Full Moon in Virgo – February 19

Full Moon in Virgo – February 19

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Virgo:

On February 19 at 15:55 UT the Moon from Virgo accurately opposes the Sun in Pisces, forming the Full Moon. This is an active and dynamic Full Moon as it happens right after a (very short) void of course Moon period.

Nonetheless, as we are nearing the New Moon of the 6th of March, we may feel things getting slower and slower. This is because of Mercury slowing down to turn Retrograde on the 5th of March, 10 hours before the New Moon. Therefore, the Retrograde motion will affect the New Moon and the waxing Moon period more than the waning one, but we’ll encounter some premonitions of it during this waning Moon period, as well.

Chiron in Aries:

As we’ve seen in our Daily Predictions and our Weekly Predictions, on the 18th Chiron entered Aries, changing the lesson this strict teacher will be teaching us, for the next 9 years, until the April of 2027 when it will permanently exits Aries. Now, we need to wrap up our healing and move forward. Chiron encourages and motivates us to do that, but – do remember – Chiron is a strict teacher. The more we resist to its lessons, the more we refuse to comply with its demands, the more we’ll be seeing its bad face. Although this is a 9-years “course”, this first “semester”, until Mercury’s Retrograde motion starts, is one we should our best to work on it. This way, not only Chiron will be gentler to us, but also the retrograde period of Mercury will be easier.

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Venus is still very active. For now it’s in Capricorn, but it will be in Aquarius from the 1st of March onwards. On the 2nd of March it will be in a precise hexagon with Chiron, but this hexagon will be active from the 22nd of February, until the 11th of March. This makes the period very beneficial for healing our emotional wounds, and especially all the burden we carry from previous and current love relationships. This includes people we’ve fallen in love with but rejected us, as well, or that for whatever reason the relationship never came to pass.

For the singles searching for a new relationship and for those in a generally good and healthy relationship with some problems, taking the challenge right now is even more helpful as Venus forms two stressful aspects, during this period.

First: Venus opposes the North Node of the Moon. Accurately on the 25th of February, but the aspect is already active and it will remain active until the day of the New Moon. This affects our love karma. Releasing and healing the past burdens will make our future easier. On the other hand, if we try to turn the blind eye to the past, this aspect will be “yelling” these issues to us, all the time.

Second: Venus squares Uranus. Accurately so on the 1st of March (a few hours before Venus changes its zodiac), but the aspect will be active from the 20th of February until the 10th of March. Changing our emotional situations during this period will be difficult, if we are carrying a heavy load from the past. If we don’t, then this aspect will barely affect us. This is also a healing aspect, though. A stressfully and forcefully healing one, but a healing one, nonetheless. Therefore, if we choose to heal ourselves, it may even bless us with support and a pleasant change. That’s why singles searching a new relationship, those trying to get rid of an unhealthy relationship and those trying to save a healthy-with-problems relationship will be benefited the most by acting upon healing their past.

In the same time, though Venus forms some very nice aspects as well. It’s in conjunction with Saturn. This aspect was precise on the 18th of February, the eve of the Full Moon, but it will be active until the 28th of the month. Under this influence, finding a long lasting relationship, making an existing relationship stronger and steadier, or formalising it, in any way receive strong support. Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo and Taurus, in this order, as well as those having their Ascendant there will enjoy this aspect more than the rest, but all will enjoy it. Furthermore, healing of all forms gets stronger, health issues get better and artists can become more productive and more famous.

Also, Venus is in a conjunction with Pluto. This conjunction will be accurate on the 23rd of February but it’s already active and it will remain so until the 3rd of March. Those in a relationship can explore more each other and learn more for each other. Those seeking a relationship can have some good opportunities. Places and events you wouldn’t consider as possible sources of a potential lover can end up being such. Of course, the relationship may come from more “normal” paths, but it can end up being surprising, in a good way. Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer as well as Gemini will enjoy this aspect more than the rest, but, once again, all will enjoy it to some extent.

The same aspect also helps health issues, especially those under medication, those dealing with addictions and those having emotional issues. Arts become more creative. Also, philtres, potions, perfumes and charms can become more effective.

Usually we don’t recommend creating a love potion, perfume or charm during the waning Moon. It’s better if you use some that you’ve had created during the waxing Moon. But, in this particular case, I would suggest, better charge one now, than wait for the waxing Moon.

A word of caution:

As Pluto is hyperactive during this period, those having emotional issues and those having addiction issues and are not under some treatment and professional help, can see these issues act up. Therefore, do take proper care of yourselves.


