Daily Predictions for Monday 16 September 2019

Daily Predictions for Monday 16 September 2019

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon, from Aries, squares the Retrograde Pluto and the almost stationary Retrograde Saturn, both in Capricorn. It also forms a triangle with Jupiter in Sagittarius. Furthermore, from 16:03 UT, until 10:31 UT of the 17th, the Moon will be void of course.

So, this is going to be a somewhat stressful day with it’s strong points. Supporting our mood and consciously keeping a positive outlook can help us achieve even more and, certainly, easier.

Sagittarius will be the luckiest zodiac of the day. Capricorn will be the one receiving the most stress.

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Void of Course Moon for September 2019

The Moon has been having many long void of course periods, for some time now. September, too, has some long void of course Moon periods, although, somewhat less and shorter ones. In order to help you plan ahead whatever the void of course Moon affects, you can find all the void of course Moon periods for September here.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Work and career matters can cause you sine stress, today. Especially if you are starting something new, or you are changing jobs. Studies, though and intellectual kinds of jobs receive much support, regardless. Travelling is quite auspicious, too.



Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is quite strong day, regarding your magical and spiritual powers. Also, it’s a good day for jobs where you handle other people’s money, for spiritual kinds of professions and for most arts. Travelling, though, can be quite stressful and your mood needs much support.



Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Trade can face some problems. Also, expenses and financial obligations can become a little pressing. Nonetheless, work can be quite productive and it mostly proceeds nicely. Job interviews and business meetings receive much support.



Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Work receives mostly favourable energies, today. Your business partners, colleagues, or bosses can cause you some stress, but, nonetheless, overall, it’s a good day for work. Finding a new job, expanding your business and things like those, also receive good energies.



Daily Predictions for Leo:

Travelling receives mostly favourable energies, today. It can become stressful, especially if it’s done for work reasons, but it is auspicious. Also love receives good energies. Long distance relationships, even better ones. Work, though, can be somewhat stressful.



Daily Predictions for Virgo:

This can become quite a healing day for you. All forms of healing and, especially, energy healing and psychotherapy can have very good results. Those working in these fields can have a good and successful day, work wise. On the other hand, love life can be less pleasant than you’d prefer.



Daily Predictions for Libra:

Your family and, especially, your other half can cause you some stress, today. Business partners can play a similar role, in a lesser degree, though. Nonetheless, it’s not a bad day neither for love, nor for work. It can actually be quite productive, for both matters.



Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Work can become quite stressful, today. Overly demanding, or you may feel like it is so, most probably. Also, health, both physical and emotional, needs some care. On the other hand it’s a good day for money matters. Just avoid overspending.



Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Money can become a little stressful, today. Most probably, though, because of expenses and obligations, rather than because of problems in your income. Other than that this is a mostly pleasant day for you. Love seems even more pleasant and singles can be lucky.



Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

This is a good day for taking care of your home, your family and their needs. There may be some stress, there, but it’s a good day for solving problems and taking care of issues, regarding those matters.



Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Trade receives quite good energies, today. International trade, even more so. Other kinds of jobs also receive some support. Also, this is a mostly good day for all social matters. Not everything there comes easy, though.



Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Although money can cause you some stress, today, this is a mostly good day for it. Also work receives mostly beneficial energies, despite the stressful moments it may have. The internet, computers, smartphones and the like can also cause you some distress.



Astrology and Magic:

Karma cleansing is still strong, today. Probably stronger than yesterday, but maybe it needs some more alertness. Also, reversing bad luck is quite promising.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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