Predictions for the Full Moon in Sagittarius – 17 June 2019

Predictions for the Full Moon in Sagittarius – 17 June 2019

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Sagittarius:

On June 17, at 08:31 UT the Moon from Sagittarius accurately opposes the Sun in Gemini, forming the Full Moon. At the same time, a void of course period starts, which lasts until 16:13 and, of course, the Ecliptic Period starts. Indeed, the New Moon of the 2nd of July will be a Total Solar Eclipse, and we’ll soon start feeling its influences. The two events ask from us to stop, get ready and get flexible. This isn’t the time for being risky. It isn’t the time for staying still, either. We need to “stop” in order to have a clearer view of what’s happening, and then we’ll be able to move on accordingly.

During the waning Moon period, Mercury, and of course the Sun, will change their zodiac signs. Mars will also change its zodiac sing on the eve of the New Moon, so this will affect the waxing Moon period, but not the waning Moon one.

Mercury has already slowed down considerably, and it will continue slowing down, but it won’t turn retrograde during this period. Nonetheless, after the 25th we may see some “premonitions” of its coming retrograde period. The influences of the Ecliptic will help intensify these feeling, too. Furthermore, on the 27th it enters Leo.

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The Sun is changing its zodiac sign on the 21st of June, entering Cancer, and signalling the Solstice. This is a good and powerful magical assistant for both this waning Moon and the coming months. Make good use of it. Unfortunately, the same day, a 24 hour long void of course Moon period will be active, reducing our ability to start something new. Not halting it, but reducing it. If you want to start something new, my advice is, start it, even hastily, before the Solstice. Then, use the Solstice’s power to bless it and empower it. Thus, the void of course Moon’s effects won’t interfere with the Solstice’s powers.

During the whole waning Moon period Neptune will be practically stationary. It turns into Retrograde motion on the 21st, almost an hour and a half before Sun entering Cancer, too. During the whole period, our emotional judgement is clouded, and regrets and negative emotions awake. Our relationships, both friendly and romantic will be affected, too, in a similar way. Also, our magical powers will be more slow acting and less capable. The latter we won’t feel it strongly, thankfully, during this period, for Mars from Cancer supports and strengthens Neptune, almost until the New Moon. From the 30th of June to the 9th of July, though, we will experience it.

Overall this will be a difficult and stressful Full Moon and waning Moon period. The Ecliptic Period is starting and, on top of that, the inauspicious aspects are significantly more than the auspicious ones. Furthermore, Neptune is turning retrograde, making a total of 4 retrograde planets. That’s 40% of the major planets. Not to mention that two more planets are getting ready to turn retrograde – Mercury, from the major planets, and Chiron – and all these in the midst of an Ecliptic period. We’ve seen that happening last summer, so we should know what to expect.

The inauspicious aspects of the Full Moon:

Mercury opposes the Retrograde Saturn. As we’ve seen, this opposition was accurate on the 16th of the month, and it will be active until the 25th. Under this influence we are getting more easily stressed and we tend to focus on the negatives. Progress in studies and other intellectual occupations and avocations is happening, but with more effort and more difficulties. Trade also needs more effort. Now that Mercury has slowed down considerably, we’ll experience these more intensively. Nonetheless, do remember that despite the difficulties, progress can happen.

Also, Mercury opposes the Retrograde Pluto. This aspect will be accurate on the 19th of June and it will remain active until the 30th of the month. This aspect affects our mood and emotional state greatly. Mistakes of the past come back to haunt us, many times without anything to actually provoke them. Depression, stress and similar conditions act up, too. If you are dealing with such conditions already, be extra careful. Furthermore, we are more sensitive in actual hauntings and negative magic and energy. Regularly cleansing and protecting ourselves and homes is a wise tactic, for the period. Once again, the slowly moving Mercury intensifies these affects. Even more so, as Neptune’s activity adds up to these.

Venus opposes the Retrograde Jupiter. This aspect will be accurate on the 23rd. It has started acting on the 16th of the month and it will remain active until the 1st of July. This is not an easy period for love affairs and it’s even more difficult for finding a new love. Nonetheless, Jupiter is generous even under stress. This means that if we over come the challenges of this aspect, the results will be more than satisfactory. Artistic and health careers receive similar influences.

Venus also squares Neptune. This aspect will be accurate on the 24th, when Neptune will be retrograde, but it has bee active from the 16th and it will remain active until the 2nd of July, the day of the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse. This aspect will add some more stress in our emotional state and emotional affairs.

The Sun squares Neptune, too. This aspect is losing power day by day, but it will remain active until the 21st of June. Nonetheless, these last few days of it will be quite difficult, as Neptune is almost stationary, getting ready to turn Retrograde. The Ecliptic period having started doesn’t help, either. Amongst else, our emotional affairs – inner, romantic and of all other kind – receive some stress and, probably, some bad luck. Furthermore, under the influences of this aspect, our negative mindset attracts, more strongly than usual, bad luck and negative events. So, do keep a positive and optimistic outlook.

