Stirring the embers of Rebellion- New Moon Feb 11th

Aquarius New Moon February 9th 2024: Embracing Change, Healing, and Collective Transformation

Stirring the embers of Rebellion- New Moon Feb 11th

The cosmos is taking a stand with the new moon February 11th. First we had the grand Saturn/Jupiter Solstice conjunction in Aquarius now 6 planets are lining up in the 11th house of the water bearer, Moon, Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. This planetary pow wow occurring on the eve of Chinese New Year bringing in the energy of the metal Ox suggests a fertile rebellion.

Chinese New Year’s Eve

The Ox is a creature of Gaia, tilling the soil in preparation for the new seeds. Aquarius governed by unruly Uranus stands up to social injustice. Matter is mutating, air likes to move, to breathe, to express, to sigh, to sing, to shout, to whisper. Metal also relates to the organ of breath the lungs, the Ox adding his weight to the cosmic bellows. We need all the elements to thrive but Air holds the reigns of our survival. We last minutes without breath. This airy planetary council is agitating and ruminating it’s breath is hot and full of fury at the many injustices currently playing out on planet Earth.

The Aquarian Rebellion

New moons are times of beginnings, planting seeds, initiating. The Aquarian rebellion would seem ready to ignite, and there may well be flash points. Yet we’re still under the influence of Mercury retrograde, which suggests a review is taking place. The ground is being cleared and prepared ready for the evolutionary revolution. Have we integrated the lessons of the last cycle? What still needs to be said? Are there elephants in the room that need to be outed? Aquarius is the zodiacs rebel philosopher.

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A humanitarian futurist that can see the benefits of technological progress. Where can our techno-sphere aid humanity without harm and division? On the one hand it gives equal voice to all. Yet, there is currently a move towards censorship of voices diverging from the mainstream narrative. Aquarius wants all voices to be heard, it thrives on healthy debate. It understands that a positive future is born out of recapitulating the past in order to know how to act in the present to create a better tomorrow. Without this due diligence the final harvest will be less than we hope for. Use the brooding, reflective energies of this new moon to engage in conversation about what’s possible.

Be Aware

Be aware that opinions will differ and tempers can flare. To constructively navigate the opposition find the innovative in the narrative. Listen to the silence between the words and allow the unspoken to arise between you and be heard. Humanity is evolving, whether we like it or not. We’re at the threshold point this moon, in the 11th house of hopes and wishes, invites us to walk through the portal. Remember we live in a world created by thought. Use this powerful new moon to check in on your current thinking projections. What brilliant Phoenixes would you love to see arising from the ashes of the pandemic. That is the question the cosmic pow wow is currently debating. With so much full moon love to you all.

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