Predictions for the Full Moon in Scorpio – 18 May 2019

Predictions for the Full Moon in Scorpio – 18 May 2019

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Scorpio:

On May 18, at 21:12 UT the Moon in Scorpio accurately opposes the Sun in Taurus, forming the Full Moon. At the very same moment, a 5-hour long void of course period starts (until 01:21UT of the 19th). This, along with the three retrograde planets signifies a Full Moon that calls for attention and a slow and careful pace. This is not a time when we should make haste. Quite the opposite. Hasty decisions and actions will lead us, more often than not, wrongly.

Two planets have changed their zodiac signs the previous three days, and Mercury and the Sun are changing their zodiac sign on the 21st, both entering Gemini. The change in scenery the New Moon foretold, now is becoming apparent.

Furthermore, during the period, Chiron and the North Node are very active, both auspiciously and inauspiciously, so this is can very well be an important period, karma-wise. Changing our Karma is possible, by spiritual and magical means, and by decisions and actions. We need to decide wisely, though. Leaving things on their own, will also create a strong karmic result, not necessarily the one we’d like, though.

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The inauspicious aspects of the Full Moon:

The good news is, there aren’t many long-term inauspicious aspects in action during the waning fortnight.

Mercury from Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. The aspect will be accurate on the 30th of the month, but it will be active from the 27th until the 9th of June. During that period, our feelings can interfere with our rational thinking. Not in a good way. Thinking things twice and trying to see them more objectively can help us avoid many traps.

Mercury also opposes the Retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius. This aspect will be accurate on the 31st of the month, but it will be active from the 26th of May until the 5th of June. Trade, business expansions and personal progress can be difficult during that period and face more obstacles than usual. What we neglected to deal with the past may come to demand our action, now, or it might bring some more difficulties in our path. Nonetheless, progress is possible and achievable. Difficult, yes, but achievable.

From the 1st of June, the Sun will start opposing the Retrograde Jupiter, too. Although this aspect won’t be too perceptible until the New Moon, it will add some extra stress on Jupiter and some extra difficulties and bad luck in our personal and professional progress and development. Informatively, this aspect will be accurate on the 10th of June and it will be active until the 19th of June, two days after the next Full Moon.

The Sun also squares Neptune. This aspect will be accurate on the 9th of June, but it will start acting on the 29th of May and it will remain active until the 21st of June. The last few days of it will be quite difficult, as by then Neptune will be almost stationary, getting ready to turn Retrograde, and in the same time we’ll be in an Ecliptic period. For this waning Moon period we’ll mostly feel this aspect as an added load on Mercury’s and Neptune’s square.

Of course, Neptune and Jupiter, as we’ve seen in previous articles, too, are in a constant square which now is getting quite strong, and it will continue getting stronger, in order to become accurate on the 16th of June, half a day before the next Full Moon. Amongst else, artistic and metaphysical careers and avocations will face some extra problems.

The auspicious aspects of the Full Moon:

Mercury plays a just as important positive role, too, during this waning Moon. It is in a triangle with the Retrograde Saturn. This triangle was accurate on the 16th of May and it will remain active until the 21st of the month. As long as this aspect is still active, thankfully, our practical and rational thinking is stronger, so it will alleviate some of the pressure and confusion Neptune’s and Mercury’s square produces.

On the 18th, the day of this Full Moon, Mercury’s triangle with Pluto becomes accurate, too, and it will remain active until the 22nd. Magic, and especially meditation, charms, talismans, philtres, oils and perfumes are extra capable. Contacting other planes, too.

Mercury is also in a conjunction with the Sun. This conjunct will become accurate on the day both planets will enter Gemini, on the 21st and it will remain active until the 30th (maybe 31st for some). Under this influence, when logic prevails, it can be clearer and better. Inspirational thinking is also present. Furthermore, it’s a good period for finding people and things we need, for job interviews and for all social interactions. Including expanding our social circles, but there, some attention is needed in order to add good people in our lives more than negative ones. That’s because of Mercury’s opposition to Jupiter.

One of our greatest allies during this period is Venus from Taurus. On the day of this Full Moon Venus accurately conjuncts Uranus and this conjunction will remain active until the 27th of the month. Changing our lives and selves in ways that they are getting healed and beautified is possible. Doing our best to achieve that is advisable. The healing and beautification, as you probably know from the New Moon’s article, are true both literally and metaphorically.

Venus, also, forms a hexagon with Neptune. This aspect is accurate one the 30th of May, just like Mercury’s square with Neptune, but it will be active from the 22nd of May until the 7th of June, a much longer period than Mercury’s stressful aspect. Therefore, although there may be some difficulties, healing our emotions, souls and relationships and progressing in these fields is possible. Finding a new love is possible. In fact, it’s even quite possible for this new love to be better than all the previous ones.

