5 Lucky Symbols to Transform your Life

5 Lucky Symbols to Transform your Life

In Magical Recipes Online, we’ve always tried to reveal you all the secrets of the witches, without having to go through creepy sects and inconvenient covens. Truth is that Witchcraft requires many years to practice and master. However, there are many simple things, a Witch can do, in order to transform his/her life. Remember, most of the Secrets of Witchcraft, are simple rules of sympathetic magic. Hence, this lucky symbols, symbolise cosmic balance and act as open gates through which, Good Luck and divine energies pass to us. 

We’ve chosen the following symbols because of their intense yet balanced energy which passively transform our lives. But before we continue…

What’s Good Luck?

Good Luck is a series of events which bring us greater enlightenment. Moreover, Good Luck helps us skip the hardest parts our karma has planned. Good Luck is the good teacher, who tries to uplift our spirit without much effort and pain. That’s good luck! So, let’s go back to our symbols. 

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1. The Lotus Flower

Sacred to Ancient Egypt, Ancient and Modern India, Hinduism, Tao and Buddhism this amazing flower is amongst the favourite symbols of Witches. Let’s see why. First of all, the root of this flower lies in the darkest deeps of muddy swamps. However, the root springs and rises to the surface where it blooms greeting the rays of the sun with a wondrous scent.

Hence, Lotus flower, symbolises that even in the darkest hours of our lives, we can pass through misty darkness and rise to the light and success. Furthermore, it gives us stamina to endure all problems until we are free from all the troubles. Remember that Lotus flower is also a hand-gesture, which you can use daily. It’s called the Lotus Mudra. Check it out!

2. The Scarab

This symbol comes from god Khefrawhose name actually means “to come into existence”. This god was considered as an aspect of the God of the Sun, Ra along with the Solar Disk and the Ram. Egyptians believed that scarabs come from the dead, from the underworld or that they are consisted from Underworld’s matter.

Hence, Scarab is the personification of Sun’s victory over darkness. Moreover, they were considered the most blessed beings as they help god Ra. Witches believe that a symbol of Scarab can protect and fortify our Good Luck and Health. 

3.The Acorn

Have you ever heard of the saying “great oaks from little acorns grow”? Well, it’s true. Acorns, are sacred to both Ancient Greeks and the Druids. They come from the most sacred tree, Oak which was dedicated to the king of the Gods, Zeus. Therefore, anything that comes from the oak is sacred, divine and magical!

Acorns are believed to keep our bodies and spirits strong and protected from physical and magical harm! This is why soldiers used to carry acorns with them, to be protected from Thunders and any kinds of hostile energies. Witches use it for Good Luck, Fertility, Potency, Abundance and Magical Protection.

4. The Red Bats

Red Bats are symbols of Good Luck and spiritual help in Asia. However, Red Bats are either presented solo, or coupled or five at the same time. Two bats or shuang fú means double luck.  Moreover, five bats – 五褔臨門 – represent the Five Fortunes of the Five Elements which are

  • Good Luck,
  • Abundance,
  • Fertility,
  • Honor,
  • Longevity.

5. The Wheel

Usually portrayed as the wheel with 8 rays, the wheel is a global and mystical symbol of growth and good luck. Remember, that the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ in every tarot Deck is actually a wheel! 

Although not exactly good luck personified, the Wheel of Becoming, helps us understand that all difficulties end at some point and our karma will help us overcome every single trouble. It also reminds us that a wise man/woman, knows that strength lies in his/herself and no external stimuli is stronger than true will.  

What symbol do you consider the Luckiest?

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