New Moon in Pisces – 13 March 2021

New Moon in Pisces

General Predictions for the New Moon in Pisces:

On March the 13th, at 10:21 UT, the Moon meets the Sun in Pisces, forming the New Moon.

During this waxing Moon period, the Sun enters Aries, on the 20th, at 09:37 UT, indicating the Spring Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere, or the Autumn Equinox for the Souther Hemisphere. Also, Mercury enters Pisces, on the 15th, and Venus enters Aries, on the 21st of the month. Therefore, the planetary senary changes quite a bit, during this fortnight.

While Mercury will be in Pisces and before the Sun exits the zodiac, there will be 4 planets in Pisces (the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune), which is a great gathering of planetary energies, there. Even from the waning Moon period there were 3 planets there, and at least so many will be there until Venus exits the zodiac on the 21st. Therefore, until then it’s a very good period for Pisces and the zodiacs of Water.

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The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Saturn squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. From the beginning of January and until the end of July it will be so. During the period of this square we will feel we are lacking freedom. Now that Saturn is in a more outgoing zodiac sign, than it was last spring and the previous two months, when this aspect was also active, this lack of freedom might be more lax, objectively, but in a personal level we might experience it more intensively. Especially for a month before and after this aspect becomes accurate. The first time this happened was on the 17th of February and this square is still extremely strong.

Also, Mercury squares Mars. This aspect will be active since the 12th of March and it will remain so until the 2nd of April. It will become accurate on the 24th of March. This square can hindrance our communications. Some more patience is advisable. Don’t react hastily to whatever you listen. Also, driving needs some extra attention. Any dangerous activity, too. Running, in particular, and working out, in general, too need more attention.

Furthermore, Mars will start squaring Neptune. This aspect will become accurate on the 9th of April and it will be active from the 23rd of March and until the Super Full Moon of the 27th of April. During this fortnight, apparently, it won’t affect us much, but it alert us to heal our souls and our relationships.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is, slowly, gaining even more power, by the day, as it is slowly closing up to its strongest point of the year, which will be in late June, right after Neptune turns Retrograde. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and help us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. As the hexagon will be much stronger from May to July, some greater progress, then, is expected. During this fortnight, too, as both the Sun and Venus bless this hexagon, some greater progress can happen.

Mercury is still, barely, in a conjunction with Jupiter. This blessing will stop affecting us on the 16th. Trade and, especially, international trade receive some help, because of it. All jobs depending on communications and transportations, too.

Also, Mars is still in a triangle with Pluto. This aspect became accurate on the 25th of February and it will be affecting us until the 15th of March. Although not strong now, it gives a helping hand to magic and, especially, sex magic, fire magic and potion making. The traditional and modern rulers of Scorpio cooperating, can, of course, also raise our sexual desires.

Mars is also forming a triangle with Saturn. This aspect is active since the 2nd of March and it will remain so until the 10th of April. This triangle will become accurate on the 22nd of March. This is a helpful period for making things happen. Meditative techniques can be more effective, too, but acting towards our goals can produce quite good results.

The Sun conjuncts Neptune. This conjunction was accurate on the 11th of March and it will remain active until the 21st of the month. This can promote emotional healing. It can also bring in some good luck in trade and travelling, but not too much regarding the latter. As we’ve said, Saturn’s and Uranus’ square is very strong, right now. Nonetheless, if you are travelling for work reasons, anyway, you can expect better results from your trips, than recently. It’s also a helpful influence for healing our relationships, of any kind. Even more so, as Venus is in the game, as well.

So, the Sun conjuncts Venus, as well. This conjunction will become accurate on the 26th of March, when both planets will be in Aries. It is already affecting us and it will remain active until the 4th of May, when both planets will be in Taurus. This aspect can bring good luck in love matters and love searching.

During this long period Venus will be forming other aspects, too, of course. Other times most of those aspects will be auspicious and other times most of those will be inauspicious. So, we might not feel this blessing very clearly all of the time. But it will be there. Talismans and regular visualisation can help this blessing support our lives even when Venus will be mostly stressed. Now, and practically until the Equinox, Venus will be forming mostly beneficial aspects, so start working your magic, now.

Furthermore, under the blessings of this aspect, health matters – mostly in personal level, rather than in global one – as well as the arts receive support. Creating art, nurturing artistic skills, as well as promoting it and making money from it, all receive support.

