New Moon in Capricorn – 13 January 2021

New Moon in Capricorn
New Moon in Capricorn - January 12-13, 2021

General Predictions for the New Moon in Capricorn:

On January the 13th, at 05:00 UT the Moon meets the Sun, in Capricorn, forming the first New Moon of the year. The Ecliptic Period came to an end on the Full Moon of the 30th of December, and this New Moon will wipe out any after effects of that might be still lingering.

On top of that, just the day after the New Moon, on the 14th, at 08:36 UT, Uranus is turning back to direct motion. Therefore, during this waxing Moon period there will be no retrograde activity at all. Things are moving forward, although maybe not as fast as for the previous two fortnights. Make good use of this short “golden” period, because two days after the coming Full Moon, Mercury will be turning retrograde, ending it.

During this period, only the Sun changes its zodiac sign and enters Aquarius, on the 19th. That will make four planets in Aquarius, and, as we’ve seen, they are going to become five on the 1st of February, when Venus will also enter the zodiac. As we’ve said on the Full Moon’s article, a great gathering of planets in Aquarius always brings a change of global consciousness and mentality, something that not always happens in a pleasant and peaceful way, but, in the long run, it leads to progress.

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Mars’ square with Jupiter:

As Mars has regained most of its speed, the long-lasting stressful squares it forms since last summer, are starting one by one to lose power. This is a good thing.

Nonetheless, Jupiter, as we’ve seen is also extra speedy, so Mars’ square with Jupiter will take a bit longer to stop affecting us. In fact, during this fortnight, on the 23rd of January, it will become accurate for the last time, so some extra attention is necessary. After the 23rd, it will start losing power slowly and, eventually, it will stop affecting us on the 24th of February.

During this period, being too optimistic is not, in fact, positive thinking, but a way to hindrance our progress. Worrying too much is also easy to happen and it is just as ill-advisable as being too optimistic is. The same is true for being impatient. As now Mars is in Taurus, and both planets are in the Fixed Cross, a much less flexible cross than the Cardinal one, stubbornness can also become an issue. It might be easier, if we keep an eye on it, to control it, when it reveals its face, but, sometimes, stubbornness might be confused for determination, and then things can be more complicated.

Furthermore, financial risks should be avoided. Scams and fake opportunities promising to get you rich fast are possible to appear and should also be avoided. Any kind of investment should be considered extra carefully.

Mars’ square with Pluto:

Mars’ square with Pluto has already stopped affecting us considerably and it will completely cease affecting us on the 16th of January. This is a double blessing, as now Pluto receives less focus and mostly beneficial one. As we’ve said time and time again, when Pluto is overcharged – and it has been so since 2019 – even positively, it can force depression and all kinds of mental and emotional issues to act up. It can also produce such issues when it’s stressfully overcharged. So, now that this “over” is cut off, our mood will be better and our mental and emotional balance will also be better.

This aspect caused some extra difficulties in any change we wanted to achieve. With Uranus back into direct motion, now, and this square practically already inactive changes become easier, too. Still, until the 16th, acting extra wisely is advisable. Mars, receives too many energies, many of which stressful, so, although Pluto’s and Mars’ square is weak, it might not pass unnoticeable these few days.

Mars’ square with Saturn:

Finally, Mars’ square with Saturn, probably the harsher and most dangerous of the three, becomes accurate for the last time on the day of this New Moon. So, this square will extra strong during this fortnight. Especially so during the first week. Then, it will start losing power and it will finally stop affecting us during the coming waning Moon period, on the 7th of February.

During the whole period of this square’s activity, physical health needs great attention. If you are working out keep your routine as is. Make only minor changes and reluctantly so. Relaxing it permanently is okay, though. In the same time, if you don’t exercise, then adding some light – very light – form of exercise in your daily routine is advisable. Make sure it is light and easy for you, not whatever might be commonly considered as light and easy. Aerobic kind of exercise is more advisable than body building and the like.

Making significant changes in your diet is not advisable, but taking some extra calcium and vitamin C are good general advices. Of course, consult your doctor before taking any health care supplements, and don’t overdo it. Although this square affects every aspect of health, the musculoskeletal system, the digestive one and the circulatory system are the most sensitive. High blood pressure, feverish conditions and other fiery conditions also need some extra attention and better care. Accidents can also happen. When engaging with dangerous activities, be extra careful. The same is advisable for when engaging with fire, or metal. Drive extra carefully, too.

Similarly to Pluto’s square, disappointments are possible and forcing things to move on is not the right policy.

