Astrological Predictions for 2020

Astrological Predictions for 2020

Sneak a Peek on Astrological Predictions for 2020 and the amazing things that are about to happen. We were here with you for so many years, and now we are here to explore another year, together. That been said, we should remind you that the past years have been extremely challenging for almost everyone of us. As Saturn flirts with Pluto in his favourite Zodiac Sign – Capricorn, we are sometimes shocked from the results of this conflict of powers. However, it seems that this time it’s different. As Zeus entered Capricorn few days ago, balance of Power is trying to be achieved, not always in a good way. 

Astrological Predictions for 2020: A year of Manifestation 

This year seems to be more balanced, at least in some ways, than the previous one. Although, Saturn still plays dangerous games with Pluto, Jupiter’s energy will hopefully bring stability and growth. However, this powerful trio, will probably magnify existing problems bringing an outburst of cosmic energy in our Realm. Things get real this year. Both good and challenging.

  • We would expect many changes until Summer of 2020 – especially during the eclipses – and news regarding many parts of our lives.
  • Amazing discoveries will happen, although ecological mayhem may bring despair.
  • Medical developments will strive to fight diseases and probably get really close to end AIDS or even cancer.
  • War and peace change from one to another and people seem to live a roller coaster, especially during the summer eclipses. Well, we have to learn a lot from this year too!

Let’s sneak a peek on each Zodiac Sign’s predictions.  

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Aries: Astrological Predictions for 2020

Now things get serious. Last year has brought some good news regarding your destiny. You may have achieved important victories regarding your education and all kinds of businesses which are related to foreign countries. Now things get more intense but more fruitful too. You see, many important planets are gathered in your 10th solar house, signifying important change in your Career. 

That been said, you may need to re-think all that bothered you in your professional life last years. Because let’s face it. 2020 holds surprises and opportunities which may help you, achieve great results. At the same time, all these increasing responsibilities may also bring exhaustion and fatigue. Therefore, you need to take better care of yourself and learn the secrets of meditation and hatha yoga breathing exercise. You need to recharge yourself. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: High John the Conqueror’s candle. High John’s root was also believed to aid in leadership and achieving more power. Witches also used it to set goals and achieve them, even if they had little chances of succeeding.

Taurus: Astrological Predictions for 2020

Last year was definitely not a very good one. You see, so many planets have been pushing you to grow without giving you the proper reassuring feedback. Especially Uranus, the planet of changes in your sign, signified a time you feared the most. Change was needed. That been said, this year has a very important change for you. Jupiter, comes in a friendly sign, to give his blessings to you and your destiny. Change seems less frightening now and good luck is by your side. 

During this year important travels will help you evolve and have more fun. Moreover, new spiritual and academic experiences will broaden your intellectual and psychic horizons. Anything that has to do with education, spiritualism, religions and travels – along with business with foreigners or other countries – are blessed by Jupiter. To sum up, yes 2020 is going to be better that last years. If you set a goal, you have many chances to achieve it! 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Venus incense. Not only Venus is your Governor, but also the energy of Venus was conjured for friendships, fertility, healing, successful business deals and prosperity.

Gemini: Astrological Predictions for 2020

It felt like a powerful burst of energy, changing many things regarding your relationships. On one hand, you met interesting new people and at the same time you made important steps regarding your existing relationships. It seemed that relationship-dynamics was probably the most important topic for both your personal and professional life. Now, things are changing. As your mood swings become intense, you need to focus on what brings joy or troubles in your heart. This is a year which you can use in order to cleanse your heart from all that troubled you in the past. 

As all these important planets are gathered in your 8th solar house, Rebirth is the message which comes from the stars. Release yourself from toxic relationships and thought patterns that have been dragging you down for so long. There is also a chance to receive unexpected money through mysterious means. That been said, this is also not a year for gambling, neither literally or metaphorically. This is a year for Rebirth. Cleanse your heart and let karma do its job. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Mercury’s Incense. Not only Mercury is your Governor, but also Mercury blesses commerce, education, intellectual skills, transportation and all negotiations.

