Daily Predictions for Saturday 20 March 2021

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon, from Gemini, squares Neptune, in Pisces. It also forms a triangle with Jupiter, in Aquarius.

Also today, the Sun enters Aries, at 09:37 UT. Therefore, this is the spring Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere and the Fall Equinox for the Southern Hemisphere.

So, this will be a similar, but probably better day than yesterday

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Aquarius will be the luckiest zodiac of the day. Pisces will be the one receiving the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Your mood and your emotional condition seem sensitive, today, and need some support. Focusing on what you need to do can help you with that. Your productivity is good, so you can achieve much. Also, social life seems mostly pleasant.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

There is a tendency to overspend, or spend recklessly, today. Try to avoid this. Otherwise, though, money receives mostly beneficial influences. Your income, even more so. Most work, career and business matters, too.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Work, career and business matters might stress you, today. A more objective and calmer take of the situations might help you see things are better than they look, though. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual and spiritual nature receive some good vibes. Social life, too.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Magic and spirituality are extra strong for everyone, today, but even more so for you. It’s also a very good day for all kinds of healing, both traditional and alternative one. Your mood and your emotional condition might not be on good form, but healing such issues also receives help.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Finances receive some stress, today. Your mind might not be on the best condition to make important decisions regarding such matters, so be extra wise, if you need to make such decisions. On the other hand, productivity seems good. All your projects can advance. Projects that require other people’s cooperation even more so. Furthermore, love and social life seem mostly pleasant.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Colleagues and business partners may cause you some stress, today, or some extra difficulties. Otherwise, though, most work, career and business matters receive supportive energies. Progress on whatever you are doing, as well as expansions and the like, all receive the help of the stars.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Health, both physical and emotional one, can worry you, today. In most cases, though, you worry more than the situations call for. Nonetheless, do consult your health care professional, if you face any health issue. Love and social life, on the other hand, receive mostly beneficial and pleasant energies.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life receives some stress, today. Try to not react to situations before having a clear view of them. Social life receives similar influences. Home and family, on the other hand, play a mostly pleasant role in your day. It’s an auspicious day for taking care of their needs, too. Also, money receives some support.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Home and family can cause you some stress, today. There might be some issues with your other half, too. Clarifying the situations, though, can be very helpful as love life receives mostly pleasant and supportive energies. Those searching for a relationship can also experience those. Also, friends can play a pleasant role in your day.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Health seems sensitive, today, and needs a better care. Also, travelling and transportations receive some stress. Work, although it can be somewhat challenging, proceeds mostly well. Furthermore, money receives beneficial energies, and income even more so.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Money receives some stressful energies, today. Obligations you’ve neglected, forgotten, or haven’t taken into account might add to this. Otherwise, though, this is a mostly pleasant day. Somewhat lucky, too. Also, love and social life receive quite good energies.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Home, family and your environment, in general, can cause you some stress, today. Some discouragement, or distraction, too. In the same time it’s a helpful day for healing your family relationships, as well as other important relationships. It’s a good day for putting your life in order and balance, too. Furthermore, spiritual and psychic abilities are extra capable for you, today.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is strong, today, as we are under the power of the Sabbath.

That’s all. Have fun, and enjoy your day!

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