Furthermore, Venus forms a triangle with the Retrograde Saturn, accurately on May 31. This aspect will be active from the 23rd of May until the 8th of June. This is a very healing aspect and it also help us manifest healing and create a more beautiful life. Saturn is in retrograde motion, so things won’t be too easy, but they are achievable. Love relationships become stronger, too. Healthy relationships with problems solve their problems. Unhealthy relationships will realise how much unhealthy they are. This is not a pleasant thing, usually, but it is a good thing.

On top of that, Venus is also forming a triangle with the Retrograde Pluto. This aspect will be accurate on the day of the New Moon, the 3rd of June, but it starts acting on the 26th of May and it keeps on being active until the 11th of June. Amongst else, this aspect supports healing through medicines, traditional and alternative alike. It can also make love relationships more intensive.

Lastly, Venus and Mars are in a hexagon until the 1st of June. This aspect was accurate on the 14th of May, as we’ve seen in the New Moon’s article and the Daily Predictions of the 14th, but it still is strong enough.

And finally, Mars is in a hexagon with Uranus. This aspect will be accurate on the 22nd of May, but it has been acting since the 5th of this month and it will remain active until the 8th, maybe 9th, of June.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Money and everything that has to do with it is one of the main focuses of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Furthermore, almost all the long-term energies effecting the subject are beneficial ones. Therefore, expect some nice progress regarding money. Business progress and expansions are supported. Finding a new job, too. Finding sponsors, financial support and anything alike, does so, too. It’s also a good period for opening a savings account, change your investments, and everything alike. Social life, especially with those close to you, is being more active and pleasant, too.

Trade, although it’s good, receives some stress, in the same time. Travelling and transportations are not really auspicious. Normally I would suggest you’d postpone these, if possible, but as we are nearing the Ecliptic period, I won’t. Nonetheless, being more careful and more well prepared will help greatly. Studies, also, can become stressful.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Although Mercury and the Sun are leaving your zodiac, your governor’s very active presence in your zodiac keeps the energies focusing on you strong. Furthermore, all Venus’ activity is beneficial, so expect a good period, regarding almost all matters. Mars being in harmonious cooperation with Venus gives you much energy and hardly ever too much of it. This is a good thing. Mistakes are unlikely to happen. Your social life becomes much more active than usual. You meet new people. You need to work on this, yourself, too, but you’ll be having the chances, as well. Love is also good. Those already in a relationship will enjoy a good period with their other half. Singles can find a new, good relationship. In some cases an old relationship returns, or you meet somebody resembling an ex.

Money is good. Maybe not very good and maybe not satisfactorily so, but it is good. Cutting down expenses, getting rid of unnecessary things and making wise use of the sources you already have, can help you a lot. Avoid spending money on high-tech equipment, if possible. If not, do it as wisely as possible.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

The Sun and Mercury, in conjunction, entering your zodiac brings a fresh, revitalising energy in your lives and you. Everything you want to achieve, and you put some effort on achieving, progresses nicely and greatly. At the very least, much faster than it would normally do so. Magic and spirituality are also very strong, for you. Existing relationships, romantic and of any other kind alike, are getting deeper, healthier, stronger and more fulfilling. People support you emotionally, financially, and in every way you need to.

Work needs some attention. It’s not bad, but wrong decisions can make it bad. So, be careful and wise. Relationships with business partners and associates can become a little tense and interactions with them can become a little stressful. Love partners can play, occasionally, the same role, but not as intensively.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Your social life becomes much more active, during this period. Mostly in a pleasant way, too. You meet new people, new possible love partners, people that may help you professionally… every kind of persons you may need. So, do your best to keep a pleasant and active social face. Dreams can become more vivid and more meaningful, too. Keeping a dream journal can help you. Prophetic dreams are possible, but even more possible are dreams that help you better understand yourself, and what you need to heal, or change, in yourself and your life. Spirituality is also strong.

Work can become stressful. Occasionally, too stressful. Especially if you are doing a job you don’t like. In the same time, finding a new job, one you’d enjoy much more, is possible. It may come to you on its own, but don’t count on this. By doing your best in finding a new job, you allow the Universe to bring it to you, in the most convenient way. Health needs some extra attention. Your emotional health does so more than your physical health. Resting and relaxing properly is highly advisable.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work receives much focus, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, and most of it is a beneficial one. There is much progress happening on your work and career matters. It’s also a good period for deciding career changes – and putting these decisions into action. Changing schools, enrolling in schools and whatever can help you in promoting your career plans also receives support. Money wise, it’s a good period, too. Not perfect, but good.

Love, on the other hand, receives some stressful influences. It’s not really bad, but it can become intense in a negative way. In most cases reacting calmingly and not hastily can save you from future troubles. Unhealthy relationships, though, are in danger. This is unpleasant, but it’s a good thing, though. Also, finding a new relationship during this fortnight is not easy. You may have the opportunities, but distinguishing between the good ones and the not so good ones will be a challenge.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

This is a very supporting Full Moon and waning Moon period for all kinds of researches, investigations, studies and similar activities. It’s a period you can find solutions to whatever troubles you and you can find ways to manifest your dreams. This is true both for your professional and for your personal goals. Love life, travelling and studies are mostly auspicious during this period, too.