Cancer: Astrological Predictions for 2020

As we’ve already told you, last year was a very important step for you. It seems that all these important planets right across your zodiac signs, brought many changes, regarding especially your professional and personal relationship. People moved aways and at the same time you attracted new interesting souls. This is a year of power. A Year where anything is possible. Why? Because Jupiter is also now across your Zodiac Sign. You may already feel it. 

There are many planets who seem to create a vortex of energy, changing things and brings many important opportunities. Many of you might get married, or give birth to a child or a very interesting idea. At the same time, magic seems to be by your side as long-term goals feel easier to accomplish. Opportunities appear out of nowhere but be careful. Proceed with caution because you still also have some challenging aspects. Use this good luck wisely. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Come to me oil. This oil was used by witches to increase their attraction powers. They loved to infuse a cotton ball with this oil and keeping it in a red or pink mojo bag (flannel). Moreover, they added some infused cotton, in their purse or even pocket to enhance their attraction powers.

Leo: Astrological Predictions for 2020

Last year was probably a very challenging year for you. It feels that your everyday life because harder and harder. At some point you may though that this was it. But it wasn’t. You are still alive. Congrats, You made it through! Now, this year is going to be different. Your health receives (since December 2019) benevolent influences and your everyday life is gradually balanced. Last year’s mayhem seems to be still strong, but at the same time you’ve changed, you are stronger! 

This means that the power of this year is beyond expectations. From one day to another, your everyday life may change. You may move, or change your job or meet someone special who can make you feel each day different. Although you still need to be careful, this year is going to balance the harm that’s been done the previous year(s). Optimism and Light <3 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Sun’s incense. Not only Sun is your Governor, but also you can use the Solar Powers to dispel the negativity of the previous years. 

Virgo: Astrological Predictions for 2020

I know, I know, Last year was truly a challenging one but you did have so many good things to feel happy about. Although your energy was depleted, your vitality seems to be worth spent because now you see the results. From December 2019 something has changed. And yes, time is needed to show the great results of this influence but trust me it will. This is a year of opportunities in many ways. 

First of all, your personal life is going to receive a very important change. Although the last year things got a bit weird, now optimism drives your path. At the same time, you may give birth to a wonderful and fruitful idea which may shape your destiny. Change is also an important factor as it brings many interesting news everyday for your travels and your education. Overall, this is going to be a fruitful and supporting year for most of your endeavours. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Three Kings incense. Three Kings incense’s recipe was found in alchemic grimoires to bring success, good luck, abundance and glory. All good things in life!

Libra: Astrological Predictions for 2020

There was too much power gathered in your home and your personal life. Although things got intense, you somehow made it through, making the appropriate changes. It wasn’t easy. But you did it. Now, things changed. Jupiter in the same part of your life marks a new beginning in your family and your personal life. Support is coming and you may see your libido increasing, satisfying your personal needs. 

Moreover, the new Year continues the series of changes in your everyday life which have begun last year in spring. Uranus in this part of your life brings new opportunities to improve your health, adding interesting ideas on how to achieve it. Go with the flow and look for signs. Good luck might be waiting for you in the most bizarre places this year. Finally, there are opportunities to increase your wealth, especially when it comes to real estate. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Cleansing Incense. Witches used it almost daily to cleanse their aura. It would be a good idea to dispel the negativity of the past years, and conjure the forces of clarity to guide you through 2020.

Scorpio: Astrological Predictions for 2020

Things have started to become quite intense last year, especially regarding your personal and professional relationships. Although you tried to make things clear, you may have failed, especially around summer. This influence, regarding the lack of stability in your relations will continue in 2020. You will meet new interesting people but at the same time, you may lose some of your old relations, especially the ones that have suffered in the past. Change has come. Do not try to deal with these issues in the same way. You need to change and adjust in the new reality. You might have to work harder to keep people you love around. 

