New Moon in Libra – 16 October 2020

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Predictions for the New Moon in Libra:

On October the 16th, at 19:32 UT the Moon meets the Sun, in Libra, forming the New Moon. This New Moon stresses strongly enough Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the Retrograde Mars, so it’s not going to be an easy going one.

During this waxing Moon period, the Sun enters Scorpio, on the 22nd, Mercury returns in Libra, on the 28th and, in the very same day, Venus enters Libra. Furthermore, Jupiter has regain its speed and it’s going to speed up more, little by little, as the time passes, as it’s getting ready for a “speed race” during 2021 and until the first half of 2023, passing through three zodiac signs and permanently entering the forth, in two and a half years, when it usually spends twelve months in each zodiac. Therefore, despite the considerable retrograde activity, things are changing.

Mars’ square with Jupiter:

As we’ve seen before, and will keep on seeing until early 2021, Mars forms some stressful 6-months long aspects. Furthermore, right now, Mars is Retrograde, which makes these aspects even more stressful.

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Mars’ square with Jupiter will remain active until the 24th of February 2021. Furthermore, during this waxing Moon period it becomes accurate, on the 19th. Therefore, during the whole period is is extra strong. During the period of this square’s activity, being too optimistic is not, in fact, positive thinking, but a way to hindrance our progress. Worrying too much is also easy to happen, and it is just as ill-advisable as being too optimistic is. The same is true for being impatient.

Furthermore, financial risks should be avoided. Scams and fake opportunities promising to get you rich fast are possible to appear and should also be avoided. Any kind of investment should be considered extra carefully.

Mars’ square with Pluto:

Similarly, Mars is forming a square with Pluto. This square became accurate for the second time on the 9th of October, and, therefore, it’s still very strong. The square, though, started acting on the 23rd of July and it will remain so until the 16th of January 2021, without a break. This is a difficult to handle aspect and needs much care and attention. During this long period every kind of change we intend to do must be done slowly and after thinking of it thoroughly. Even then, disappointments might take place. Harrying things up and pressing situations can guarantee failure, unless Mars in your Natal Chart is very auspiciously active, or Mars makes very good aspects with your Natal planets. Even then, though, being too hasty, or too forceful can backfire.

This aspect can also produce intense negative feelings and mindset. Especially for a week before and after the dates when the aspect becomes accurate, or when Mars receives additional stress. Mars, unfortunately receives much of it, and long-term one, too, throughout the whole period. Furthermore, Pluto can cause emotional issues to act up even when it is overly active beneficially. Even worse so when it is stressfully active. During the whole 6 month long period, Pluto will always be super active, too. So, take good care of your emotional condition and your mood. If you are dealing with psychological issues, or you have such a history, be even more watchful.

Mars’ square with Saturn:

Finally, Mars forms a square with Saturn. This square has been active since the 31st of July and it will remain so until the 2nd of November. Then, again from the 10th of December until the 7th of February 2021. On the 29th of September this square became accurate for the second time, but now it loses power. Unfortunately the New Moon stresses both Mars and Saturn, so we might not experience the square’s effects more gently.

During the whole period of its activity, physical health needs great attention. If you are working out keep your routine as is. Make only minor changes and reluctantly so. Relaxing it permanently is okay, though. In the same time, if you don’t exercise, then adding some light – very light – form of exercise in your daily routine is advisable. Make sure it is light and easy for you, not whatever might be commonly considered as light and easy. Aerobic kind of exercise is more advisable than body building and the like.

Making significant changes in your diet is not advisable, but taking some extra calcium and vitamin C are good general advices. Of course, consult your doctor before taking any health care supplements, and don’t overdo it. As Mars is retrograde, old health issues might act up. Repetitive issues might also re-occur. The musculoskeletal system, the digestive one and the circulatory system are the most sensitive. High blood pressure, feverish conditions and other fiery conditions also need some extra attention and better care. Accidents can also happen. When engaging with dangerous activities, be extra careful. The same is advisable for when engaging with fire, or metal. Drive extra carefully, too.

Just like with Pluto’s square, disappointments are possible and forcing things to move on is not the right policy.

