Full Moon in Virgo – 27 February 2021

Full Moon in Virgo
Full Moon in Virgo

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Virgo:

On February the 27th, at 08:18 UT the Moon, from Virgo, accurately opposes the Sun, in Pisces, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also called Snow Moon. Also, during the day of this Full Moon, a short-lived “Grand Triangle” of the Earth is formed. It’s not what we usually call Grand Triangle, as the passing Moon is the one completing the aspect, but, nonetheless, it gives an extra auspiciousness on this Full Moon and this waning Moon period.

During this waning Moon period, Mars enters Gemini, on the 4th of March. No other planet changes its zodiac sign, but keep in mind that Venus has just entered Pisces. Sun has entered Pisces, too, some days ago. Therefore during this waning Moon period situations will feel different.

The extreme focus of energies on Aquarius, as well as the great tension of the Fixed Cross both decline. Aquarius remains strong, but not in such an unbalanced way, as it has been until recently. The mind calms down, both in a personal and in a national and international level. Mercury’s direct motion also makes things easier.

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On the other hand, Pisces receives now equally strong focus, with three planets – the Sun, Venus and Neptune – in it. On the bright side, though, most of the aspects the planes from Pisces are forming are beneficial ones. This is a good thing, for all, but even more so for Pisces and for the zodiacs of Water. There will be a peak of 4 planets early in the coming waxing Moon period, when Mercury will enter the zodiac and before the Sun and Venus exit it.

So, overall, there isn’t a great change in the planetary scenery, but there is a great – and beneficial – change of the quality of the energies the planets produce.

The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Jupiter squares Uranus. This square was accurate on the 17th of January. Now, this square is weak and it will cease activity during this waning fortnight. This aspect is active since the 7th of December 2020 and it will be affecting us until the 6th of March 2021. Usually such an aspect would last much longer and would affect the whole year, but since Jupiter is super speedy, this won’t happen on 2021. Even when Jupiter will turn retrograde, this square, only slightly and mostly unnoticeably, will be reactivated, from early September until the first days of November. Nonetheless, this square might still bring some tension and problems in international relationships, international trade, as well as in relationships and businesses with people from other countries.

Saturn, too, squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. From the beginning of January and until the end of July it will be so. During the period of this square we will feel we are lacking freedom. Now that Saturn is in a more outgoing zodiac sign, than it was last spring and at the end of 2020, when this aspect was also active, this lack of freedom might be more lax, objectively, but in a personal level we might experience it more intensively. Especially for a month before and after this aspect becomes accurate. The first time this happened was on the 17th of February, during the waning fortnight. Therefore, right now it’s extra strong.

Also, Venus squares Mars. Accurately so on the 19th of February. This aspect is active since the 6th of February and it will remain so until the 6th of March. Now, Venus is in Pisces and, from the 4th of March, Mars will be in Gemini, so the way this aspect affects us changes somewhat. During the period of this aspect’s influence, love life needs some extra attention. Now that the square is not so strong, keeping a calm and clear mind, and not allowing our emotions to cloud our judgement will help deal with the effects of the square better. Still, be on alert to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Also, cosmetic surgery, or other similarly drastic methods of beautification are not advisable. Furthermore, health will be sensitive. Especially so for the zodiacs the two planets are, at the time.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is, slowly, gaining more and more power by the day. By the end of this fortnight and until the end of the next waning fortnight it will be strong enough. Then it will get significantly stronger. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and help us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. As the hexagon will be much stronger from May to July, some greater progress, then, is expected.

Also, Mars forms a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon was accurate on the 14th of February, and it is affecting us since the 26th of January and until the 4th of March. This peculiar beneficial aspect can help passions rise in a relationship. Not just sexual passions, mind you. This can make a good relationship much better. In the same time, though, it can bring an unhealthy relation to its destruction. The latter might not be a pleasant outcome, but it is, indeed, a blessing.

Furthermore, Mars forms a triangle with Pluto. This aspect will is affecting us since the 6th of February and until the 15th of March. It became accurate on the 25th of February, therefore, during this fortnight this blessing will be very noticeable. It will give an extra boosting to magic and, especially, sex magic, fire magic and potion making. The traditional and modern rulers of Scorpio cooperating, can, of course, also raise our sexual desires.

