Predictions for the New Week, July 08 – July 14, 2019

Predictions for the New Week, July 08 - July 14, 2019

General Predictions for the New Week: It is already  pretty hard. I think most of us feel the pressure of the planetary chaos that’s been going on for a while now. However. Not all things are that terrible. This is actually a great opportunity to create something extraordinary using all this otherworldly force. 

Right after the Solar Eclipse, and before the upcoming Lunar one, things are getting so crazy that makes us wonder where to put our trust on. Maybe that’s what is so great! We learn to appreciate our powers rather than depend on anyone else’s.

Well… it’s a real chaos! But let’s try to decipher all these weird messages, one by one!

⭐Mercury turns Retrograde (July 07th – August 1st)

This is another type of issues we are forced to deal with in this time of year. Hence, Mercury is actually the 5th planet who joins the Retrograde dance along with Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Doesn’t seem easy right? Well it isn’t. From this day on, we should be extra careful when sign contracts, seal deals and send mails and merchandise. In general we should be extra careful and avoid conflicts. Read more things you should and you should not do – here!

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⭐Mars enters Leo (July 01st)

Today, a great energy shift is about to occur. Mars leaves a sign – which doesn’t suit him at all – and enters a friendlier house, Leo. No more waiting. Mars in Leo is fiery and passionate. Therefore, we expect ourselves to go after our dreams and chase opportunities which may seem impossible, just because we are driven by the fire of our hearts. 

⭐Venus enters Cancer (July 3rd) 

In only few days, Venus will enter Cancer, leaving the versatile and intellectual Gemini. So from Wednesday, Venus – goddess of Love and Beauty, will bring her blessings in our homes and families. Healing will come and help us rest and rejuvenate our bodies and souls. 

⭐Mercury enters Leo (June 26th) 

It happened last week and still affect us all. Mercury, god of communication, transportation and trading has entered a more enthusiastic sign, making our speech speedy and passionate. We think with passion, we act with passion. Therefore, for the next weeks we will enjoy a more fiery way of thinking, although Mercury is about to turn backwards in a little bit, slowing down all our plans and delaying what we expect. 

⭐Uranus in Taurus

From March 06, 2019 until July 07, 2025 Uranus in Taurus will change many things in our lives including the whole Material Plane because Taurus symbolises the Earth and Ecology. See here more about this life-changing Astrological phenomenon.

⭐Chiron leaves Pisces, enters Aries

The most energy-sensitive of us may have a feeling that something changes, or has changed. This is actually true. For about nine years now, Chiron was in Pisces examining and re-examining our deepest fears, regrets, sorrows and other wounds, since our born. (Well, unless you are over 100 years old.) Now, from Aries and until 2027 it will encourage us to move forward, heal these wounds quickly and permanently and, even, if this is what we need, to regenerate ourselves. Even if we don’t feel this change right away, we’ll see it happening in the next nine years. So, yes, something is changing. And because this subtle yet significant change happens in “the same time” with a more intense one, Sun’s change of signs, we may realise it right away.

Predictions for the new Week – Aries:

Mercury turns retrograde right when you started to flirt some more and have fun. However, now things are getting to be more complicated, especially in a part of your life where it’s meant to be a source of balance and pleasure. Therefore, please try to move on with caution and don’t let others infiltrate in relationships you hold sacred. Cheating becomes much more dangerous. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Taurus:

The week begins with the retrograde dance of Mercury who is trying hard to make sense with what’s going on in your home. Weird energies and feelings of discomfort are appearing to you so that you need to move on with things you’ve been stuck with the past months. So be more careful and start watching patiently what’s going on around you. You need to take some action! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Gemini:

Well, that’s clearly the last thing you wanted. Your governor’s retrograde course is a source of annual troubles regarding most parts of your life. Progress is slowed down, conflicts shake your emotional balance and mood swings drive you crazy. However, this is always a chance to reflect on your actions and find missing links you probably didn’t even know they exist in order to move on with more confidence and determination.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Cancer:

Right after the Solar eclipse a new one is coming and this affects you too. Therefore you are already in a very interesting yet exhausting time of your life. However, something is changes again and this comes from Retrograde Mercury who starts messing with your financial status and the flow of money. To unblock this please try to cleanse your chakras and your energy from all the troubles and emotional wounds you still did not manage to heal. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Leo:

We never said this is going to be easy. In fact, this is actually a very troubled time with all the eclipses touching your soul. Now, retrograde Mercury wants you to take a better look at yourself and see the truth. What is missing from you? Does your image need a healing touch or probably you need to take a step back and just enjoy yourself? All this is actually very important so that you move on with stability and confidence.  Need more convincing? Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Virgo:

This is probably the last thing you needed to hear but it’s true. Your beloved and bright governor, Mercury, turns backwards. This will be a cause for slowing down your dreams and goals while you will also have the time to reflect on your progress and set some goals anew. It’s not that bad actually if you learn to embrace the fact that you now need to proceed with more caution. Take some time to meditate and see clearly. See with your True Sight! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Aphrodite and her worshippers

Predictions for the new Week – Libra:

This is a new week which actually began pretty troubled already and unfortunately Retrograde Mercury, won’t help you much either. So what you really need to do is focus on your personal relationships which may hide the answer on what you’ve been looking for. Therefore, try to avoid all possible conflicts and pay attention to advice give by people you love. Maybe, what you are looking for may be already in your hands.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Scorpio:

At least one thing is certain. This summer ain’t boring AT ALL. Everyday hides an opportunity, a blessing or a trap. Now with Mercury moving backwards in your tenth solar house you should expect delays and all kinds of mess-up situations regarding your career and your professional life in general. Conflicts with work-mates or your superiors should be avoided. Peace needs to prevail and take a step back to reflect on your progress. To help you more, you can try Your Daily Tarot Card.

Predictions for the new Week – Sagittarius:

Although this is actually a very creative year – there are some times when you really need to take a step back and see what is urgent to be done in order to successfully deal with all the problems you’ve been facing in all your life. This year is a great chance for major progress. However, this time, now with Mercury going retrograde, you need to focus on your goals and reflect on your destiny. Are you walking the right path?  Well, your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Capricorn:

Right when you though that things can’t get more difficult, Mercury begins his retrograde course and you begin to re-evaluate your former statement. However, this may also be a good thing, to lay back, slow your movement and enjoy the ride. After all, life is not always about reaching your goals. Sometimes the best part is the journey. Hold on, things are going to get so much better!j  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Aquarius:

Now things are about to get more interesting and complicated all at the same time. On one hand you will experience an energy shift, which will help you awaken your powers and senses. At the same time, you may wake up to see you are actually trapped in a many ways. This is the time you need to analyse the facts and proceed with caution and not in the heat of the moment! More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Predictions for the new Week – Pisces:

The new week begins with many interesting moments. You may simultaneously feel thrilled, shocked and blessed. That’s the beauty of the Eclipses. Now that Mercury goes retrograde in your 6th solar house, it feels like someone is playing with your emotional balance, giving you reasons to feel anxious – almost every day. However, as the days progress you realize that there is nothing to feel anxious for as somehow you manage to find solutions. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Astrology and Magic:

Changing your love karma receives much support this week. The same goes for your appearance although you need to proceed with caution. 

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your week!

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