The rest inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Mercury opposes Uranus since the 28th of September. This opposition became accurate, for the first time, on the 7th of October and it will be accurate again on 20th. Therefore, it is extra strong during this whole waxing Moon period. Afterwards, it will pause its activity from the 30th and until the 9th of November. Then it will become accurate for the 3rd time on the 17th of November and it will finally stop affecting us on the 24th of November. During the whole period of its activity, technology and whatever depends on it can be more challenging and more problematic. High-tech equipment can act oddly, or it might need repairs, or replacement. After the 15th of November, when we’ll be in an Ecliptic Period, these effects will become more intense.

Also, the Sun squares Jupiter. This square was accurate on the 11th of October and it will remain active until the 22nd. In the same time, the Sun squares Pluto. Accurately so on the eve of this New Moon 15th of October. This square will remain active until the 25th of the month. Furthermore, the Sun squares Saturn. Accurately so on the 18th of October. This square has been affecting us since the 9th of the month and it will remain active until the 29th. On top of those, the Sun opposes the Retrograde Mars, in Aries. This opposition was accurate on the 13th of the month and it will be affecting us until the 21st of the month.

All these stressful aspects will create some tension and bad luck, intensifying the stress Mars’ squares create. Accidents are more likely to happen, too, so be extra careful with whatever you are doing. Even more so, when engaging with fire, or dangerous activities. Physical and emotional health need some extra care, too. Also, any significant expense or investment should be done after a thorough consideration and research. As all these aspects happen on the Cardinal Cross, they might bring negative and tensed developments on a national, international, or global level. Even more so from the 8th and until the 11th, when the Moon will be crossing Cancer, completing the Grand Cross.

Furthermore, the Sun opposes Uranus. Accurately so on the day of the Full Moon, and strongly under the influences of the Full Moon, so this aspect will affect us quite a lot, both during this waxing Moon period and the whole coming waning Moon period, but even more strongly from the 22nd of October until the 10th of November. Amongst else, online businesses might face some difficulties. Also, purchasing high-tech equipment should be done more carefully.

Also, Venus opposes the Retrograde Neptune. Accurately so on the 18th of the month. This square, though, has been affecting us since the 10th of the month and it will continue doing so until the 26th. Under the influences of this square, amongst else, our already stressed mood and emotional health will be receiving a greater stress, so being extra careful and supportive towards ourselves won’t hurt. Furthermore, love life and other emotionally important relationships might become more stressful and challenging.

Mercury will be forming some squares, too. One with Saturn, accurately so on the 1st of November, while Mercury is still Retrograde (and then again, while Mercury will be direct, on the 6th of November). This square will be affecting us from the 23rd of October and until the 16th of November.

Another one with Pluto. This square will be affecting us from the 26th of October and until the 13th of November, but it won’t become accurate. Then, a third, relatively weak square will be formed between Mercury and Jupiter. This square, too, won’t become accurate, and it will be affecting us from the 28th of October and until the 13th of November. All these squares, amongst else, will bring some extra tension in our social life. They will also increase the stress Sun’s squares with the same planets are producing. Also, meditation and similar techniques can become more challenging.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s year long hexagon with Jupiter is still very strong. It was accurate on the 12th of October. Now, although Jupiter is speeding up, this hexagon will remain extra strong until the end of the month and quite strong until the 14th of November. After then, its blessings will become less perceptible, but they’ll be there for us, until the 11th of December, when it will cease activity.

Also, Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Saturn, although it slowly loses strength, it still supports us and it will continue doing so until the 28th of November, just before Neptune turns into direct motion.

Furthermore, Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still quite strong and it will remain so until the end of the year. Although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, these three hexagons, along with the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, give great power to magic and help us heal our souls, and our relationships. They also support physical healing. Now that the triple conjunction in the Cardinal Cross is back into direct motion healing past traumas is not as strongly supported – it will be receiving some support until the 29th of November – but global progress in medicine and pharmacology receive greater help.

Also, Venus is in a triangle with Jupiter. Accurately so on the 19th, but this triangle has been blessing us since the 10th of October and until the 28th of the month. Careers of health and beauty, as well as artistic ones receive a boosting under this influence. Also, expanding our social circle, strengthening and healing our existing relationships, friendly and romantic ones, receive support.

Similarly, Venus and Pluto are forming a triangle. Accurately so on the 21st of the month. This triangle has been affecting us since the 13th and it will keep on doing so until the 30th. This triangle further supports healing, physical, emotional and of our relationships. Cosmetics, pharmacology and similar occupations receive support, too.

Additionally, Venus is forming a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the 24th of October. This triangle will be active from the day of this New Moon and until the 2nd of November, further supporting healing.