Mars is also forming a triangle with Saturn. This aspect will be active from the 2nd of March and until the 10th of April. This is a helpful period for making things happen. Meditative techniques can be more effective, too, but acting towards our goals can produce quite good results. Once Mars enters Gemini, on the 4th of the month, this blessing will become more obvious in our day-to-day life.

Mercury conjuncts Jupiter. This aspect will become accurate for the second time on the 5th of Mach and it will be affecting us until the 16th of March. Trade and, especially, international trade will receive some help. All jobs depending on communications and transportations, too, will receive help. Now that Mercury is back into direct motion, expansions will be receiving help, too, while new ideas can occur. Working on and promoting social media accounts and web pages, too receive help.

Also, Mercury is into a weak and imperfect conjunction with Saturn, since the 12th of February and until the 6th of March. Although this aspect won’t become very strong, this time, during the period of this conjunction, our minds can become much clearer and it’s a good period for making plans for the future and for making important decisions. Also, meditative techniques and visualisation can have very good results, while realistic ideas to make our wishes come true can come to mind.

The Sun forms a hexagon with Uranus. Accurately so on the 25th of February. This hexagon is active since the 16th of February and it will remain so until the 9th of March. This can boost and support whatever has to do with the internet and high-tech equipment, including online businesses, online dating, social media activity, etc. As Mercury interacts stressfully with Uranus, although their square won’t become accurate, some extra caution is needed when you buy new computers, smartphones and the like, but proceed to such purchases, regardless. Now that Mercury is back into direct motion, their square loses power by the day and it will stop affecting us by the 5th of March. Venus, too, is blessing Uranus, so, overall, it is a good period for such things.

So, Venus is forming a hexagon with Uranus, too. Accurately so on the 3rd of March. This hexagon is affecting us since the 24th of February and it will remain active until the 12th of March. During the period of this hexagon’s activity, online dating, online social activity and money making via the internet, technology and the arts receive support. Love life, too, receives support and unexpected, or unusual situations may occur, there. They’ll be pleasant ones, but, maybe, not what you are used to. Changes in what one expects from love, and how one expresses love also can take place. Artistic creativity also receives a boosting.

The Sun conjuncts Neptune. Accurately so on the 11th of March. This aspect will be blessing us from the 1st of March and until the 21st of the month. This can promote emotional healing. It can also bring in some good luck in trade and travelling, but not to much regarding the latter. As we’ve said, Saturn’s and Uranus’ square is very strong, right now. Nonetheless, if you are travelling for work reasons, anyway, you can expect better results from your trips, than recently. It’s also a helpful influence for healing our relationships, of any kind. Even more so, as Venus is in the game, as well.

So, the Sun conjuncts Venus, as well. This conjunction will become accurate on the 26th of March, when both planets will be in Aries, but it has already start blessing us, even if so slightly, and, from the 28th of February, this blessing will be much more clear. The aspect will be active until the 4th of May, when both planets will be in Taurus. This aspect can bring good luck in love matters and love searching.

During this long period Venus will be forming other aspects, too, of course. Other times most of those aspects will be auspicious and other times most of those will be inauspicious. So, we might not feel this blessing very clearly all of the time. But it will be there. Talismans and regular visualisation can help this blessing support our lives even when Venus will be mostly stressed. Now, and practically until the Equinox, Venus will be forming mostly beneficial aspects, so start working your magic, now.

Furthermore, under the blessings of this aspect, health matters – mostly in personal level, rather than in global one – as well as the arts receive support. Creating art, nurturing artistic skills, as well as promoting it and making money from it, all receive support.

Of course, Venus also forms a conjunction with Neptune. Accurately so on the 14th of March, but the aspect will be active from the 6th and until the 22nd of the month. This aspect will make the effects of the Sun-Neptune conjunction and the Sun-Venus conjunction even more observable. Make good use of this period.

