Daily Predictions for Friday 13 November 2020

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon, from Libra, squares Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn, all in Capricorn. Then, in Scorpio, it conjuncts Mercury, there. Furthermore, from 11:33 UT, until 16:20 UT, the Moon will be void of course.

So, will be a mostly stressful day, but it becomes somewhat better after the void of course Moon period.

Scorpio will be the luckiest zodiac of the day. Libra and Capricorn will be the ones receiving the most stress.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, today. Colleagues and partners can be the cause of it. After the void of course Moon period, though, your chances to achieve successes are raising.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Health seems sensitive today and needs a better care. Work, too, can be overly demanding and stressful. Your other half, though, and dear friends can play a pleasant and supportive role in your day.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Love and sex life receive stressful energies, today, and some alertness is advisable. Friendships receive similar energies, but not as strongly. Work, on the other hand, proceeds mostly well.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Home, family and your environment can cause you some stress, today. Your other half, too. Things, though, seem to calm down after the void of course Moon period and feel more pleasant. Creativity seems good, too.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Health seems sensitive and needs some better care and attention, today. Work, too, can be quite demanding, tiresome and stressful. The same is true for other obligations, as well. In the same time, healing, resting and relaxing can produce better results, than usual.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Finances receive some stress, today. Your children, as well as social obligations can add to this. Productivity, though, seems good. Social life, although not stress-free, isn’t bad, either.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Home, family and your environment, in general, can cause you some stress, or discouragement, today. This is not an auspicious day for acquiring new property, either. Finances, though, receive some support.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, today. Friends can also stress you, or worry you, but social life receives some beneficial influences, as well. Your productivity seems good enough, but your mind isn’t on its best for important decision making.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Finances receive some stress, today. This is not a good day for purchases and orders of a significant cost. After the void of course Moon period and for about six hours, though, these energies are calming down, so if you need to do such things today, try to do them during that period.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, today. Starting something new, and especially so during the void of course Moon period, can face more challenges than you’d expect. Your productivity, nonetheless, is quite good.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Travelling receives some extra stress, today. Your mood and your emotional condition, too, need some extra care and support. Work, though, seems to proceed mostly well. After the void of course Moon period, even better.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Finances receive some stress, today. This is not a helpful day for purchases and orders of a significant cost. Social life, too, seems more stressful then pleasant. Your mood, though, is getting better, as the day proceeds.

Astrology and Magic:

Money magic, and especially spells that help you pay debts and the like receive a boosting, today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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