The rest inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Mercury squares Mars. This square became accurate on the 9th of January and it will remain active until the 17th of January. During this period communications and the means of those, as well as transportations and the means of those need some extra attention. Driving, which is stressed otherwise, too, needs even more attention.

Also, Mercury squares Uranus. This square was accurate on the 12th of January, the eve of this New Moon, and it will remain active until the 19th of the month. From the 14th onwards, though, when Uranus will be direct, this square’s effects will be losing power rapidly. During this period, communications and the means of those receive even more stress. Internet activity, both personal and professional one, computers, smartphones and the like, too, receive stress.

Furthermore, Jupiter squares Uranus. Accurately so on the 17th of January. This aspect is active since the 7th of December and it will be affecting us until the 6th of March 2021. Usually such an aspect would last much longer and would affect the whole year, but since Jupiter is super speedy, this won’t happen on 2021. Even when Jupiter will turn retrograde, this square, only slightly and mostly unnoticeably, will be reactivated, from early September until the first days of November. Now, though, when it is strong – on its peak, actually – it might bring some tension and problems in international relationships, international trade, as well as in relationships and businesses with people from other countries.

Saturn, too, squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. From the beginning of January and until the end of July it will be so. During the period of this square we will feel we are lacking freedom. Now that Saturn is in a more outgoing zodiac sign, than it was last spring and the previous two months, when this aspect was also active, this lack of freedom might be more lax, objectively, but in a personal level we might experience it more intensively. Especially for a month before and after this aspect becomes accurate. The first time this will happen will be on the 17th of February. Therefore, this fortnight takes place during the one month before accuracy period.

The Sun, too, squares Uranus. This aspect will be accurate on the 26th of January. This square will be affecting us from the 17th of January and until the 5th of February. This, amongst else can bring some extra problems to online businesses. Online orders and purchases need some extra attention, but, if you do pay this attention, make them. Also, make sure you won’t overdo it.

The Sun also squares Mars. Accurately so on the 1st of February. The aspect will be active from the day of this New Moon and until the 23rd of February. Under the influences of this square we might become more impatient and more stubborn. Some extra attention around fire, heat, electricity and metal is advisable. Electrical circuits and devises, heating systems and the like can also face some problems and some repairs might become necessary.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still quite strong and it actually is slowly gaining more and more power by the day. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers to magic and help us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast as it did while Jupiter was in the game, too. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. As the hexagon will be much stronger from May to July, some greater progress, then, is expected.

The Sun is in a hexagon with Neptune. This aspect was accurate on the 8th of January, but it will be active until the 18th of January. This hexagon can help us solve problems in our relationships, as well as strengthen the healthy ones.

Furthermore, the Sun conjunct Pluto. Accurately so on the 14th of January. This aspect has been active since the 5th of January and it will remain so until the 24th of the month. This conjunction supports magic. Furthermore, pharmacology can also advance, or advances, there, might come to light.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Saturn. Accurately so on the 24th of January, but the aspect will be active from the day of this New Moon and until the 4th of February. This is a benevolent aspect which can release some of the stress Saturn’s square with Mars brings, despite the Sun also being in a square with Mars. Also, it further supports our efforts to achieve what we want to achieve and help us produce results more easily.

The Sun conjuncts Jupiter, too. Accurately so on the 29th of January. This conjunction will be active from the 16th of January and until the 10th of February. The two Lucky Stars cooperating harmoniously is always a good thing. This aspect, amongst else will bring some help and good luck on all matters. Aquarius and the rest zodiacs of the Air – Gemini and Libra – will enjoy this blessing more intensively. The rest of the zodiacs of the Fixed Cross – Taurus, Leo and Scorpio – will also enjoy this blessing more, but mostly as a removal of obstacles, rather than a “shower” of good luck. As the Fixed Cross receives much stress, though, it might feel like a lucky break.

Mercury also conjuncts Saturn. This aspect became accurate on the 10th of January. It now lives its last days and it will remain active until the 16th. When Mercury will turn Retrograde this aspect won’t become accurate again, but it will be reactivated from the until the 6th of March. During the period of this conjunction, our minds can become much clearer and it’s a good period for making plans for the future and for making important decisions. Also, meditative techniques and visualisation can have very good results, while realistic ideas to make our wishes come true can come to mind.

Furthermore, Venus forms a triangle with Mars. This aspect was accurate on the 9th of January and it will remain active until the 22nd of January. This beautiful triangle can help our love and sex life. Beautification also receives good vibes. Strengthening our health, too, but keep in mind that, sometimes doing too much might be as bad as doing nothing.