The Sun will be forming a hexagon with Pluto. This aspect will become accurate on the 16th of March and it will be active from the 7th and until the 27th of the month. Similarly, Venus will be forming a hexagon with Pluto, and this hexagon will be active from the 3rd and until the 26th of the month. This one will be accurate on the 18th of March. These two hexagons, amongst else, can boost some progress in healing and pharmacology, both in personal and in global level.

Finally, Jupiter’s and Saturn’s conjunction, which was accurate on the Solstice, is still very strong, and it will remain active until the 16th of March, three days after the coming New Moon. Now this conjunction provides but a gentle push, but it is a helpful one. As Jupiter is in a super-speed mode, even when it will turn Retrograde, during 2021, this conjunction won’t get reactivated, so make sure to make the best use of it. The next time the two planes will be in conjunction will be in 2040, while the next time they’ll make an auspicious aspect (and it will be “just” a hexagon) it will be in 2023.

Wish manifestation, both my magical means and by doing what we can do about those by mundane means, receives support and good luck. Charms, talismans, magical oils and perfumes, as well as meditative techniques are much more promising than usual, too. Keep in mind than when Jupiter and Saturn cooperate harmoniously, both the realisation of our wishes and the removal of problems are easier. Once again, by magical means and everyday ones, alike.

On a side note, the two strict teachers, Saturn and Chiron form a hexagon. This hexagon was accurate on the 9th of February, and it is still extremely strong. It will remain extremely strong until the Equinox. In fact, this is a years-long aspect and it has been strong since last March and will remain so until late October. It won’t stop affecting us, though, until the end of December 2022.

During the period of this aspect’s influence we can learn more about ourselves and about who we want to be and what we want to do. Or, maybe, who we are meant to be and what we are meant to do. As both these teachers aren’t kind, these lessons might not be pleasant ones. We might be forced to learn them the painful way. Jupiter, the kind teacher is still, even if barely, in the game, making things easier and more pleasant. This support, though, will stop on the 5th of March.

Therefore, this is, still, a very good period for us to do what we can to learn these lessons, and, to the extend of our abilities and situations, act accordingly. By doing as much as possible, now, we won’t have to deal with these issues, later on, when the sky won’t be similarly supportive.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Virgo:

This fortnight (and following one) has an overwhelming amount of auspicious energies and not many inauspicious ones. On top of that, all planets are in direct motion. So, this is a good period. Along with the next fortnight, probably the best periods of 2021. So, do make the best of this waning Moon period. There is one strong and very restrictive aspect – Saturn’s and Uranus’ square – but that’s practically all of it, not counting the short-lived lunar daily aspect.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Expenses and obligations can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Income might be less than you expect, but it’s good. So, with some wise handling of your finances you are unlikely to face any serious problems, there. In fact, an improvement of your financial situation is more likely. Long-term and short-term financial planning, too, receive supportive energies. Also, most work, career and business matters proceed nicely. It’s a helpful period for deciding on changes in your career, business tactics, school courses and things like those, as well as a doing your best towards such ends.

Productivity is not too good, but it is good. Also, social life might not be too active, but it is pleasant most of the time. Furthermore, psychic abilities are quite strong throughout the fortnight. Dream life can also become more intense and lucid. Interpret your dreams as messages from yourself about what you want, what you fear and what you need to heal, instead of prophecies, though. As emotional healing can produce very good results, too, those dreams can be even more helpful.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and businesses matters still receive some stress and need some extra attention, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Nonetheless, there is some support, too. Trade and all jobs depending on communications and transportations receive even more help. Furthermore, your productivity is strong throughout the fortnight, and if you keep your efforts constant you can achieve more than you think. Starting new projects, finding a new job, as well as adding a new field, related to the ones you are working with, to your businesses, or hobbies all receive support. Starting new business, though, need some extra thought. If that’s what you want to do, proceed carefully, but proceed.

Social life and, especially, online social activity can be quite active, pleasant, inspiring and productive, too. It’s a good period for building web pages, starting new social media accounts and working on those you already have. Advertisement and all kinds of (self)promotion receive support, too. Those working in such kind of jobs will also have a good period, workwise.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. This is mostly an inner fight. Events and situations are getting better, but your tendency to focus on the negative aspects and the negative feelings is getting stronger, too, so you don’t appreciate the good things. Alter your focus and your mindset and things will feel – and be – much better. If you are in a psychotherapeutic process, though, these insights might be quite helpful and revealing. Pay them proper notice, understand them and start healing them. Emotional healing receives support, so good results in such procedures is to be expected.

