Predictions for the New Week, March 04 – 10, 2019

Predictions for the New Week, March 04 - 10, 2019

General Predictions for the New Week: The new week is here and there are so many things going on right now. It feels that the Planets are changing vibes so rapidly, as if they try to help us never get bored again. From this day on and for the whole month Mercury is retrograde. Moreover, Uranus enters Taurus affecting all signs of the same Cross (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). But we are going to see all these in a separate article too! 

Sun conjunct Neptune

This week seems impossible to ground ourselves as if we are living in a dream or sometimes a nightmare. Moreover, reality fades away as multiple possibilities and worlds are revealed to us. What are you going to do with so much power?

Mars in Taurus

The new position of mighty Mars helps the Earth Signs pass through the obstacles of their everyday life. In fact all this fiery energy, activates their inner passion and their will to evolve. Moreover, it changes our focus towards a more materialistic point of view, taking further care of our health, our habits and our material belongings. However, dues to the rather harsh effect of the Red Planet, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius should definitely learn how to handle so much power. 

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Chiron leaves Pisces, enters Aries

The most energy-sensitive of us may have a feeling that something changes, or has changed. This is actually true. For about nine years now, Chiron was in Pisces examining and re-examining our deepest fears, regrets, sorrows and other wounds, since our born. (Well, unless you are over 100 years old.) Now, from Aries and until 2027 it will encourage us to move forward, heal these wounds quickly and permanently and, even, if this is what we need, to regenerate ourselves. Even if we don’t feel this change right away, we’ll see it happening in the next nine years. So, yes, something is changing. And because this subtle yet significant change happens in “the same time” with a more intense one, Sun’s change of signs, we may realise it right away.

Predictions for the new Week – Aries:

The week begins with retrograde Mercury messing with your heart. Your deepest fears and things you thought were long gone, find a way to crawl back to your consciousness. What is going on is in fact a rejuvenation process of your psychic abilities. One must pass this test to open to greatness. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Taurus:

This is a unique week for you Taurus, one that starts brand new era in your life. You see, Uranus, the planet of changes is entering your Zodiac Sign as we speak so you better be prepared. What the planet of changes wants to give you, it the ability to be free from the past and material attachments or toxic relationships. Uranus will give you the power to make all changes possible.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Gemini:

The week begins with many advances in your life. For starters, your Governor’s retrograde course is about to begin thus affecting your whole life – especially the part of your Career and your professional relationships. However, things don’t necessarily have to be bad. In the next days you will also feel something completely new. Uranus is also changing Zodiac Sign, thus affecting your soul,  to find inner peace. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Cancer:

The energy of the new week is focused on letting go. Of what? Well, of all the challenging situations that were caused by the influence of Uranus in the part of your horoscope affecting your Career and your professional relations. These changes now will affect your social circle but his influence feels so much smoother. So finally, your career can get back on track.   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Leo:

The New week feels so much different. Everything changes again for you dear Leo as the heavy effect of Uranus the planet of changes, is now entering the part of your life having to do with career and your professional relations. So from now you, you need to be more alert, anticipating the upcoming changes and opportunities which can really help you evolve. Avoiding conflicts and quarrels is also advised.  Need more convincing? Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Virgo:

This is not the best week because your Governor’s backwards move will slow down your plans and the speed of your dreams. However, this can also bring some very interesting advances. For starters, peculiar relationships may begin helping you understand the bigger picture of your life. Moreover, Uranus’s new position will make everything possible to help you advance in all parts of your life, breaking all the chains holding you back for so long!  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Aphrodite and her worshippers

Predictions for the new Week – Libra:

A new week begins with may news for you. For starters, the retrograde course of Mercury may temporarily affect your everyday life and your habits. Career issues may trouble your precious mind so don’t go nuts if schedule is not 100% followed. Moreover, the new position of Uranus ends a long time (8 years) of troubles with your relations, your marriage and legal issues.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Scorpio:

This Week is no ordinary week for you dear Scorpio. It’s true that the new position of Uranus is affecting you a lot. As it’s right across your zodiac sign the planet of changes will bring news in all kinds of relationships. So if you experience any kinds of troubles in this area please make sure to keep calm and begin the healing process. Moreover, make sure to think again about everything that brings your joy (including your children, flirting, anything that makes you smile). It feels that you might have not understood the whole picture and illusions may become traps! To help you more, you can try Your Daily Tarot Card.

Predictions for the new Week – Sagittarius:

This new week promises many interesting news regarding many parts of your life. For starters, your family and your home needs extra attention during March as things that you may have neglected can haunt you. Love is the key and can always help you change an unpleasant situation. Furthermore, Mercury’s backwards move may slow down your plans but that’s only temporary. You may also need to know that Uranus for the next 8 years will change forever your everyday life – adding new habits and altering the way you interact daily with your job and your professional life in general.  Well, your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Capricorn:

The new week begins with many important news for you. First of all, should be very careful when driving/ travelling or communicating as unexpected things may occur due to the retrograde course of Mercury.  Moreover, you need to know that the heavy influence of the planet of changes in your family and your home now fades away as Uranus will now give you the opportunity to explore the Realm of pleasure in a more interesting way. So for the next 8 years make sure you open up to new possibilities which can make you happy again. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Aquarius:

A new week full of possibilities has just begun! During March, you are going to perceive that the energy inside you is flowing peculiarly. This also affects your material possessions and your financial status of course. Bear in mind that if you manage to unblock your energy centers you are probably going to enjoy more of whats about to happen. Uranus the planet of changes is about to make a very important step to the part of your life affecting your home and your family so please make sure you pay enough attention to everything that’s happening there.  More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Predictions for the new Week – Pisces:

A very interesting new week has just begun for you my dear as the Sun conjuncts with Neptune, your governor. This opens the doors of infinite possibilities for you. Dreaming is only the beginning! Moreover, in your Zodiac Sign, retrograde Mercury will give you the time you need to research yourself and dig deeper finding hidden and forgotten powers. Finally, a new era is beginning these days, as Uranus, the planet of changes will cease to influence your finances and start to make things with your friends and siblings more interesting!   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Astrology and Magic:

Changing your love karma receives much support this week. The same goes for your appearance although you need to proceed with caution. 

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your week!

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