Daily Predictions for Tuesday 11 June 2019

Daily Predictions for Tuesday 11 June 2019

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Libra squares Mercury, in Cancer. It also forms a triangle with Venus, in Gemini.

So, this day has its good and its difficult points.

Gemini and, probably, Taurus will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Cancer and Aries will be the ones facing the most stress.

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Void of Course Moon for June 2019

The Moon has been having many long void of course periods, for some time now, and this will continue throughout June. In order to help you plan ahead whatever the void of course Moon affects, you can find all the void of course Moon periods for June here.

Calling back our powers

Also, during this month we’ll try to make a few steps to help us reclaim our powers that we may have had earlier, in this life, or during an earlier one. In this section you can find the tip for the day for this adventure and experiment. And, of course, we are interested in your results, so feel free to comment about them.

For the 11th of June, we’ll continue opening up ourselves, so that our abilities, in their strongest form, will be able to manifest. Mugwort has helped us open up our channels, but if we want to maximise its effects, we need to do some job ourselves. Cleansing and opening our energy centres, our chakras, if you prefer, is, therefore, a necessity. I’d suggest the very effective technique described in the “Avatar: The Last Airbender” series, but if you are more familiar with another technique that works well for you, do use that one.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Love receives both stressful and beneficial influences. Those already in a relationship will feel the former more intensively than the latter. Try to avoid misunderstandings and things will be much better. Also, friends, colleagues and partners are making your day easier, today.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Finances receive much support, today. Work can be quite stressful, but it will be productive. Trade may needs some more effort. On the other hand, health can be sensitive. The legs, the ankles and the respiratory will be the most sensitive parts.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

This is a mostly pleasant day for you. Money is stressed and needs your attention and wisdom. Other than that, though, most things are proceeding nicely and pleasantly.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Family can stress you, today. Home may also need some repairs, or otherwise call for your attention. Nonetheless, it’s a good day for taking care of both your home and your family and their needs.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

This is a mostly good day for all social matters. At times misunderstandings and miscommunications may cause you some troubles, but they won’t be capable to overshadow the beneficial influences. Also, trade of all kinds receives quite supportive influences and productivity is quite strong.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Businesses receive beneficial and supportive influences, today. Your income, too. Your expenses, though may need some attention and restrain. Buying phones, computers and the like is not recommended.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Work and career matters can become quite stressful, today. Starting a new business or a new career and finding a new job can all face more difficulties than you’d expect. On the other hand, studies, researches of all kinds and spiritual studies and seminars receive quite lucky and supportive influences.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Both your magical and your spiritual powers are in very good shape, today. It may be a challenge, though to distinguish between imagination and intuition, at times. Imagination is also quite active, but not reliably so. Whatever depends on it will face more challenges than it would normally do.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Trade of services and trade of high-tech equipment can face some extra challenges, today. Also, avoid, if possible, buying such equipment, today. The need to buy such equipment, though, may arise. On the other hand, love is quite good and work seems in order, or a little better than just that.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Most work related matters receive quite beneficial and supporting influences. Your business partners, and – maybe – the law can cause you some stress, though. Also, this is a good and helpful day for finding a new job.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Love life receives mostly pleasant influences. Finding a new love is possible, too, especially amongst people of the same schools, spiritual groups and people sharing similar interests with you. Long distance relationships also receive good influences. Work, though can cause you some stress, and studies even more so.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Family can be quite supportive, especially if you need it to be so. Also, people around you are more willing to help and support you. Love life, though, isn’t very lucky. Sex dating, needs some extra attention, too.

Astrology and Magic:

Love magic, health magic and promotion of the arts and artistic careers can have good results, today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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