Predictions for the New Week, April 15 – 21, 2019

Predictions for the New Week, April 15 - 21, 2019

General Predictions for the New Week: We’ve probably felt the backwards move of Jupiter. The King of the Gods requests a different approach from us. Already our plans and our goals have been slowed down. However, it’s not only Jupiter who started his retrograde course. Let me remind you that this summer may feel a lot like the previous one. Well, we will try to guide you through it. Till then, the most significant astrological events of this week is that Mercury enters Aries and we have a Full Moon on Friday.

In a pretty tense Planetary alignment, Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries to help become mentally and physically ready for what’s about to come.  This Full Moon feels like an awakening. And Awakening doesn’t always go as planned. 

Let’s see here more important astrological aspects of the week.

Mercury in Aries

The new position of Mercury favors all the fiery signs (and the airy ones) and helps their mind work in a more intense and creative way. Moreover, Mercury in Aries helps us all become more awakened and interact better with any issues that we may face in this Realm. 

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Uranus in Taurus

From March 06, 2019 until July 07, 2025 Uranus in Taurus will change many things in our lives including the whole Material Plane because Taurus symbolises the Earth and Ecology. See here more about this life-changing Astrological phenomenon.

Mercury Direct since March 28 – but there are still some peculiar leftovers…

On Tuesday, March 05th at 18:19 UT Mercury stopped at the very edge of Pisces, in order to turn retrograde. Many of us have already had a glimpse (or many more glimpses than just one) of this upcoming event. Those born under the sighs of Pisces, Virgo and then the rest of the zodiacs of Water and Earth, probably, felt it more clearly than the rest. The process is going to be long – for entire month – although most of us have already felt the influence of March’s Retrograde Mercury. See more how Retrograde Mercury affects your Zodiac Sign in a detailed article here.

Venus in enters Pisces – March 26

This is another powerful influence of the Week. As Venus has blessed our internet affair and our global communication, now it’s time to go deeper and heal our very souls. In fact 

Mars in Gemini

The new position of Mars will empower the Air and Fire signs and help them bring out the most playful and assertive side of your personality. Of course it will make your days and nights brighter as you will search for ways to direct all this excessive energy.

Chiron leaves Pisces, enters Aries

The most energy-sensitive of us may have a feeling that something changes, or has changed. This is actually true. For about nine years now, Chiron was in Pisces examining and re-examining our deepest fears, regrets, sorrows and other wounds, since our born. (Well, unless you are over 100 years old.) Now, from Aries and until 2027 it will encourage us to move forward, heal these wounds quickly and permanently and, even, if this is what we need, to regenerate ourselves. Even if we don’t feel this change right away, we’ll see it happening in the next nine years. So, yes, something is changing. And because this subtle yet significant change happens in “the same time” with a more intense one, Sun’s change of signs, we may realise it right away.

Predictions for the new Week – Aries:

Happy Birthday! This is a good and interesting week for you dear Aries. And all sums up with three words. Mercury in Aries! Well, the new position of the God of Communication and all intellect, enters your Zodiac Sign, ending the time for retrospection and mood intense swings. Although the previous months had something really valuable to teach you, now it’s time to get up and resume with your dreams. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Taurus:

Happy Birthday! Already some of you feel it coming as the Sun approaches your Zodiac Sign. This helped you a lot, shedding some light and hope in your emotions and your deepest desires. You already feel it coming, don’t you. I’m pretty sure you do my dear, and now that the Sun is ready to enter you Sign you will feel the Light shinning stronger in you.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Gemini:

The new week finds you ready to turn your focus towards a more fun target. It’s been 2-3 months now that you’ve directed most of your energy to your career and your professional life. This week will help you broaden your horizons and expand your social circles. Moreover, you will have the chance to feel inspired and notice that you mind works in a bright new way. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Cancer:

Life goes on as Mercury has helped you so much the past months to re-focus on your long-term goals and visualise yourself progressing in all parts of you life. Now, the god of communication is ready to help you focus on your work and your professional life, making things easier for you to cope with any new situations that may be presented. In other words, you are ready to give more and be rewarded!  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Leo:

The New position of the God of Communication changes your focus from your instincts to a happier target. Now, Mercury helps you put new goals in your life and feel optimism coming back to you. You’ve come a long way, and you’ve been through hell and back. However, things feel much better for you now and you are ready to aim higher, again! Need more convincing? Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Virgo:

Your governor’s position right across your Zodiac Sign for about 3 months has brought up many issues of the past and added some new ones as well. These problems usually had to do with your relationships and unfortunately there were some pretty awkward moments. Now, your governor will try to help you change things inside you that slow you down and don’t allow you to become better in all possible ways. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Aphrodite and her worshippers

Predictions for the new Week – Libra:

For about three whole months, your everyday life because the center of your attention probably due to difficult job schedule and many many working hours. Well, things now are about to change as Mercury is moving towards your relationships which now need a new focus and a fresh beginning. Be ready for changes and don’t be afraid to look at the truth.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Scorpio:

This is a very interesting new week for you dear Scorpio. For about three months, the cosmic energies tried to show you that there is another way of living – with less work and more fun. You don’t have to slave in order to enjoy your life. Living is free. There is probably also new interests regarding your romantic life. Now the focus turns towards your everyday life and the more you focus on it, the more interesting things you’ll find. Focus on Now! To help you more, you can try Your Daily Tarot Card.

Predictions for the new Week – Sagittarius:

A new week coming with different energies from the previous one. This is actually part of the cosmic balance. Although your governor began his annual retrograde course, now Mercury is about to enter Aries, this bringing joy and hope to your life. Things may not have been extraordinary but Jupiter has already given you some new opportunities. This week you will understand more about them.    Well, your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Capricorn:

The New Week is a new opportunity for you to focus more on your home and family. You may have neglected something really important there and this is the time to catch up. Redecoration, moving or even just taking care of this part of your life is the goal of this week! Having more fun in your house?  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Aquarius:

The more you focus on your financial issues the harder it gets to solve them. However, not Mercury gives you a better approach. In this new week, the god of communication and intellect is about to help you broaden your horizons and inspire you. Everything now seems different because you will see all from a different point of view. More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Predictions for the new Week – Pisces:

Mercury, the god of communication, commerce, transportation and intellect has ‘stuck’ in your zodiac sign for about 3 months. Although this may literally exhausted your brain, it has also given you all the energy you needed to cope with your problems – new and old ones. However, now is about to help you focus more on your finances, giving you the opportunity to increase your income and manage your expenses more successfully! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Astrology and Magic:

Changing your love karma receives much support this week. The same goes for your appearance although you need to proceed with caution. 

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your week!

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