Save the Date : BLACK MOON, July 31st – August 01st 2019

Save the Date : BLACK MOON, July 31st - August 01st 2019

It’s probably the most intense energy shift of the whole year. On this date a Huge Energy Shift will take place. Already, we keep on having premonitions about the importance of this magical date. A lot of planetary, alchemical and pagan coincidences take place this date. Therefore, a portal of energy will open, conjuring Magical Power to all of us right when we need it. Thus, we plan on giving you all the information you need so that you can make the best out of it. Let’s go on then and explain what is going on up there. Here are 5 reasons why this date is so Magically Important. Let’s start with the Black Moon!

1.Black Moon 

So this is it. This is the Black Moon. Black Moon is the second New Moon happening in the same month. Actually it’s the New Moon equivalent to the Blue Moon (which is the second Full Moon happening in the same month). 

This means that this month is energised with additional energy of the New Moon follow the previous New Moon of the month which was actually a Solar Eclipse too! So too much energy already! But let’s proceed. 

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2.End of Eclipses

This New Moon actually marks the end of the Summer Eclipses which brought such mess in the Realm. Of course, it wasn’t just the energy of the eclipses, but also the – so many – retrograde planets + Chiron making things really complicated in so many ways. This new Moon will put an end – at least to all this intense energy of the Eclipses which ignited quarrels, conflicts and troubles in so many parts of our lives. But it’s not just that. 

3.End of Retrograde Mercury

This is the last day of Retrograde Mercury which began his backwards move from Leo ending it in Cancer. God of Communication began his retrograde course on July 7th and will end on July 31st. Therefore, it coincides with the Black Moon, ending a month of delays, cancelations and misunderstandings. This is really important! 

4. Black Moon conjuncts with Venus

Although it does also conjuncts with an inauspicious star called Asellus Australis, thankfully the Black Moon aligns with Venus giving all the loving and healing energy we need. The truth is that we’ve been through so much the past weeks. Therefore, this conjunction will be really helpful for all of us. Venus will bring healing and attract solution for everything that has been bother us. 

Venus conjuncts with the Black Moon in Leo

5. Lammas Day – when Fire and Water Unite

When Fire and Water unite, that’s Lughnasadh! From the eight Sabbaths of the Solar year, Lammas Day is the least known and celebrated of all the others. Let me remind you, that in Alchemy and in Elemental Magic, the apprentice is strictly advised always to be very careful when he/she decides to use a combination of Fire and Water in his/her spells or work. This is because the combination of these elements is explosive and dangerous! The combination is also a source of tremendous power for the Masters of the Craft! Is is also a very potent aphrodisiac combination!

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