Mercury is also very active during this period. It’s in hexagon with Venus. As we’ve seen in the New Moon’s article, this hexagon will never become accurate due to Mercury’s lowing down, but it will be active until the 9th of March. Between the 25th and the 1st it will be particularly strong. This can encourage new meetings and like-new meetings with interesting people, whether it’s for love or not. Internet, mails, computers and phones can play a significant role to the manifestation of this influence. It can also support creation of art, finding a manager, a sponsor or an advertiser and, also, it can make meditation and creative visualisation very effective and very healing.

On the day of the Full Moon Mercury precisely conjuncts Neptune and this aspect will be active until the 25th. We’ll see a second and a third such accurate conjunction when Mercury will be retrograde and after it turns direct, again. This aspect will clear our minds and improve our rational and intuitive thinking. It can also help our inspiration and creativity. It can also help us understand better our friends and lovers and connect with them in more ways, or better ways than we have already achieved.

Mercury is also in a hexagon with Saturn. This hexagon will be accurate on the 20th and it will remain active until the 1st of March. Of course we’ll see one more such hexagon during the retrograde motion and then the direct-again motion of Mercury, but this one is certainly the most auspicious. This boosts meditation, hypnosis and all similar methods a lot. It also helps us to actually do what we want to do, a trade very helpful as the slowing down Mercury can would make us more reluctant than usual, if this hexagon wasn’t active.

Mercury also forms a hexagon with Pluto, accurately so on the 23rd of February. This aspect is already active since the day of the Full Moon and will remain so until the 10th of April, due to Mercury’s retrograde motion. During this period whatever has to do with magical and non-magical perfumes, philtres, potions, charms and medications receive much support. Improving our health via vitamins and other health supplements, having a better response to our medication and things like those can happen. Also, our contact with other planes, and especially the Kingdom of Death can also be much stronger than usual. On the downside, this also means that thoughts of death and events that will awake such thoughts can also occur.

The most important stressful aspect Mercury will produce during this waning Moon period is its square to Jupiter. The square will be accurate on the 22nd of February and will remain active until the 20th of April. By then, Mercury will have returned to its direct motion, but Jupiter will be in retrograde motion. For this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, since most of the sky is auspicious and Jupiter is generous even in its stressful aspects, we won’t see the negative side of this aspect much. Some difficulties may raise in our efforts to expand, but that’s about that.

A season of fire:

Finally, an other important aspect of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period is the hexagon between the Sun and Mars. This aspect will be accurate on the 28th of February, but it’s already active and it will remain active until the 9th of March. This aspect improves our determination and provides some luck to the daring ones. Be careful though, because it can also make us too daring, and then, luck won’t support us. Instead, being too daring, hasty and careless (qualities that this aspect can also bestow upon us) can cause some accidents.

Magic wise, this aspect boosts Fire Magic very much so and provides good luck and fast results to it.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Work seems to be important during this period. Progress there is very much possible. Money follow a similar pattern, too, and there is some gambling luck, as well. Of course, as always, do remember the stars only improve your odds. They don’t secure your winning. Nonetheless, there may be some stress and self-doubt if you are in the procedure of taking some important decisions regarding your career. This is, of course, only natural, and overcoming this self-doubt can help you achieve even more. Psychotherapists and similar careers receive even more of these blessings.

It’s also a a good period to find out what your desires are, in fact. Even if you think you know, you may find out that they are not quite what you’ve thought they were.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

You have a tendency to think negatively and to get easily discouraged and distracted. Do your best to avoid these traps and the Full Moon and the waning Moon period will be mostly – if not only – beneficial to you. In fact, the sky is indeed mostly auspicious for almost every aspect of your life. On whatever you focus your attention and efforts during this period will progress nicely and, probably, more than you’d thought it would.

Studies, travelling and whatever has to do with the internet and technology receives even more support. It’s true Mercury slows down, but still it’s more auspicious for you to sign any important contracts and deals now rather than after Mercury turns retrograde.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Magic and spirituality are strong for all under the influences of this Full Moon and during the waning Moon period, but even more so for you. In the same time, all kinds of creative and artistic works receive much support. Spiritual and energy healers can see their powers raising, whether you are doing it for professional or personal reasons. Also, work receives mostly beneficial influences. It can become quite successful, too. At least, regarding whatever You want to achieve, even if this isn’t what other people expect from you.

Computers, smartphones and other high-tech gadgets can cause you some problems, though. If you need to replace them, do so after consideration and research and, preferably, from shops that have a good return policy.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Business meetings and your relationship with your business partners, superiors and colleagues can be a little stressful during this period. The same goes for whatever issues with the law you may have. If your life partner is also a business partner or a colleague, you may experience this aspect even more stressfully. Other than those, though, both work and love seem to be going on nicely.