At the same time, the new position of Jupiter, creates a golden opportunity to re-bond with your friends. This is an area that has been hit by both Saturn and Pluto the last years. Now with Jupiter there, you should create a stronger bond and reheat the love that once inspired you. That been said, Jupiter has hidden in these relationships some treasures. If you manage to discover them you may gain a lot the next months. After all, you will feel more inspired than usual. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Mars incense. Not only Mars is your Governor, but he is also considered to filter our passions and direct them creatively. 

Sagittarius: Astrological Predictions for 2020

Your governor spent a whole year in your Zodiac Sign. This created many chances for you to get inspired and deal with all issues in a very interesting way. However, you also had to deal with so much pressure regarding your finances and your professional life. That been said, you still need to work things out in your daily schedule and keep an eye on health issues and your vitality. However, things start to change gradually. 

In 2020, the main focus will be your finances and how you deal with debts and your income. Thankfully, you will probably have the chance to create an easier flow of money. This opportunity should not be wasted. When it happens, do not create a bigger debt, but invest on yourself and pay some bills. At the same time, please take some time to think of what opportunities were given to you in 2019, as you may have the chance to manifest them this year. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Prosperity oil. Now that your governor blesses your second solar house, you need to focus more on your finances. 

Capricorn: Astrological Predictions for 2020

You’ve been so much the past years. Especially the previous one was so bizarre that made you question the very things that kept you sane. Well, you know what they say. The darkest hour, is only a moment before the Dawn. This are now changing. Rapidly. You see, Jupiter, come in your Zodiac Sign, changing the energy that runs in you. Of course, Jupiter will not magically solve all your problems, but some may find solutions in an unexpected way. 

Moreover, with Uranus in your 4th house, change will still bother your family and your house. Although with Jupiter by your side, problems don’t seem that important. At the same time, Jupiter’s new position, will boost your optimism and your thirst for life. Please try to take full advantage of this influence. It is still not a time to risk but it is a time to invest on your future and your destiny. During the next 12 months, you will have the chance to achieve something great. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Three Kings incense. Three Kings incense’s recipe was found in alchemic grimoires to bring success, good luck, abundance and glory. All good things in life!

Aquarius: Astrological Predictions for 2020

There is no easy way to describe the darkness you felt the last years. It was surely a tough time for you. But congratulations. You made it through! This is a victory for you. And yes, things are changing. You may already feel it now. However, you still need to work things out. This is a preparation year for what’s coming. Jupiter will help you gain back – at least a part of – your optimism. Therefore, you may not look at life in a disappointed way, but with dreams and full of energy. 

At the same time, you may feel a divine hand, guiding you and helping you when you are ready to fall. This intervention may not be obvious always, but it’s there. Remember, that this is the year that you set the base for something amazing. Wonderful things are coming your way and you already see a ray of hope in the sky. Therefore, please be ready and keep an eye on opportunities! 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Benzoin. Now that darkness fades away, it’s time to conjure the forces of Light in your life. 

Pisces: Astrological Predictions for 2020

Last year was a reminder for you that your social life is an area of great opportunities but also deadly traps. You were misguided, misunderstood and frankly unlucky with new relationships. However, in all this mayhem, you met very important and strong people who have probably opened your horizons. Now, this year, things get more interesting. As Jupiter walked in, you will attract more luck and more fun. 

At the same time, you will perceive the amazing opportunities that may await for you. These new people you will meet, may open new doors in your professional life and your personal as well. Therefore, please do not rush to judge them and proceed step by step. Also, if your job has to do with the internet and technology you will probably receive inspiring news for your career in this year. 

  • Magical Ingredient for 2020: Jupiter’s Incense. Not only Jupiter is your traditional governor, but also this year he helps you create blissful opportunities in your social life. 
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