Predictions for the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – 16 July 2019

Lunar Eclipse

General Predictions for the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn:

On July the 16th, at 21:38UT the Moon from Capricorn accurately opposes the Sun in Cancer, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also a Partial Lunar Eclipse, and the second and last Lunar Eclipse of the year.

The whole phenomenon of the Lunar Eclipse will last about five and a half hours, from 18:43 UT to 03:17 UT of the 17th. Earth, though will be casting its shadow from 20:01UT until 22:59 UT. Most of Australia, Asia, Europe and Southern American Continents will see at least part of the phenomenon.

The Sun is in almost precise opposition to the Retrograde Pluto (it was precise on the 14th), and the Moon will be in precise conjunction with it moments before the Penumbra starts covering the Moon. Therefore, Pluto is heavily affected by the Eclipse. This can bring, or has already done so, encounters with death, thoughts of it and similar situations, as well as a more intense, but not necessary pleasant, contact with other planes. Also, psychological conditions can act up significantly and need more care and attention. Drug and substance addictions, too. On the good news, Plutonian magic, such as perfumes, oils, philtres, potions, and charms, receives much power, too.

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During the waning fortnight, Mercury returns to Cancer, on the 19th, and the Sun enters Leo, on the 23rd. Venus, too, will be entering Leo, just a few days before the New Moon, on the 28th. The second half of the waning Moon Mercury will be much slower, which can cause more delays and problems, but it’s also good new. Indeed, the Retrograde Mercury will be turning back into direct motion the day of the New Moon, August the 1st. So, yes, be a little patient and in just a few days, both the influences of the Ecliptic Period and the Retrograde Mercury will be vanishing.

During the period we have some strong stressful, long lasting, aspects, but we also have some beneficial ones. The best thing is that Mars from Leo empowers Jupiter in Sagittarius. This will affect the whole period (and half of the coming waxing Moon period) and will give us much energy to support our goals. So, difficulties will be present, but determination will overcome them. The same aspect though can empower Mars’ negative aspects and make us restless, careless, irritable, and other such things, so do use the excessive Fire wisely, to avoid the negative effects.

Venus also is quite active, for good and ill. This means, health, arts, beauty and love life play a significant role in our lives during this period and they are active. Problems in such fields become stronger and more intense (but healing them is also possible); problematic situations and relationships can end (not pleasantly, most probably). Good situations and relationships, though, will become stronger and better, even if this happens with some stress.

So, overall, this is a difficult Eclipse, but, just like with the previous Solar Eclipse, we’ve seen worse ones, too. So, do take good care of your health, be on alert for accidents and keep a positive outlook – even if you need to force it – and things will be much easier and much better.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Aries:

Just like the Solar Eclipse, this Lunar Eclipse puts much stress on your health, both physical and emotional, so do take good care of yourself. Resting, as much as possible, relaxing, as much as possible and reducing your schedule and obligations, will surely help you.

Home and family aren’t peaceful either. Work and career, though can be even more stressful. Changes there can take place and they aren’t always desirable ones. Problems with bosses and all kinds of authority figures can also appear. In many cases because of problems in their personal lives, but these problems, through them, affect and stress you, too. There may also be some fear regarding the stability of your work position, or career.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Taurus:

Siblings, sibling figures, close friends as well as money can keep on stressing you under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse. In cases, more intensively so than under the influences of the previous Solar Eclipse. This, most probably, happens, though, because your mind is more tired and troubled, now. Students and studies, both academic and spiritual can also have their challenges.

Love life, too, can become stressful. Existing relationships get tested and loneliness can be overwhelming, in times, for those not in a relationship. Healing your love relationship, or the idea of the right love relationship, as well as acting in ways to achieve this ideal are things that this Lunar Eclipse ignites, although the procedure will last until the next Ecliptic period, in December.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Gemini:

This Lunar Eclipse can bring encounter with death for all, and maybe, more so to you. Thoughts about death, remembering beloved deceased and health scare can very well be the way this influence takes place. It doesn’t hurt, though, to be a little more careful and take a better care of your health. In fact, taking care of your health and changing your health-related habits is a trend generated by the Eclipse and which will be following you, and the changes will be completed, during the following months.

Work and money can also be quite stressful, during the period. Financial changes can happen, and some of them may feel terrible. But, there is much support on the subject, too. Therefore, despite the stress, things there are going relatively well, if they aren’t getting better, that is.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Cancer:

As we’ve seen, both the previous Solar Eclipse and this Lunar Eclipse are quite harsh on you. Reducing your schedule, relaxing and resting properly and consciously keeping a positive outlook can help you reduce the burden and avoid bigger problems. Taking important decisions about your “image”, your actual looks and your relationship or martial status can happen during this Eclipse. Making small steps towards your new goals is also possible, but taking big steps towards these goals, during the Ecliptic period is not advisable. These changes, after all, will be following you and be completed during the following months.

Love, is tested during this Eclipse. Problems in romantic relationship become too obvious to ignore. What can be healed should be healed. And what can’t be healed will probably end. The Retrograde Saturn in your 7th House is demanding that all this time, and even more strongly under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Leo:

This Lunar Eclipse is less difficult in many ways than the previous Solar Eclipse for you. There is much support in your zodiac, during this period, so things are going to be better. And, although Mercury will leave your zodiac, the Sun and Venus are joining you and Mars summons Jupiter’s blessings. So, the most important thing for you is to stay calm and relax.