The latter is even more true because of the Jupiter-Neptune square. This square is a long lasting and affects the whole year, but during this waning Moon is at a peak of its strength, just like during the previous waxing Moon period.

Finally, Mars opposes both the Retrograde Saturn and the Retrograde Pluto. It opposed Saturn accurately on the 16th of the month, and the aspect has been active since the beginning of the month and it will remain so until the end of the month. This is an extra stressful combination as the two planets are incompatible by nature. Accidents can happen, hastiness can cause us many problems, and the feeling we don’t have enough time to do what we need to do is constantly present, driving us to hasty actions. Be on alert.

The opposition between Pluto and Mars will be accurate on the 20th, but it has been active from the 5th of June, until the 5th of July. Being too careful when driving and when engaging in dangerous activities won’t hurt. Electricity, fire and metal can cause problems and accidents. Also, fire magic needs more attention and discipline. As the Solstice is in the midst of this aspect, at its peak, actually, our magic, then, will need extra attention, too.

The auspicious aspects of the Full Moon:

Mercury forms a triangle with Neptune, in Pisces. As, we’ve seen, this triangle was accurate on the 16th of the month and it will remain active until the 25th. By then, Neptune will be into retrograde motion. Under this influence, our thinking will be clearer. Maybe not too clear, though.

Also, Mercury is in a long lasting conjunction with Mars, in Cancer. This conjunction will be accurate on the 18th of the month. It has started acting on the 7th of June and it will continue acting until the 18th of July, when both planets will be in Leo, and Mercury will be into retrograde motion. A second accurate conjunction will happen when Mercury will have turned retrograde, on the 8th of July, less than a day (23 hours) after Mercury’s change of direction. This conjunction amplifies our energy and outgoing mood and it can help our social interactions. In the same time, though, it fuels Mars with too much energy and, therefore, it can make us a little reckless and impatience, traits we should be avoiding during the Ecliptic period.

The Sun will be forming a hexagon with Uranus, in Taurus. This aspect will be accurate on the 27th of June, when the Sun will be in Cancer, but it will be active since the day of the Full Moon, when the Sun is still in Gemini. The aspect will remain active until the 8th of July, so it will affect the whole waning Moon period and a few days of the coming waxing Moon period. This is probably the most helpful aspect of the period, as it help us adapt to the new situations the inauspicious aspects and the Ecliptic period cause us. It also supports our efforts to help. Furthermore, web based businesses will receive some good luck.

Finally, the Retrograde Saturn forms a hexagon with Neptune. This will be accurate on the 18th. This aspect is active since 2018 and it will remain active until the November of 2020, but during this lunar circle is at one of its strongest periods. This aspect promises us – via much effort, keep in mind – the manifestation of our dreams. Of course, we should do our best, but the Universe is helping us. Meditation and visualisation can pay off quite impressively. This is even more true for things we are asking for some time now. Mind that the Ecliptic period can ask for even more effort, but it can also cause a like-explosion manifestation of our wishes. So, do make much and focused use of visualisation.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Family can play a significant role in your life under the influences of this Full moon and this waning Moon period. Most of it will be a pleasant one, too. There may be some stressful events and moments, especially if you are working in a family business, or your family can affect your work. In the same time, though, they can become quite supportive. Financially, too. Renovating, redecorating, or changing your place of living, receive mostly auspicious influences.

Your social life can become somewhat unpleasant. You experience a distance between you and your friends. They can be, indeed, afar, but they can be by your side and you still may feel this feeling. Pay attention to it, but don’t act hastily according to it. This feeling can very well have no base on reality.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Social life and social activity still receives much energy, under this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. There are some difficulties and problems, too, but most of the energies on the matter are beneficial ones. Expanding your social circle is possible. Furthermore, spiritually and magically inviting new people in your life receives much support. Productivity is also good. There may be some distracting demands, so do prioritise wisely and you’ll achieve more than you thought you would.

Travelling on the other hand receives some stressful influences. Especially until the 25th. Studies, researches and all avocations and occupations of the mind receive similar energies. Money and, especially, spending it, needs some restrain and wisdom. There are some difficulties on the subject, but, if you are wise enough, you’ll get over them relatively easily.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

There is much focus on your finances, this period. Both supportive and stressful one. After the 25th, though, the supportive influences are stronger than the stressful ones. Work and business matters receive a similar pattern of influences. There, though, business partners and bosses can keep stressing you, throughout the whole period just as much. Magic and visualisation regarding career and work matters receive much support, nonetheless.

Your relatives and your close friends also play a significant role in your life, during this period. There are some stressful and some beneficial influence in work, on this matter, too. Realising who supports you and who you consider closer than they consider you can take place. It can also be an unpleasant realisation, but it’s a good thing, regardless.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

There are many energies focusing on your zodiac sign during this waning Moon period. Two or three planets will be in your zodiac, at any given time, and they’ll be active at the time. This is both good and stressful. It gives you enough energy, determination and self confidence to do what you need and want to do. Mars being one of these planets amplifies this, too. It’s also a good period for promoting yourself, your services and your products.

