New Moon in Taurus – 22/23 April 2020

New Moon in Taurus
New Moon in Taurus

General Predictions for the New Moon in Taurus:

On April the 23rd, at 02:26 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Taurus, forming the New Moon.

During this waxing Moon period Pluto is turning into retrograde motion, on the 25th, at 18:54 UT. From then on, and until the 14th of January 2021, there won’t be a single day all planets will be direct. Amongst else, this can bring some drawbacks and delays in medicinal progress. Thankfully, though, Pluto is still well supported, so progress is still happening.

In an individual level, our mood and emotional condition will now be needing much more care and support. At least until the 4th of October, when Pluto will turn back into direct motion. During the same period, though, recalling memories of our past lives, as well as awakening powers and abilities from those lives is getting easier. As the Ecliptic Period is starting with the next New Moon, make the best use of this lunar circle to grand yourself those blessings.

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Venus, Jupiter and, even more clearly, Saturn are slowing down significantly, during this period, too, as they’ll be turning into retrograde motion, a couple of days after the coming Full Moon. So, overall, things are slowing down considerably. This is not the right time for hasty decisions and actions. In the same time, it is the right time to puss things you have already decided and scheduled, into a faster action, in order to have them done – or have an as greater progress as possible on those – before the Full Moon.

The fast moving Mercury is the only planet that changes its zodiac, during this waxing Moon period. On the 27th it enters Taurus. Because of this, our need for contact and communication is getting much calmer than while Mercury is in the more impatient Aries.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

As we’ve seen in the Full Moon’s article, Uranus’ square with Saturn now is losing power and, from the 26th of the month, onwards it won’t affecting us as strongly. This means, our sense of lack of freedom is being reduced. Most probably this isn’t just the way we experience things. The external world will also be changing, giving us more freedom. Needless to say, though, with Saturn in the game, if we get too careless, things can become worse, in the future.

The Sun’s square with Jupiter is living its last days and it will stop acting on the 26th. This square, along with Sun’s square with Pluto, which ceases activity on the 24th, challenged our emotional balance. Thankfully, this handicap ends now that Pluto turns into retrograde motion. Nonetheless, the days until the 26th might be somewhat more challenging.

The Sun’s square with Saturn is still strong. It loses power by the day and it will cease activity on the 2nd of May. After then, luck will be more generous with us.

The extra long lasting square of Venus and Neptune becomes accurate for the first time on the 4th of May and it will remain very strong during the whole period. It will become accurate for a second time on the 20th of May, two days before the next New Moon. By then, Venus will be on retrograde motion, so things will be more challenging. This square will stop acting on the 8th of June. During the this whole period, love life, emotional health, artistic creativity, the sense of beauty and joy, all will be facing some challenges. Try to heal all problems in your existing relationship, and all inner obstacles against finding a relationship, if you are single, before the 13th of May, if possible. After then, as we said, Venus will be in retrograde motion making the challenges even more intense.

Mercury, from Aries, forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn. This square will be accurate on the 25th, while Pluto is still on direct motion, and it’s active since the 20th and it will remain active until the 30th of April. By then, of course, Mercury will be in Taurus, and Pluto will be Retrograde. This square raises some difficulties in our magical practices and makes us more vulnerable in negative magic and psychic attacks. Especially around the 25th. Working on cleansing and self-defence is advisable. It can also bring some difficulties in medical and medicinal advancement.

Also, Mercury forms a square with Jupiter. Accurately so on the 26th. This square is active since the 21st and it will remain active until the 1st of May. During this period some extra difficulties in work, career and business matters are to be expected. In most case, though, these are difficulties we can overcome with patience and more effort.

Mercury will be forming a square with Saturn, too. This square will be accurate on the 28th, and active from the 24th of April, until the 3rd of May. For some, until the 4th of May. This can reduce the pleasure of social activity (online and offline one), and strengthen the problems regarding it. It can also reduce the quality and the effectiveness of meditation and visualisation. Especially for the less experienced ones. In the same time, though, it will make such techniques even more important. So, do remember, that even a little bit of gain is better than giving up trying.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Mars’ and Venus’ extra long lasting triangle is still active and will remain so until the 15th of May. This triangle supports love and sex life. Our libido is strong and it can help our relationships. Once again, those in sex-based relationships, though, should be more careful. Nonetheless, this triangle is now losing power, and Venus-Neptune square will be overwhelming this blessing.