The Sun conjuncts the Retrograde Mercury, in Scorpio. Accurately on the 25th of October. This conjunction will be active from the 22nd and until the 30th. During those days the stress Sun’s and Mercury’s squares produce, as well as Mercury’s retrograde motion’s effects will calm down a bit.

Finally, the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, that has been affecting us during the whole year, is gaining strength rapidly, strengthening even more magic, spirituality, and healing.


Overall, this is quite a challenging New Moon and waxing Moon period. Being extra careful and patient won’t hurt. Nonetheless, progress can be achieved and we should do what we can to achieve it. Contracts, deals and expenses of a significant cost should be considered extra carefully throughout the whole period. Furthermore, purchases of computers, smartphones and the like should be avoided, if possible. Try to schedule those from the 30th of the month to the 9th of November, if you need them before January.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Work, career and business matters are still under the main focus of the planetary energies. Both beneficial and stressful energies are affecting these matters. Now that Mercury has turned retrograde, there might be a bit more tension in the work environment and you should be more careful, in order to avoid mistakes, there. Being more open-minded and patient will also help. Finances and your income receive some stress, too, so being more prudent with your investments and expenses is advisable.

Nonetheless, progress is happening, despite the challenges. Long-term planning also receives mostly supportive energies. Physical and emotional health seem sensitive and need a better care, but healing of both is quite strong. Furthermore, your magical abilities seem stronger than usual. Finally, cleansing and healing of your social circle is encouraged by the stars. Try to do this now, as an Ecliptic period is approaching.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Travelling and transportations receive some extra stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Health, both physical and emotional, too, receives some stress and needs a better care. Similarly, your everyday life, work, and finances can be disturbed and get out of balance. Try to keep an as relaxed and flexible schedule as possible and avoid any risky investments and big expenses, as much as possible.

Despite the Retrograde Mercury, love and social life, although they are not unchallenged, they mostly receive beneficial energies. Work related socialisation, maybe not as much, as it falls under the stress work receives. Love life, though, can get both pleasant and lucky. Interesting encounters for those seeking a new love are possible. After the 22nd even more so. Productivity and creativity are also strong.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Work, career and business matters receive the main focus of the planetary energies of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Investments, contracts, deals and the like need a wiser approach. Hiring and firing personnel, too. Some possibly unpredictable obstacles and challenges, might also occur. Nevertheless, most energies focusing on the field are beneficial and supportive ones. Even more so after the 22nd. Health, too, receives some strengthening and healing energies. Some scares, now and there, might happen, but, overall, health looks good this fortnight. Of course, if a problem does occur, seek the advice of your doctor, or health care practitioner of your trust.

Social and love life receive some tension and need a cautious handling. In most cases nothing serious is happening, but some, or many, little things that built up the tension. Neither pay them more credit than they deserve, nor turn a blind eye to those.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Work applications and interviews receive this stress more strongly. Regardless, don’t avoid them. Just make sure you are well prepared to face them. Travelling and transportations, as well as the means of those, and, similarly, communications and the means of those, receive some stress, too. After the 26th, these influences calm down a bit, but they don’t completely vanish.

Social and love life, too, receives a bit of stress, and already problematic relationships and friendships can become even more problematic. Healthy relationships can also experience this, usually because of stress each of you are facing, rather than because of problems in your relationships. Nonetheless, both love and social life receive mostly good energies. Those seeking a new love might get lucky. Exes, or people reminding you of exes can also play a mostly pleasant role in your life, this fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Health seems extra sensitive under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period and it needs much care and attention. In the same time, healing is extra strong, so if you are facing health problems and you are careful, expect good developments. Needless to say, though, if you are not facing such issues, there is no reason to challenge your luck. Work and finances, too, receive some stress. Those, though, receive supportive influences, too. Important career decisions probably get more of the stressful energies, but progress and successes are rather feasible in your day-to-day work related obligations and goals.

Home, family and your environment can also play a significant role in your life. Until the 22nd this can be mostly a stressful one. Especially so if there are already problems, there. After then, though, things are calming down and get more pleasant.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Travelling and transportations, as well as the means of those, receive some stressful energies from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Communications and their means, too. Furthermore, finances need some wiser handling. Obligations are possible to stress them. In some cases, unexpectedly so, or more so than you’ve been expecting. Therefore, being extra prudent wherever you can, can be of great help. Avoiding risky investments and purchases of a significant cost, as much as possible, too, can be of help.