If not all, almost all work, career and business matters receive supportive energies and successes there are feasible and possible. Studies might be more challenging, but there, too, progress and successes are achievable. Finances, too, receive good vibes. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are still strong, during this period, so, work your magic.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

This Full Moon and this waning Moon period call for some attention on your financial matters. There is some stress, there, true, but attention and wisdom is what you need more than reluctance and fear. Avoid risky investments, keep an eye for scams and proceed carefully on whatever you intend to proceed and things will be mostly good. Unnecessary expenses should be avoided, but to whatever degree this doesn’t stress your wallet, allow yourself some luxury. You need it, and it’s more likely it will motivate you to achieve more, rather than cause you problems.

Love and social life, on the other hand, seem mostly pleasant. Work related social activity is good, too. This can help you improve your relationships with colleagues, business partners, bosses and even clients. It’s a helpful period for advertisement, too. Furthermore, work applications and interviews receive supportive energies. Studies, too, proceed well. Attending seminars and things like that can benefit you, in more ways than you expect. Also, religious, spiritual and charitable groups and organisations you are involved with might play a pleasant role in your life.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Colleagues, partners, bosses and legal issues, especially, regarding work and such matters receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Other than the latter though, less than until recently. Correcting problems in work environment, improving your relationship with co-workers, associates and partners is also feasible. It needs some effort, but it’s more likely you’ll have good results. Also, significant progress and successes in work are easier achievable. Your energy levels are in a better condition, too, most of the time, so do your best. Once Mars will move in to Gemini, on the 4th of March, this will be even truer.

Overall, health seems stronger. There is no reason to challenge this blessing, and do take proper care of your health, if any problem occur, of course. Healing, too, is stronger, so if you are facing any health issues, expect good developments. Sexual energy, self-confidence and seductiveness are also strong. These can help your love life – and not only – but proceed carefully. Proceed, by all means, but carefully. Existing relationships will have a mostly good period.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

International trade, travelling for work reasons and anything that has to do with other places and people from other places receives some stress and obstacles from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. In most cases, though, things are just more difficult, but not all bad. Love though is an exception, as long distance relationships receive quite good and pleasant energies. In fact, love, in general, receives the support of the planetary influences. Meeting new people is not the top “priority” of the stars, but, even this is possible.

Other than the obstacles, in work, we’ve mentioned, most things there proceed nicely. Progress there is happening. Lot’s of it, too, if you put the effort. Nonetheless, big changes, like starting a new business and things like this, don’t receive equally strong support as advancing in what you have already started, or working with, anyway. Art-related kind of jobs receive better energies than the rest. Finally, social life, too, seems pleasant. Maybe not too active, but fulfilling, nonetheless.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Love and sex life need more attention and a wiser handling, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Online dating, and only, or mostly, sexual meetings and relationships will experience this stressful energies more clearly. Otherwise, though, love receives good vibes, too and whether you’ll experience mostly the beneficial, or the stressful energies will depend on the daily lunar aspects. Health seems mostly good. Of course, do take proper care of your health, but if you do so, it’s unlikely you’ll face any issues. Sexual health, though, needs some more attention. Also, healing seems strong, so if you are dealing with health issues, good developments are expectable.

Work, too, proceeds nicely and successfully. A significant change in your line of career is not what the stars mostly support, but if it happens, or if you’ve been planning it for some time now, it won’t be more challenging than you expect and, in the long term, it will be a good thing. Also, home and family can play a pleasant and supportive role in your life. It’s a good period for housework, home cleansing and repairs at home, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Home and family can play a significant role in your life during this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, for good and ill. There is stress, there, and, in some cases, there might be a lot it, but, there is also support coming from there, and the opportunity to fix problems there. In your relationships with family and your important people more so than in the actual house, but the latter, too, receives support. If you are not aware of those problems they might come to light forcefully, though, and this is not easy to deal with, but, once again, remember that this is a good period for fixing such things. Also, in some cases, your other half can add to this stress, either because of problems in your relationship, or because of problems they are facing.

