Daily Predictions for Friday 20 March 2020

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Aquarius, squares Venus, in Taurus. Furthermore, from 09:00 UT until 12:33 UT of the 21st of the month, the Moon will be void of course.

Also today, the Sun enters Aries at 03:50 UT, which means this is the Spring Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumn Equinox for the Southern Hemisphere. Also, Mars accurately conjuncts Jupiter, in Capricorn.

So, this will be a mostly stressful day.

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Pisces and Capricorn will probably be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Aquarius and Taurus will be the ones receiving the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Money can cause you some stress, today. Earnings can be more than expenses, but try to keep a balance. Also, this isn’t a good day for launching an advertising campaign. Even less during the 27.5 hours long void of course Moon period.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Most work career and business matters can stress you, today. Those seeking a new job and those who want to start something new will experience these energies even more intensively. If possible, avoid the void of course Moon period, too.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stressful influences, today. Social life, too, can cause you some stress. Studies, researches and all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature continue receiving some stress, although it declines as the time passes.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Computers, smartphones and the internet can cause you some stress, today. They can also burden your wallet. Try to avoid any unnecessary expenses of significant cost. Also, projects can progress more slowly and with more problems.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Business partners, associates, colleagues and bosses can cause you some stress, today. It’s also not a good day for signing important deals and contracts. Especially not during the long void of course Moon period.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Health, both emotional and physical receive some stress, today. Travelling, too. Also, work can be more difficult and challenging than usual. Health related jobs even more so.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Love life seems stressful, today. Those in a relatively fresh relationship and those in relationships without a strong foundation will experience this influences more clearly. Social life, too, can face some difficulties.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life still is receiving some stressful energies. Especially for those in a marriage, or a long-standing relationship. Family and other people you consider as important can also cause you some stress.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work receives some stressful energies, today. Things there can become a bit chaotic and overwhelming. Other obligations can all cause you some stress. Health, still needs some extra attention.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Money and your finances receive some stressful energies, today. If possible, try to avoid any unnecessary expenses and luxuries. Social obligations can also add to this stress.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family, as well as your environment, in general can cause you some stress. Also, your inner balance may need some of your care. Self motivation needs encouragement, too, and it would be wiser to provide it on your own.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Social life receives some stressful energies, today. Misunderstandings between toy and your friends, or relatives are possible. A feeling that you are not accepted and appreciated is also possible. Keep in mind though that maybe you’ll be the one giving this feeling to your friends, instead.

Astrology and Magic:

This is the Equinox, so all magic is boosted today.

That’s all. Have fun, enjoy your day and have a very blessed and magical Equinox!

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