Also, Venus forms a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so on the 14th of January. This aspect is active since the 6th of January and it will remain so until the 22nd. This is a helpful period to make beneficial changes in the status and balance of our relationships. Planning for marriage, or actually doing it, finding a new relationship and things like those receive support. Furthermore, it’s a good period for advertisement and advertisement businesses, especial via internet and social media, or online forum activity. Whatever has to do with the arts, beauty and health receives even greater support.

Furthermore, Venus conjuncts Pluto. Accurately so on the 28th of January, the day of the Full Moon. The aspect will be active from 21st of January and until the 5th of February. Love and sex life receive some extra help from this aspect. Making, blessing and using talismans and magical oils and perfumes for beauty, health, love and sex also seems extra promising.

Also, Mars conjuncts Uranus. This conjunction will be accurate on the 20th of January, but it has been blessing us since the 31st of December and it will continue doing so until the 9th of February. This conjunction can (over)motivate us and help us create whatever change we want to create. Nonetheless, at least two of the three long term squares of Mars are still active, and will remain so until the end of this aspect, so, some extra attention and a more thorough consideration are advisable. Also, do make sure you won’t take on too much and, therefore, you won’t overtire yourself.

Finally, Jupiter’s and Saturn’s conjunction, which was accurate on the Solstice,is still very strong, and it will remain active until the 16th of March. As Jupiter is in a super-speed mode, even when it will turn Retrograde, during 2021, this conjunction won’t get reactivated, so make sure to make the best use of it. The next time the two planes will be in conjunction will be in 2040, while the next time they’ll make an auspicious aspect (and it will be “just” a hexagon) it will be in 2023.

Wish manifestation, both my magical means and by doing what we can do about those be mundane means, receive support and good luck. Charms, talismans, magical oils and perfumes, as well s meditative techniques are much more promising than usual, too. Keep in mind than when Jupiter and Saturn cooperate harmoniously, both the realisation of our wishes and the removal of problems are easier. Once again, by magical means and everyday ones, alike.

On a side note, the two strict teachers, Saturn and Chiron form a hexagon. This hexagon will become accurate on the 9th of February, but it is already extremely strong and it will remain extremely strong until the Equinox. In fact, this is a years-long aspect and it has been strong since last March and it will remain so until late October. It won’t stop affecting us, though, until the end of December 2022.

During the period of this aspect’s influence we can learn more about ourselves and about who we want to be and what we want to do. Or, maybe, who we are meant to be and what we are meant to do. As both these teachers aren’t kind, these lessons might not be pleasant ones. We might be forced to learn them the painful way.

Right now, though, Mercury supports Saturn, making meditation more effective; Jupiter, the kind teacher is also in the game, making thing easier and more pleasant; even the Sun brings some light and hope in the game. Therefore, this is a very good period for us to do what we can to learn these lessons, and, to the extend of our abilities and situations, act accordingly. By doing as much as possible, now, we won’t have to deal with these issues, later on, when the sky won’t be similarly supportive.


Overall, this is a mostly beneficial New Moon and waxing Moon period. There are enough inauspicious aspects acting, but the auspicious ones are overwhelmingly more. This is something we haven’t seen since 2018 and we won’t get used to it this year. So, this is a rare opportunity. On top of that, all planets are moving forward, now – or at least from the 14th. Therefore, make the best possible use of this period. This is even more of a must-do for the zodiacs of Earth and Air. Virgo, Gemini and Libra might be the ones receiving the most help, too, as they enjoy the auspicious energies strongly, without receiving the full power of the stressful ones.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Your financial affairs receive a considerable stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Extra attention is needed in all your orders, purchases, contract signing, and everything that has to do with money. Some extra expenses and obligations might also occur. Contracts with phone, or internet companies, purchases of computers, and other high-tech equipment, too, needs some extra attention. But do proceed on them as needed. Don’t let other people force to you choices that might not be suitable for you, but proceed on any of the above you need. During this fortnight, there is much support regarding the same matters, too, which won’t be the case during the next fortnight, and, then, Mercury will be Retrograde, making things more complicated.

Income, in particular, receives many more supportive energies than stressful ones, so it can be raise. Finding financial support is also possible. Work, career and businesses matters also receive much help, and your productivity seems strong. Social life might be mostly work related, or otherwise support your work and productivity.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and businesses matters receive much stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Starting a new business, something new in your business, or changing your line of career might be more challenging and stressful than you’d think. Nonetheless, don’t postpone those, if you have planned them. Proceed carefully and extra wisely, but proceed. This fortnight provides some support in the same matters, too, while the next fortnight, Retrograde Mercury will making things even more difficult.