Regardless, love receives mostly beneficial energies and plenty of those, so, overall, love seems pleasant. If any problems with your significant someone appear, they are manageable. Saturn plays a role to this, so, despite the overwhelming support, some unhealthy relationships might end, but, even this is for the best. Relatively fresh relationships are unlikely to experience the stressful energies, while they’ll enjoy the beneficial ones. Those seeking a relationship, too, can get lucky. Friends, too, can give you much joy. Also, productivity and creativity are strong throughout the period.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health need some extra care and attention, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Those working in transportations, or their work, or daily obligations keep them on the streets a lot should be even more careful. Furthermore, work and other obligations can become more demanding and tiresome. Nonetheless, healing seems strong, too, and, so, with proper care health should not cause you any problems. Also, if you are facing any such problems, good developments are to be expected. Health issues in the family can also have good developments. Similarly, work, despite the challenges is more likely to proceed nicely and rewardingly. Income, in particular, and money matters, in general, receive the support of the stars.

This is a good period to invest time and money in your home and estates. Purchasing new ones also receives some auspicious energies, but taking care of what you already own, including making repairs, redecorations and renovations receives even better energies. Furthermore, family and people you consider as such can play a mostly pleasant and supportive role in your life.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Expenses should be under control as much as possible, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. It’s not a bad period, money wise. In fact it’s a mostly good period, although, at times, it might not feel this way. But it’s easy to lose control of the money flow, so be on alert. It’s also a good period for saving money for future use. Investments and the like receive neither beneficial nor malevolent influences, so, if you want to make any of those, proceed carefully and wisely, but fearlessly.

Productivity and creativity are quite strong and capable. If you are making a living from things you are producing, this is a good period to create as many as possible. Sales might not be great, but you’ll be ready for when the demand comes. When Mars enters Gemini this will start changing, for the better. A few days before then, too, probably. Also, social and love life seem pleasant. Some more luck and some more activity might occur, there, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Things in your close environment can become a bit more intense, or unpleasant. Careful management of the situations, though, can make things easier. It’s not very easy to completely turn the tables, but you can achieve that to a significant degree. Despite the stress, though, some support comes from your circle. Also, it’s a good period for repairs at home.

Despite the fewer planets on your zodiac you still feel – and are – strong, confident and capable. In fact, you probably feel more so, as the intense stress on your zodiac has subsided. Also, there is a lot and beneficial focus on your finances. This is a good period for improving your financial condition, whichever this might mean in your case, including finding a new job, or an additional income. Furthermore, your spiritual abilities are quite good and reliable. Those making a living by means of those can have an even more profitable period than the rest, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

This is a very beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, for you and you should make the best out of it. Jupiter will be joining your zodiac in May for two months and a half, but even compared to that period, this one is more beneficial. So, enjoy it and make good use of it. Your mood and your emotional condition are probably your greatest challenge, so keep encouraging yourself consciously and things will be alright. Friends, occasionally can cause you some stress, too, but they mostly provide you with joy. The lack of social interactions is more likely to be a problem than the interactions themselves. Online social activity, and other alternatives can work very well and they can also lift your spirits. Not only pleasure, but also productivity and inspiration become stronger via social interactions, so, work on this.

Even without this support, your productivity is good. Why not make it better, though? Your self-confidence is also getting stronger. Advertising and promoting yourself can produce good results. Working on your web pages and social media accounts, as well as creating new, too, receive good vibes. Furthermore, job interviews and applications receive auspicious energies. If you need to hire personnel, this is a good time to do that. Finally, when the Moon will be in Scorpio (20:39 UT of the 2nd of March until 22:42 UT of the 4th of March) a very strong short period will come to pass. Make sure you won’t have unfinished business and a load of obligations, then, so that you can take advantage of the support these days will give you.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is quite strong during the whole waning Moon period. Meditative techniques, though, as well as visualisation and mantra chanting seem much stronger and much more effective.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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