In fact, relaxation and meditation can be more helpful to you than you’d think. There is much emotional burden in you, and this burden comes out under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse. This probably is the most difficult part of this Eclipse. Your thoughts, and even your dreams can be haunting and stressful. Keep in mind, your dreams, vivid as they may be, are not prophetic. They show you burden you are carrying and haven’t noticed.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Virgo:

Friends and friendships are affected by this Lunar Eclipse just as much as, or a little more than, they did by the Solar Eclipse. Once again, the advice will be to put your energy in healing and taking care of the friendships that count, and let the others end without much of a fight. Keep in mind that the aftermath of what you are doing now, will be influencing how this aspect of your life will be the following months, until the Ecliptic period of December.

Computers, smartphones and the like can give you several reasons to worry. Keeping them safe from any danger and taking good care of them is highly advisable. On the other hand, avoid buying new such equipment, right now, unless you really need to. Work can also be a bit stressful. Trade (much) more than just a bit. Some more attention when driving can also help. On the good side, there is a spiritual awakening happening under the influences of this Eclipse. In many cases, even if you are not into spirituality.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Libra:

Just like the previous Solar Eclipse, this Lunar Eclipse will affect you and your health greatly. So do take good care of yourself and your health. Once again, the heart, the kidneys and the feet seem to be the most sensitive and, if you already have a problem there, or a tendency for one, pay some extra attention. Resting properly, relaxing enough and keeping a healthy diet can help, too. Of course, always ask the advice of your health care specialist when encountering a problem. On the good side, after the 23rd the stress on your health is hugely reduced.

Home, family and work can also cause you some stress. Repairs in home and “repairs” in your friendships and professional relationships may become mandatory. Money can also be an issue and some financial decisions and changes may be necessary. This is a long lasting influence which is activated by the Eclipse but will remain with you until December, so don’t be hasty now that things are not clear, but think things thoroughly. And, also, don’t use this as an excuse for extra delays, as this too can become a trend of yours.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Scorpio:

This Lunar Eclipse affects you more intensively than the Solar Eclipse, and it, too, can challenge your psych quite noticeable. Your self confidence and self esteem are in their weakest point of the year, most probably and the Eclipse is still challenging them. As we’ve said, giving up is not what the Universe and the Eclipses are asking from you. They are expecting you to strengthen these qualities. Reducing your schedule (even more), relaxing as much as possible, and meditating can help you a lot.

Travelling is still not auspicious, and it’s better to postpone it, if you can. Studies of all kinds also receive some stress and some changes there may happen. Also there is a need to define yourself, and, although this influence will be following you until December, do act promptly. As we’ve said your self esteem is not strong enough, so if you don’t define yourself, according to your desires, other people may influence this definition, in undesirable ways.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Sagittarius:

Money receives some stress, under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse. Mistakes and problems in handling it can become more obvious. Some times, painfully obvious. On the good side, this will give you a better idea on how to correct this issues. Those in a marriage or a relationship may encounter this issue together with, or through their other half.

We’ve seen this Eclipse can bring us “face to face” with the subject of death and entities of other planes. This is even more true for you, since Pluto rules your spiritual abilities. Moreover, the after-effects of this awakening can follow you for the following months, too. Also, your spiritual paths, schools and teachers can change, forcefully, or by choice.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Capricorn:

All you important relationships are getting tested under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse. Friendships and love relationships even more than the rest. Issues and problems in these relationships are coming to light. In some cases, really old ones, or things you didn’t know you remembered. This is an opportunity to heal these issues, and therefore, these relationships. If a relationship is good in its roots, will become stronger and healthier. It it’s rotten to its roots, then ending it is, in fact, a healing, painful as it may be.

Your most important relationship, too will be receiving such an influence, and this can be quite challenging. After all, your most important relationship is the one with yourself. Showering yourself with love, acceptance and forgiveness, as well as healing past traumas, can help you in many more ways than you can imagine, so do that generously.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Aquarius:

Work and career can stress you under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse. Changes there, some of them very unwelcome, others much more pleasant, can happen. Changes of jobs can also take place. Usually I wouldn’t suggest you initiate such a happening during an Ecliptic period, but, in this case, I’d say, whether you initiate it, or it comes to you on its own, proceed wisely, but do proceed promptly, if that’s what your wisdom dictates. Money is not directly influenced by the Eclipse, but problematic finances in your social circle can stress you, too.

Your spiritual life can also have some changes and disturbances. Those in spiritual schools, or groups, may face these disturbances there. Love life, on the other hand, gets better. Maybe not in an easy and relaxing way, but it gets better, nonetheless. After the 23rd, as the influences of the Eclipse will be much calmer and your 7th House will be much stronger, it can actually become very good and pleasant.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Pisces:

The Solar Eclipse was relatively kind to you, and this Lunar Eclipse will be even kinder, all together. This is mostly because health is not under stress anymore and the same is true for work. Some thing the Solar Eclipse has awaken may need some more time to calm down, and the too many retrograde planets may still cause some difficulties and delays, but, things are getting better. On the other hand, people in your life can still be under stress and in ways that will affect your mood, too.

High-tech equipment as well as the internet can cause you some stress, though. Machines can malfunction, or act oddly, internet can be less cooperative and more threatening. Make sure your antivirus and firewall are updated and your important files backed up. Jobs based on this technology may have a little more problems than all the others, obviously.

Astrology and Magic:

Philtres, charms and potions are quite capable, under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse. Also, contacting other plains and entities from other plains, as well as the past, the future and different “present”s is feasible. Nonetheless, it’s also dangerous, so try those things only if you have prior experience and you feel confident with it.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon, this Lunar Eclipse and this waning Moon period!

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