Career and business matters receive much energy. Progress, and a significant one, that is, can take place, but attention and wisdom are necessary. Hastiness can easily lead you to the wrong decisions, so avoid it as much as possible. Not everything will be easy and pleasant, work wise, but nor will they all be difficult. Business partners and associates can be disagreeable more often than not, though, and family can become quite discouraging, or distracting.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

This Full Moon and this waning Moon period focuses much on your work. Most of this focus is a beneficial one, but not all of it. There will be some stress. Trade and work related travelling receive more stress. Nonetheless, them, too, receive strong beneficial influences. Successes are possible and feasible. At times you need to work harder. At times you need to believe harder. Do those and try to keep your mind clear and focused on whatever you want to achieve.

Health also receives much focus. There, the stressful influences are as great as the beneficial ones. Thus, the Lunar daily influences will determine the balance, for each day. As a general advice, avoid significant changes in your dietary habits, and avoid intense diets, whether they are for weight loss or gain. Finally, travelling is not inauspicious. It can be difficult and stressful. More attention is necessarily, if you are driving. Nonetheless, it can become pleasant and productive, as well.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life receives many beneficial influences from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Existing love relationships will enjoy these influences the most. Nonetheless, those trying to find a new relationship can be lucky and successful, too, in their quests. Prioritising on sex, though, won’t be the best thing to do. Try to find people you can communicate with, instead. The same is true for deepening and healing existing relationships. Discuss with your other half, instead of using sex as a means to forget the problems. The more issues you solve now, the less troublesome the coming Ecliptic period will be.

Workwise this is a beneficial Full Moon, too. Money-wise, though, it’s not purely beneficial. Gain is possible, but not easy to achieve. Cutting down unnecessary expenses and making the wisest use of the sources already in your disposal will help greatly. Also, if you are expecting some financial support from a love or sex partner, it’s unlikely to come, or, if it does come, you may regret it in the near future.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work receives much support from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. There are some difficulties, too, but you can overcome them relatively easily. Therefore, work is good and successful. If you’ve been having problems in your work environment, these problems are calming down, now. In many cases, they are getting permanently solved, too. Health also receives much support. Healing is strong. Much stronger and much more capable than usual.

Love receives both pleasant and stressful energies. Love itself becomes stronger, but the problems in your relationship becomes more vivid and annoying, too. The stars don’t try to discourage you. They demand a healing. If you decide to heal your relationship, they will help you. Of course, an unhealthy relationship should end, but don’t let this scare you. Finding a new relationship is not impossible, but it can be challenging.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Love life and social life receive many energies and most of them are good ones. The stars are trying to activate your social life. Work with them. You won’t regret it. Friends and acquaintances can become a pleasant company. They can also become a helpful and supporting one. Via enjoyment, progress can be achieved both in your personal goals and in your professional ones. Finding a new love, can be one of these goals. If you do act, you’ll probably have some good opportunities. Those already in a relationship will enjoy their other half and their relationship with them more than usual.

Work and health also receive some good energies. They do receive some stressful ones, too, thought. You are a little keener on accidents, so be extra careful, especially when you are engaging with dangerous activities. Resting, relaxing and meditating can also help you, a lot. Most of the problems in the field are caused by stress. Therefore, reducing it will help you greatly.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Love is activated by this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, but not purely in a pleasant way. In fact, the stressful influences will be, at times, far greater than the supporting ones. For those in a good and healthy relationship, joy will be greater and opportunities to solve problems in your relationship, if there are any, will be around all the time. They will wear a displeasing face, but they are, in fact, opportunities. Those in a problematic and unhealthy relationship, though, may end up ending it. In fact, it would be advisable to end such a relationship, at any given time, but ending it now will reduce the burden the coming Ecliptic period will put on your shoulders. Expenses also need some attention and prudence.

Your children’s love life will be more pleasant than stressful, for you, during this period. Not necessarily stress-free, but more pleasant, nonetheless. Also, your home and family will be a nice place to be and a supportive force for you. They may even help you with your finances and your work matters.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Social life is getting very active, and mostly pleasantly so, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Friends, siblings and acquaintances you already have are asking for your company and they are enjoying it, when you offer it to them. You also enjoy theirs. Actually, seek for it. It can be proved more beneficial than simply pleasant. Expanding your social circle is also possible. Finding a new love is, too, possible. Those already in a relationship will have a pleasant time with their other half, too. Furthermore, this is a good period to take care of your home and family.

Moving to a new place of residence, whether it’s for personal reasons or for professional ones is possible. If this happens, it’s not inauspicious, but it will be quite stressful. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t advice against it. Of course, be cautious, wherever is needed, but do it. Work and career matters can also become stressful. Once again, things are not bad, in most cases. They are stressful. Of course, if your job is in jeopardy, it won’t hurt to be more careful, but if for this to happen out of the blue, is unlikely.

Astrology and Magic:

Meditation, philtres and charms are sill strong under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Cleansing and healing of any kind, too.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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