Pluto’s and Jupiter’s conjunction is still strong, although not as strong as during the previous lunar circle. As we’ve explained this conjunction promotes advancement in medicine, which is an important thing under the circumstances. Also, as we’ve seen in the Full Moon’s article, this advancements during the waning Moon might not have come to light, but from the 26th onwards information will reach the general public.

The Sun is in a conjunction with Uranus, in Taurus. This conjunction will be accurate on the 26th and it will remain active until the coming Full Moon. The Sun is also in a conjunction with Mercury. This conjunction will start acting on the 26th, when Mercury is still in Aries, and it will remain active until the 13th of May, when Mercury will have entered Gemini. Furthermore, Mercury and Uranus are in a conjunction. This conjunction will be accurate on the 1st of May, and it will be active from the 26th of April and until the 5th of May.

All this activity will support social interactions, and progress through social interaction and internet activity. Online jobs, and especially online shops will have a very good period. Promoting web pages and social media profiles, also receives great support and much good luck. In fact, everything that has to do with the internet and technology receives much support and good luck. Also, innovative and out of the box thinking can be quite helpful and a source of income, too.

Mercury will also be in a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon will be accurate on the 7th of May, minutes before the moment of the Full Moon. This hexagon will be active since the 28th of April and until the 12th of May. This will promote magic, spirituality and connections and communications in a deeper level. It also promotes emotional healing. A much needed trait during this time. The Sun also forms a hexagon with Neptune. Accurately so on the 10th of May, but this hexagon will be active since the 30th of April and it will remain active until the 21st of May. This brings some hope and the reasons to be hopeful, too. It also empowers magic and healing.


Overall, this New Moon and this waxing Moon period are quite challenging. The balance of auspicious and inauspicious aspects is shifting in favour of the inauspicious ones. Nonetheless, the supporting ones are still strong and plenty. So, yes, it’s a challenging and difficult period, but in the same time, significant progress can be achieved.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Money receives mostly beneficial energies from this New Moon and this waning Moon period. Nonetheless, expenses need some monitoring. Unexpected ones, as well as loses can happen. Watch out for internet scams, update your antivirus and firewall and back up any important files. Despite any obstacles and stress, though, this period can help you improve your financial condition. Financial planning, both short-term and long-term, receives support, too. Work, too, proceeds well, but not effortlessly.

Mood and your emotional condition need some extra care, on your part. Situations can ignite, at time, your negative thinking, but, for the greatest part, it comes from within. Consciously keeping a positive mindset can help you a lot.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Finances need some attention. In most cases, the New Moon and the waxing Moon period won’t produce events that can cause you significant trouble. They’ll raise the pressure, though. Your mind and your decisions regarding your finances and your management of your money is what can really put you off track. So, be prudent and wise.

Work and business matters also receive some stress. Those trying to start something new, including a new job, a new business, or a new line of career, will experience this stress more strongly than the rest. On the other hand, your productivity seems strong and you can achieve a great amount of progress on whatever you focus your energies on. Promoting yourself and expanding your circle of acquaintances are also possible.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Magic and spirituality are less strong than they were during the previous lunar circle, for most (although they are still strong), but that’s not the case for you. Both of them are quite strong. In fact, intuition, empathy, premonitions and omens can happen even by chance. Dream world is also quite strong, but not always prophetically so. It can give you a clearer understanding on what happens in your psych, though. Use this knowledge to heal yourself and your soul.

Healing, in fact, and especially emotional healing is quite strong during this period. Stress and other emotional conditions can act up, though, at times. This, too, is a way to see what needs healing more clearly. Work and business matters receive some stress. Progress is feasible, but with more effort than you’d expect.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Consciously keeping your spirits up can help you have an easier and more productive time. Also, finances receive some stress. Your income, not as much though. Expenses, obligations and the like are the main problem, in most cases. High-tech equipment needs some attention. Updating your firewall and your antivirus, as well as backing up important files are advisable.

