circumstances!   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Taurus:

Your magnificent governor is now under pressure. Venus who is still in Libra (but not for long) receives a very tough influence from the planet of changes therefore your comfort might be compromised as well as your emotional and professional security. Why is that actually? Something in your everyday life you believe is ‘innocent’ actually messes with your energy capacity. There is still time to change it. This week, set yourself free!  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Gemini:

Your Governor’s backwards move caused you so much frustration the past month, that you actually want to take things slowly although it feels that you don’t have enough time left. Well my dear, this is just an illusion which you actually need to dispel. Therefore, put yourself together and meditate on what is happening. Learn to breathe and extend the time in you. Time is limitless. Breathe and let go. Now, what is happening in your everyday life may actually be the problem that keeps you trapped. See the truth. Embrace the fact and alter reality with your visualisation.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Cancer:

You are amongst the ones who are most favoured in this new week and this is because all this planetary turbulence does not affect you – at least not as much as it affects all the other zodiac signs. Actually, this is a very good time to make up your mind and complete your goals, setting a new stable base for your life.  Therefore, be strong and be ready to take decisions which will change your life forever. This is a very good week for you.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Leo:

This is not a very easy week, at least not the way it begins. Your creativity and your inner power is compromised due to the fact that you don’t use it in a balanced way. I’m guessing there is an emotional block that messes with the circulation of your Vital Energy. What keeps you behind my dear? This week is great to break the emotional chains of the past and set yourself free. Don’t forget that with Jupiter in your 5th solar house.  Need more convincing? Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Virgo:

Your governor may made your life a bit miserable the past few weeks but now is helping you catch your breath. Although he is still walking backwards, his new position is more favourable. So this a week which prolongs the frustration but at the same time it gives you signs to make sure you know that you are on the right path and soon everything will become much better. Your friends are here to help you although they might also be responsible for some emotional pain. Move past the misunderstandings that might occur.   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Aphrodite and her worshippers

Predictions for the new Week – Libra:

Your governor’s direct motion along with her new position in your Zodiac Sign could certainly be a cause for celebration if it wasn’t so brutally pressed by Uranus. Therefore, expect changes in your everyday life and almost all parts of your life. By learning how to express your emotions you actually free yourself and get empowered with self-confidence. However this won’t last much. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Scorpio:

The good news in that Mars, your mighty governor has passed in a friendly sign to you. Through this position it will empower you towards a more confident and focused approach regarding your wishes. However, there new week begins by pressing your vital energy. You feel drained, you cannot focus probably because your body doesn’t seem to obey what your mind demands. Probably after Wednesday things are going to be much better.  To help you more, you can try Your Daily Tarot Card.

Predictions for the new Week – Sagittarius:

You are amongst the signs who don’t seem to get wet from this planetary storm. However, due to Mars’s new position you should probably look after your family and your home. It feels that there are so many things you should do in order to bring balance once again. You’ve probably have neglected your responsibilities and people seem to demand more from you. Well, your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Capricorn:

Due to the new position of Jupiter, you’ve already begun healing your soul and your past. This can sometimes get ugly you know, however good luck is by your side, illuminating your way towards total success. Moreover, Mercury’s backwards move to Scorpio wants to remind you that there are still some things you need to do regarding your friends and your social circles. There are still many opportunities awaiting for you.   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Aquarius:

Your governor is in the mood for fight and not peace. However, you can ‘trick’ him into turning this large amounts of energy into a more creative direction. Therefore, empower yourself with the energy of your governor and proceed by healing your emotions while trying to find more quality time for yourself in this week. Do more things that make you smile. You deserve it, and the more you show it to yourself, the better for all your goals.   More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Predictions for the new Week – Pisces:

Lately you feel like there is something inside you that just cannot let you rest. You’ve been awakened and this awakening rarely comes easy. Mars, the planet of energy is in your sign and unfortunately not receives a rather unfortunate influence. Therefore, although you got the power you’ve wanted, you don’t seem able to use it creatively. Maybe physical exercise can help you dispel the excessive energy and balance your inner world. Whatever you do, remember that this week, is a very good chance to set new long-term goals and find ways to successfully reach them!  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Astrology and Magic:

Changing your love karma receives much support this week. The same goes for your appearance although you need to proceed with caution. 

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your week!

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