Daily Predictions for Wednesday 14 August 2019

Daily Predictions for Wednesday 14 August 2019

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Aquarius squares the Retrograde Uranus in Taurus. It also forms a hexagon with Jupiter, in Sagittarius.

Also today, the Sun’s and Venus’ conjunction is becomes precise.


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So, this will be a good day with its stressful points.

Sagittarius will be the luckiest zodiac of the day. Taurus will be the one receiving the most stress.

Void of Course Moon for August 2019

The Moon has been having many long void of course periods, for some time now, and this still continues throughout August, although, in a somewhat smaller scale. In order to help you plan ahead whatever the void of course Moon affects, you can find all the void of course Moon periods for August here.

Also today, the Sun’s and Venus’ conjunction is becomes precise.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Trade can be a bit challenging, today. Also, important purchases, and money transactions, should be avoided, if possible. There is some stressful energies surrounding them. On the other hand, studies, of all kinds receive mostly pleasant energies. Social life, too.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

There may be some stress, mostly regarding, work, career and your place in the world. Especially so if you’ve been trying to make a change in these fields. Despite the stress, though, the day benefits work and career matters. Money, too, just not that much.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Travelling can become a bit stressful, today. Psychic travelling, too. Also, psychotherapies and the like can produce some upsetting, yet important, revelations. Work, social life and love life are mostly good.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Your high-tech and internet equipment can cause you some stress, today. Jobs based on those can have a few difficulties. Also, purchases of such equipment and services is not advisable, for the day. Work, though, in general, receives mostly good energies. Health also receives much support.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Love life receives mostly good energies, today. Finding a new love, for those seeking one, is possible. A marriage, or another for of making your love relationship more official, or advancing it on a the next level, are auspicious. Business partners, on the other hand, can cause you some unsettlement.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Travelling can be a bit stressful, today. Travelling for work reasons, even more so. Work in general can have its difficult moments, too. It’s not a bad day for work, though. If anything, it’s mostly a helpful day for it. Also, health receives beneficial energies. Health of a family member, too.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Love and sex life can face some issues and problems. Nonetheless, love life receives many pleasant energies, too. Singles in searching will experience mostly the latter. Also, social life is pleasantly active.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Money receives some supportive energies, today. Strengthening your financial situation is achievable. Also, buying property is auspicious. Family and your other half may stress you, a little, though. Business partners can also play this role.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work can become a bit stressful, mostly because of too much work load and, maybe, some disorganisation. Health is a bit sensitive, too. On the other hand, your productivity is strong and you can manage more than usual. Also, advancing in your personal goals – and especially intellectual and spiritual ones – is also possible.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Expenses can become a little pressing, today. Nonetheless, this is a mostly beneficial day regarding your finances. At least your long term ones. Also, those artistic, touristic and psychotherapeutic professions receive some extra good luck.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Home, family and your environment, in general can cause you some stress and unsettlement, today. It’s not the best day to discuss your plans with those close to you. On the other hand, general socialisation receives mostly beneficial influences. Work does so, too.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Physical health and emotional health still need some attention. In most cases, resting properly and not overestimating your strengths is all that you need. Business and work matters receive beneficial influences, on the other hand. They, too, can keep you on the edge, at some times, but overall it’s a good day for such matters.

Astrology and Magic:

Good luck, reversing bad luck, and fame magic are all promising, today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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