Despite some stress in your love and social life, these fields of your life receive mostly pleasant and supportive energies. Even with your ruler in retrograde motion an opening there can happen. Those who have been searching for friends, a new love, or people to work with, or to task them with some job they might find those people. Starting your search now, receives auspicious energies, but their results are more likely going to become obvious when Mercury turns back into direct motion.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Finances receive much focus from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, for good and ill. There is some stress affecting those, but, in most cases, if you act wisely and avoid unnecessary expenses, you’ll enjoy the supportive energies more than the stressful ones. Purchases and orders of computers, smartphones and the like is advisable to be avoided, if it’s possible. Keep in mind that from the 4th to the 9th of November it an less stressful period for making those. Work, too, receives mostly supportive energies. Nonetheless, situations there can become more tensed, or demanding.

Also, health, which seems sensitive for you most of the year, receives some extra stress during this fortnight, but healing seems strong, too. Health issues in the family can also have good developments. Furthermore, this is a helpful period for strengthening your psychic abilities.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Work receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Other obligations can also stress you and consume much of your time and energy. Make sure you rest properly and you take good care of yourself, as health seems sensitive, too. Your emotional health and your mood are affected by these energies, as well. Regardless the stress, though, work proceeds well enough. That’s probably because your productivity and creativity are stronger than usual.

Love and social life, too, can face some challenges, but they are mostly good. Meeting new people, finding people you’ve been searching for, whether they are possible friends, love interests, or people you want to work with, or hire them for some job, are possible, too. Also, your self confidence and personal magnetism become stronger. Especially so after the 22nd.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work, career and business matters receive some stressful energies, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Exercise much wisdom in all important decisions regarding those, as well as on contract signing and the like. Not everything is bad there. In fact, there is strong support on those matters. But everything can be challenging and more difficult than usual. Your productivity and creativity are not on their best form, either. Also, finances and your income receive some stress. Similarly, be wise and prudent and things will be good. Maybe better than you expect, too.

On the contrary, small scale renovations and redecorations, as well as repairs in home, receive mostly auspicious energies. Don’t overdo it, but do those, if you need them. An Ecliptic period is approaching and, then, things can become more chaotic. Health seems a bit sensitive. Emotional health and your mood more so than physical health. Finally, imagination, as well as intuition and the rest of your psychic abilities can be more active and capable during this fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Travelling and transportations, as well as the means of those receive stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. The same is true for communications and communications equipment. For you, these affect will start calming down from the 28th onwards, though. Nonetheless, as those aspects of our lives receive long-term stress for all the zodiacs, being more careful even after the 28th would be advisable. Also, work, career and business matters can stress you. Family and your environment, too. Wherever the two can interfere with each other, things can become more challenging. In most cases, though, your income is hardly, affected.

Productivity is quite strong and capable. You might feel like you can do anything, and, actually, you can. Nonetheless, try to avoid exhausting yourself. Love and social life receive a bit of stress, too. Online social activity and dating will experience these influences more strongly. Otherwise, though, social life, in particular, seems mostly pleasant, active and productive.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Travelling and transportations, as well as the means of those receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, and the same is true for communications and their equipment. Finances, too, receive some stress and need more attention. At least until the 26th. After then, the stressful energies on finances are calming down and the beneficial ones acting on the same field will overwhelm them. Even before, then, though, financial planning and corrections receive mostly supportive energies. Social life can be less pleasant and less active than you’d like, but, in most cases, nothing really bad is happening, there.

Work, career and business matters won’t be uneventful, but there is strong support on these matters, so progress and successes are feasible and possible. Even more so after the 22nd. Furthermore, psychic and magical abilities are extra strong for you, throughout the whole fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Finances receive some extra stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Be as wise as possible with all your expenses, as it’s possible what you consider “insignificant” to be the reason your finances might get out of balance. Even more so, of course, for all expenses of a significant value, high-tech related ones, as well as contracts and the like. Work can face some challenges, too, especially if you need the cooperation of partners, colleagues, or associates. On the contrary, your own productivity and efficiency seem extra strong.

Travelling and transportations, as well as the means of those receive some extra stress, too. The same is true for communications and the means of those. Social life, as long as is not affected by miscommunications and misunderstandings, will be mostly pleasant. In fact, expanding your social circle receives support, but do that cautiously.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is extra strong under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Maybe not as strong as it has been for some time now, but from the 25th onwards it will be even stronger.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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