Moon Void of Course 11-27 February 2021

Void of Course Moon Periods

Moon void of course:

Moon void of course takes place from the moment the Moon has formed its last strong aspect, in a zodiac, with a major planet and until it enters the next zodiac sign, in which it will form one, at least, aspect with a major planet.

Although a void of course Moon is neither beneficial, nor malevolent, for most things, it makes new starts and beginnings more difficult and challenging. On top of that, this influence is a long term one. That means, if we make a new start during a Moon void of course period, this “bad luck” will affect the project as long as we are working on this project.

Working on something we’ve initiated before the void of course Moon period, won’t be affected, though.

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Because 7 of the 9 major planet (not counting the Moon) are gathered in two zodiacs, right now, and all 9 of them are gathered in the same half of the sky – less than half, actually – long void of course Moon periods will be occurring. We always mention the Moon void of course in our daily predictions, but, since there are many and long ones, here is a list to help you plan ahead.

Moon void of course for the waxing fortnight:

Times and dates are in UT.

  • 11 February, 19:06, until 12 February, 07:23.
  • 14 February, 07:28, until 14 February, 15:54.
  • 17 February, 00:17, until 17 February, 03:11.
  • 19 February, 07:28, until 19 February, 16:03.
  • 21 February, 18:39, until 22 February, 03:52.
  • 24 February, 04:54, until 24 February, 12:23.
  • 26 February, 11:32, until 26 February, 17:08

So that’s the list of the Moon void of course for this waxing fortnight.

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