In the same time, though, you experience all forms of stress more intensively. Try to control this, the better you can. Your other half and other important people of your life can stress you, a lot, too. Furthermore, your health needs some attention, as it is sensitive. Both the physical and the emotional health, alike.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Magic and spirituality are not very strong under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, for most, but for you, the exact opposite is true. So, do make good use of this opportunity. Work, money and health related spiritual practices and spell casting can be extra affective, too. Other than that, work seems to be more stressful, than the previous fortnight, but progress is happening. Significant one, too. Metaphysical, artistic and therapeutic careers of all kinds receive some extra boosting.

Health is not at its best. Taking good care of it will help you avoid more serious troubles. Also, love and social life are not as satisfactory. If you are in a relatively new relationship, or in a mostly sexual relationship, you’ll experience this influence more severally.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

The Full Moon and this waning Moon period encourage you to promote yourself, your products, your services and your plans. Work on the latter as much as you can. Not everything on these matters will go smoothly, but progress will happen. Also, business meetings and similar events can become intense and troublesome, at times, but they’ll be productive, in the long run.

Love magic receives good influences, and so is the manifestation of love spells and visualisations of the past. Nonetheless, love life is more troubled than happy during this period. Keeping a relationship, and making it happier are probably harder than finding a new one. By no means this is an advice to break up, of course. But if a relationship is already close to its end, it may actually end, now.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Work, career and business matters receive much focus from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Much progress there can happen, too. There is some stress, too, especially if you are changing jobs, or you are making a significant change in your career or business plans. Family can stress this field of your life, too. Nonetheless, the beneficial influences are quite stronger. Health and pharmaceutical business receive even greater support. Trade on the other hand receives more stressful influences.

Family can stress you in more fields of your life than just work, during this period. It may also test your patience, your determination and your confidence. Also, health may need some attention and travelling may need even more of the same.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Travelling receives some stress, but it’s mostly auspicious. Things won’t be getting any better, regarding it, as the influences of the Ecliptic become stronger and stronger and Mercury will be turning retrograde. Therefore, if you want to travel, and especially for work and business reasons, do travel now. Be careful. Be well prepared, but do travel. Love life also receives mostly supporting influences. Finding a new love receives more blessings. Also, magic to find a new love, new friends, or other people you need can have promising results.

Money, though, needs some attention and wise handling. Gaining it becomes more difficult, while spending it can become overwhelmingly easy. Be careful. Also trade can have some more difficulties than usual.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Sexual energy is quite strong during this waning Moon period and, along with it, your seductiveness, your self-confidence and your magnetism. Use these qualities, wisely, to help you achieve whatever you want and need to achieve, but be careful. Becoming overconfident and unwisely risky is also possible. And that’s especially true concerning money and the spending of it. Work and your income, though, receive mostly beneficial influences, so if you overcome your tendency to overspend, you won’t be facing major financial problems, because of this Full Moon’s and this waning Moon period’s influences. Health also receives supporting and healing energies.

Your personal relationships can cause you some stress. This will affect all kinds of relationships, including family, your spouse or current love and your close friends. Open your ears, open your mind and keep your mouth on a tight rein to avoid unnecessary conflict and problems. Nonetheless, if after a careful consideration you need to speak up, do speak up.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Love life is one of the main focuses of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period for you. Furthermore, contrary to most of the rest zodiacs, for you these influences are almost purely beneficial and supporting. Solving problems in your current relationship, making it happier, enjoying it more, or finding a new relationship, if you are searching for one, are all possible. The “solving problems” part, though, may come after an intensification of the existing problems. Social life also receives mostly beneficial influences, but there is some stress on it, as well.

Work can become quite stressful. Your colleagues, partners, etc., may think you are not doing well enough, while you are doing your best, too, or they may be expecting you’ll do even more than you can possibly do. Handle them wisely and courageously. Also, health needs some attention, and relaxing and resting properly is highly advisable.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Health receives some stress from the Full Moon and the waning Moon period. At least during the fist half of it. In the same time, though, healing and strengthening your health are also traits of the period, and these traits are strong enough, until the end of it. Also, health issues of a family member receive some healing energies. Work seems to put you in a considerable amount of stress, but it proceeds as it should. Better, too, wherever this is applicable. Finding a new job is possible.

Although money and your income receive some helpful and supportive influences, expenses can easily go out of control. Do your best to avoid that. Love isn’t really bad, during this period, but it’s not any lucky, either. Finding a new love is difficult, and keeping a pleasant balance in an existing one can call for some conscious effort.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Love life and all matters of the heart receive much focus from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Your kids and their love life, as well as your friends and their love life can also play a significant role during this period. In most cases, though, this will be a purely pleasant one. On the other hand, your love life receives stressful influences, as well. Especially so until the 25th. Finding a new love, for those seeking one, is also possible.

Work and productivity are in a good condition, too. Nonetheless some stress is also present. Job interviews and jobs of advertising, PR and of internet and technology related services will face more stress than the others. It’s also not the best time to move in to a new place of living, or working.

Astrology and Magic:

Meditation and visualisation are strong and capable under this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Most probably, even more so than during the previous fortnight. Fire magic, though, still needs extra attention.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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