Social life also receives much support. Strengthening your existing relationships, friendly or romantic ones, receives more help than expanding your social circle. The latter, though, is also possible, with some effort. Also, studies, teaching, preaching, and similar occupations can be more lucky than others.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work and whatever you consider as such – other than studying for actual student – receives much focus and much support from the stars. Studies, on the other hand, can become stressful and a change in your teachers, schools or course can happen, usually in an unsettling way. Back to work, successes of all kinds and improvements of all kinds can take place. Jobs related to health and beauty receive more support than the rest.

Physical health seems quite good. If you’ve been facing some problems there, they get better. Emotional health and well-being can be a bit more troublesome. Nonetheless, healing, there, is also strong and effective.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Sex life can need some more attention and can be less satisfactory than you’d like it to be. On the other hand, love receives very good influences, both for those in a relationship and for those seeking one. Your children’s love life, though, can stress you. In most cases, more than necessarily so. Travelling also receives very good influences and, especially because of the coming retrograde Mercury, if you need to travel, try to do it during this waning Moon.

Understanding anew what makes you happy and what keeps you back and restricts your happiness is possible to happen, under the influences of this Full Moon. Cleansing your life from whatever doesn’t suite you (any more) is advisable and it will happen to a degree, even if you try to avoid it. If you do try to avoid it, though, it may come in a more unpleasant way.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Although love life in general receives some very helpful energies, it can also become quite stressful. This is even more true for those in a marriage or a long-term relationship. If this comes to pass, don’t get discouraged. Take it as an opportunity to permanently solve issues and problems in your relationship, for this is exactly what this influence is all about.

Other than that, personal and family life seems happy. Health also receives very good and healing influences and overcoming problems there is possible. Also work seems to be quite good and productive. Traditional and alternative healers can have an even better period work wise than the rest.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life receives very beneficial influences during this period. Those in a relationship will enjoy this relationship more than they usually do. Those seeking a relationship will have opportunities to find a good one. Helping this influence to manifest, of course, will raise your odds even more. Going out, having fun and keeping a smile and a joyful attitude will help a lot. Friends and friendships also are important and they can improve and become more joyful.

Work, though, receives some support and some stress. It can become more busy in a tiresome rather than productive way. This doesn’t mean it can’t be productive, but it means that more effort will be necessary. Works of transportation and communication will experience this influence more intensively than the rest. Also, health needs some extra attention.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work seems to proceed nicely and, mostly, easily, during this period. Some delays may take place, but, nonetheless, things are getting done. Also, work can become quite prosperous, wherever this is applicable. Money, in general, receives good influence, too. In the same time, though, expenses can become more than usual. Mistakes, wastefulness and careless purchases are some of the causes of this. These ones you can control and you should do so. Some others, though, may be out of your hand. Nonetheless, in most cases, you won’t face any serious financial problems.

Also, health, both yours and of a family member improves. Jobs related to health and beauty also receive better influences than the rest. Finally, taking care of your home, cleaning it, redecorating it and even renovating it to some degree are all auspicious and they receive help.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

This is a mostly pleasant and auspicious Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. Anything and everything you focus your energies on will receive the stars’ support and good luck. Love and social life, in particular, receive much such support and good luck. Finding a new love or some new friends is rather possible and, if this come to pass, these new relationships, friendly or otherwise, will be good ones. Work also receives a gentle push. If you focus on it, though, this gentle push can become a strong, beneficial force.

Family can cause some stress, though. It can also distract you from whatever you want to achieve and, in some cases, even discourage you, or actually set some obstacles in your path. This majorly depends on your relationship with them, of course. Also, problems in your relationship with family members can become a little more apparent.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Mercury hasn’t yet turned retrograde, but, for you, miscommunications and misunderstandings, especially with your friends and clients can happen. Some distance, literally or metaphorically, can also come in your relationships – not the romantic ones, though. In the rare case that some friendship breaks up, take it as a good omen, even if it depresses you. This friendship wasn’t healthy, for otherwise it would end up being a better one, after this testing.

Other than those, though, most things are proceeding nicely and peacefully. More or less as you expect them to proceed. Family can play a significant role for you during this period. In most cases a beneficial one, though. Your relationship with them can improve and they may support you and encourage you, even unexpectedly so.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

This is a very good period for all social matters. Socialisation, both for personal reasons and for professional ones can be not only pleasant, but successful as well. New clients, new partners, new sponsors and new friends can appear. In some cases, new potential lovers as well. Also, trade of all kinds receives much support and good luck. Those in the business of advertising will also have a very productive and lucky period. In the same time, if you need to advertise, this is a good period to do so.

Money wise, this period needs some attention. Avoid any unnecessary expenses. Computers and other high-tech gadgets can malfunction and they may need some repair or change. If so, do it under careful consideration and from places that have a good return policy.

Astrology and Magic:

All kinds of magic are strong during this period. Especially so perfumes, philtres, potions, charms, meditation and fire magic.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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