Productivity and progress in your work and other projects face some obstacles and difficulties. Nonetheless, they can’t stop your progress. Inspiration and support can also come your way. In some cases unexpectedly so, too. Also, studies of all kinds, as well as all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature receive beneficial influences.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

For good and ill, career, work and business matters are the main focus of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Business parters, colleagues, associates and, in some cases, the law can cause you some stress and delay or reduce your progress. In most cases, though, they can’t stop it. In fact, you are capable of a great progress, despite the difficulties. Most of it because of your effort, but some chances and opportunities are coming your way, too.

Investments and financial management needs some extra attention. Your thinking is not clear enough to support you in such decisions. Relying on trustworthy experts would be wiser, but finding such an expert right now, if you don’t know any, can be challenging.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Work and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Business partners, colleagues and associates can cause you some unsettlement. In most cases, a calmer reaction and handling of the situations can help you to overcome such challenges more painlessly. Occupations and avocations of intellectual nature can be more challenged, but, in the same time, they receive much support, too, so, things there will be difficult, but progress is to be expected. Studies, in particular, re

Love life, on the other hand, seems mostly pleasant. Long distance relationships enjoy even more blessings. Friends and other important people of your life can also play a beneficial role, in your life, or simply make it more enjoyable.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Love and sex life needs some attention, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. This will affect even more those keeping parallel relationships, those being dishonest with their other half, and those who base their relationships on carnal satisfaction. Sex, though, can be helpful for those in an otherwise good relationship. It can actually get better. Even good relationships, though, will experience this stress to some extend. Also, emotional health and your mood need some care.

Work, although it can become somewhat stressful and overly demanding, at times, it progresses nicely and successes on the field can happen. Job seekers can have some luck, too. Also, physical health receives stronger healing energies than stressful ones.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life can be somewhat stressful, at times, and somewhat less satisfactory than you’d like, but, overall, it is good and it can get even better. Most of the energies affecting it are beneficial ones. Long standing relationships will probably experience the stressful energies more clearly, but, even for them, the pleasant ones are stronger. Friends can also play a pleasant role in your life. Their love life, too. The same is true for your kids and – depending on their age – for their love life, too. Parents, on the other hand, can cause you some stress.

Productivity and creativity are also strong, during this period. Artistic creativity, even more so. Also, business partners, colleagues and other people that work with you in living-providing, or not, projects can be more helpful than usual, or more helpful than you’d expect them to be.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work can become overly demanding and tiresome, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Nonetheless, this is a good period for work and work matters. Finances, too, receive some support. Also, those searching for a new job, or for a second one, will have more chances of finding one.

Health seems strong. Don’t get over-confident, though, as this can backfire. Overtiring yourself is also possible. Take good care of your body and things will be fine. If you are facing any health issues, expect good developments. Also, health issues in the family receive some help.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Work receives some stressful energies from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Other obligations can also stress you. Try to prioritise wisely and make sure you’ll have enough time to rest properly. Health, too, seems sensitive, so, don’t take any chances. Also your expenses need some monitoring. Avoid, whenever this is possible, unnecessary and luxury purchases.

Other than those, though, this is a mostly pleasant period. Productivity and creativity are good. Artistic creativity even more so. Also, love life receives mostly pleasant energies. Some good luck, too. Friends can also give you some joy and, in some cases, inspiration, or practical help, too. Expanding your social circle is also possible.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family can play a significant role in your life during this period. For the most of it a pleasant and supportive one, too. There will be times when family and your environment can give you some stress, distraction, or discouragement, though. Focusing on what you want to do, and not relying to much on them can help you enjoy their support more and experience the unpleasant effects less strongly. Healing, too, receives mostly supportive energies. Emotional healing more so than physical one, though.

Expenses and social obligations can stress your finances. In most cases, you stress about them more than the situations call for. Nonetheless, do be as wise and prudent as possible. Money does receive supportive energies, so, if you take your precautions, things will be easier. Maybe, even good.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition can be challenged by this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Consciously keeping a positive mindset is advisable. In fact, most of the energies your zodiac receives are beneficial ones, so, count your blessings. Family and home can also cause you some stress occasionally. There, too, in most cases, you are experience more stress than you should.

Productivity and creativity, on the other hand are quite strong. Work and projects proceed almost without obstacles. Social life, including online one, can become quite active and productive, too. It’s also a good period for advertising yourself, your products and your services. Job seekers can find what they are looking for, and the same is true if you are the one searching for people to hire.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic, although not as much as the previous lunar circle, is still strong. Love and beautification magic, even more so.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period!

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