Otherwise, though work, career and business matters receive almost as much support as they receive stress, so with care and attention, progress is happening. For those who don’t try to make a change, things will most probably be even better. There is much strength, inspiration, support and creativity gathering in your zodiac, which can help you with whatever you want to achieve. Your self confidence seems strong, and the same is true for your charisma and determination. So, make the best use of this period. Not everything will be easy, but you can achieve a lot, both for your personal and your professional life. Health, though, needs a better care. Exhaustion is the more likely problem.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition and balance need some care and support under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Doing things you enjoy can help you on that, more than usual, as the sky favours this. Intellectual and artistic hobbies receive more support than sports and the like, but every kind receives at least some. Despite the emotional stress, it’s also a period you can receive support from people important to you, as well as it’s a period you might need to offer some support to some such people. Relations, of any type, can grow stronger, while unhealthy ones can end.

Magic and your spiritual abilities are quite strong for you, throughout the fortnight. Dreams can be more vivid than usual. Not necessarily prophetically so. Pay attention to them as a means of understanding yourself, your fears, your insecurities and your hopes. Work, career and business matters, too, receive much help from the stars and progress and successes, there, are possible. Also, money receives a bit of help. Saving money and cutting off unnecessary expenses more so than raising your income.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Finances receive some stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Mostly because of expenses. Most of these expenses are necessary and, some, expenses you need to make for a future profit. Therefore, don’t avoid them. Make sure, though, you’ll find the best possible solution. Avoid the unnecessary ones, if there is any, of course. Income, though, receive some support. Maybe, not a great one, but some. Cutting off habits and routines that waste your money and energies is one more way by which this New Moon and this waxing Moon period helps you build up abundance.

Your productivity seems quite strong and capable. It’s also a good period for learning new things. Enrolling in seminars, courses and schools receive auspicious influences. The internet can high-tech equipment can be of great help towards all these ends. Love and social life, too, seem pleasantly active. You might be spending more time with the people you consider important. At the very least, the time you are spending with them is of a better quality, and more pleasant. Meeting new people is also possible. Schools, seminars, online groups and forums where you can talk about your interests, or become better at them, can be a source of such new people.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Colleagues, business partners, bosses and, also, legal matters regarding these subjects can become more pressing and demanding. In the same time, though, there are many more beneficial influences supporting those same fields of your life, so things are progressing and, probably, a lot. Successes and achievements are feasible. Health and healing seem strong, but resting well and enough is highly advisable.

This is a good period to help and strengthen your overall health. Most of the year will challenge your health. Some periods slightly, some periods more strongly, but it will be happening. Therefore, make the best out of this blessing. Putting your life and daily routine in order is also supported. Get rid of whatever you don’t need and doesn’t serve you any more. That goes for things and situations alike. It’s better to do this now that the stars help you with this, than wait until things become much more annoying more effort will be necessary to achieve the same results. Love and social life might not be very active, but, they are mostly pleasant.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health can worry you, a little, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. In most cases, it isn’t bad, though. If anything, it’s mostly good, but somewhat sensitive. Rest enough, keep a healthy diet and, in genera, nourish it and don’t risk it, and things will be good. Problems that you have neglected might act up, or otherwise invite you to notice them, now. Do so, and take care of them. This New Moon and this waxing Moon period will support you to this effort. Your mood and your emotional condition receive similar influences.

Love and social life receive the major focus of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, this focus is mostly a beneficial one. With all the planets in the Western section of your horoscope this is a period you should be focusing on such matters. Nourishing your friendships and your romantic relationships is supported. Work can also progress via such means, even if this doesn’t become obvious right away. It can also become a source for new people in your life. Regardless social connections, work seems to proceed nicely. It’s a good period for organising things, there, and taking small, continuous steps towards a desirable future outcome.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Love and sex life receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Part of the reason can be the fact you are focusing more so in those matters. That’s not bad per se, but focus positively. For example, if you are in a relationship, focus on the good points of it; what you love in the other person, how they make you happier and how they make your life better. Breaking up, if that’s what you want, can be less troublesome during this fortnight, too. If you aren’t in a relationship, instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on what you desire. How such a relationship can make you happier? There is little – but existing – support for finding a new relationship, and if you know what you should be looking for, you have better chances to find it.

Health is mostly good, and this waning Moon period can help you make it better. Don’t risk it, of course, and take good care of it. If so, it’s unlikely to cause you any stress. Home and family can also play an important role in your life and it will be a mostly supportive and probably pleasant one.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

With most to all planets under the horizon – depending on your exact birthday – during this period, there is a greater focus on home, family, your kids, your other half, close friends and people you consider similarly important. Some of those people can cause you some stress, occasionally, but things are mostly pleasant, there. Those in a marriage, or long standing relationship might experience the stressful energies affecting love a bit more, but love, too, receives more supportive than stressful energies. A new relationship is possible for the single ones. Friends and their friends are more likely to be the source of it, rather than acquaintances and the internet. Similarly, your friend’s love life might give you some joy, or you may play Cupid for them.

Productivity and creativity are strong, too, during this period. Those making a living from creating art, cosmetics, clothing and, in general things related to beauty and health, should make sure they won’t waste a day. It might not be a very profitable period – although money doesn’t receive stress – but what you produce now will be providing for you, in the future. Home repairs and small-scale redecorations, too, receive support, but big redecorations and renovations might need a second thought.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health seems a bit sensitive, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period and needs some extra attention. In most cases, though, if you do pay this extra attention, it won’t cause you serious issues. Needless to say, seek the advice of your doctor if any issue occur. Similarly, work seems stressful, but progress there is happening. Maybe even more than you expect. Just make sure it won’t jeopardise your health. Money, too, receives mostly supportive energies, and your income can rise.

This is also a good period for buying whatever you want and need. There is a tendency to overdo it and overspend. Try to control this tendency, but don’t get stingy either. Your productivity seems quite good, too, and it’s a great period for working on whatever you want to prepare for the near future. Finally, social life seems mostly pleasant, regarding close friends and relatives. On top of that, jobs where your social skills matters can be benefited, too.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Expenses and obligations can cause you some stress under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Some moderation can be quite helpful. In fact, finances receive much, much more support, so things are looking good, despite the stress. Your greatest enemy is more likely to be your tendency to spend recklessly. So, yes, buy what you need and want, but don’t overdo it. Income can raise, too. This can be a permanent thing, or a temporal one, though.

Your self-esteem and self-confidence are quite strong and your mood is getting better. There are some more difficult days, as we’ll see in the Daily Predictions, but, overall, you are feeling more happy and optimistic. And during this fortnight, most events support this mindset, too. Creativity and productivity are quite strong and capable, too. Love and social life seem pleasant and active. This is a good period for meeting new people, raising you audience and online dating. Even if there aren’t any social restriction where you live, online social activity and dating receive more support than offline ones.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home, family and your environment, in general, can cause you some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. During this fortnight there is much support for solving problems, there, and making things better. Depending on your natal chart, this support might even make the problems difficult to notice. But, do notice them and do take care of them, because the next fortnight won’t be similarly supportive, and the Retrograde Mercury might make things more challenging to deal with. Inspiration and whatever depends on it also look good. Those making money from it might have a profitable fortnight, too. Otherwise, though, money is neither supported, nor stressed by the planetary scenery. Long-term decisions regarding money and making future plans regarding it, though, receive support.

Your radiance, your brilliance and your inner strength are stronger than they were during the previous fortnight, and they are going to become even stronger during the next one. Power is gathering in your zodiac. That’s a good thing, on its own, but it can get you and your life out of balance. Right now you can still build, or strengthen, your inner foundations so that you can make good use of this power, and become able to enjoy the benefits it will provide you more so than experience the problems it might cause you. Do it. From the 1st of February, this will be a much more difficult thing to achieve.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Your productivity and your friendships might be affected negatively by this, too, so do support your mood. Secure some alone time to take care of yourself. This is actually a very good period for that. Meditation can also help you in maintaining a good mood and an emotional balance, but also, for seeding the seeds for your future plans.

Not only your spiritual, but your practical productivity, too, seems extra strong. Work on your plans as much as you can by mundane means, too. Focus on what you can do now, instead of what you would like to do, but can’t. This way, you’ll be surprised by the progress you’ll achieve. People, some times out of the blue, might also provide some help to your plans. This is more likely to happen, if you are working on them, though. Social life seems pleasant and active. Online social activity even more so. This is a good period for raising your audience in social media, and for promoting web pages and professional social media accounts.

Astrology and Magic:

Wish manifestation is quite strong during the whole fortnight. Love and beauty related spells, too. Charms, potions philtres, magical perfumes and oils regarding love, sex and beauty are also extra strong. Furthermore, meditation and visualisation receive a great boosting. Even if this is not your primary practice, employ these in whatever spell you are casting and you’ll have better results.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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