Of course, Venus also forms a conjunction with Neptune. This conjunction will become accurate on the 14th of March, and it will keep on blessing us until the 22nd of the month. This aspect will make the effects of the Sun-Neptune conjunction and the Sun-Venus conjunction even more observable. Make good use of this period.

The Sun is in a hexagon with Pluto. This aspect will become accurate on the 16th of March and it is active since the 7th and until the 27th of the month. Similarly, Venus will be forming a hexagon with Pluto, and this hexagon is active from the 3rd and until the 26th of the month. This one will be accurate on the 18th of March. These two hexagons, amongst else, can boost some progress in healing and pharmacology, both in personal and in global level.

Mercury is forming a hexagon with Uranus. Accurately so on the 21st of March. The hexagon will be active from the 15th and until the 28th of the month. This is a very good period for anything that has to do with technology and the internet. Buying computers, smartphones and the like, online advertisement, online jobs, creating and promoting web pages and social media accounts are some of the things that receive this blessing more strongly.

Also, Mercury conjuncts Neptune. This aspect will be accurate on the 30th of March. It will be active from the 23rd of the month and until the 5th of April. This is a good opportunity to heal and nurture our relationships, of any kind, especially because of the Mars-Neptune square.

Venus is forming a hexagon with Saturn. Accurately so on the 30th of March. This hexagon will be active from the 22nd of March and until the 8th of April. This is a good period for healing of all kinds and for strengthening our health. It’s also a good period for healing and nurturing relationships, of all kinds. Regarding romantic ones, taking them to the next step, or formalising them also receive help. Relationships with a significant age difference, as well as student-teacher kind of relationships receive this blessing more strongly. Do remember that a student-teacher kind of relationships doesn’t necessarily refers to an actual student and teacher, but to two people where the one is learning things from the other.

The Sun also forms a hexagon with Saturn. Accurately so on the 31st of March. This hexagon will be affecting us from the 21st of March and until the 11th of April. This is a very beneficial blessing, especially because of the very powerful Saturn-Uranus square. Along with the Venus-Saturn hexagon, the Sun-Saturn hexagon reliefs much of the stress Saturn has and produces. Furthermore, this hexagon bring some help to all our efforts.

Also, Venus is forming a hexagon with Mars. Accurately so on the 6th of April. This hexagon will be active from the 21st of March and until the 22nd of April. This hexagon can help love life, sex life and beautification, both the masculine and the feminine kind of it. As this hexagon will take place during the Mars-Neptune square it makes it even more feasible to avoid problems, if we act and react calmly and wisely.

The Sun also gives some light to Mars and its affairs, via a hexagon. This hexagon will be active from the 21st of March and until the 11th of May, when the Sun will be in Taurus and Mars will be in Cancer. The aspect becomes accurate on the 13th of April, though, when Sun will still be in Aries and Mars will still be in Gemini. Other than calming Mars’ stress, this aspect promotes creativity and productivity. It also brings in some good luck to all our projects.

Finally, Jupiter’s and Saturn’s conjunction, which was accurate on the Solstice, will stop blessing us on the 16th of March.

On a side note, the two strict teachers, Saturn and Chiron form a hexagon. This hexagon was accurate on the 9th of February, and it is extremely strong. It will remain extremely strong until the Equinox. In fact, this is a years-long aspect and it has been strong since March 2020 and it will remain so until late October. It won’t stop affecting us, though, until the end of December 2022.

During the period of this aspect’s influence we can learn more about ourselves and about who we want to be and what we want to do. Or, maybe, who we are meant to be and what we are meant to do. As both these teachers aren’t kind, these lessons might not be pleasant ones. We might be forced to learn them the painful way.


Overall, this is still a good period. The stressful influences are a bit more and a bit stronger than during the waning Moon period, but the beneficial influences are still overwhelming.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

This is a mostly good and beneficial New Moon and waxing Moon period. Most aspects of your life receive some support. After the Equinox things are getting even better. Money, though can cause you some stress. Avoid unnecessary expenses, prioritise the necessary ones and don’t spend money before you get them. In some cases, you might need to spend more money than you’d prefer for work, or other kinds of productivity. If so, proceed, but wisely. Also, your mood and your emotional condition might need some support.

Work, career and business matters, receive mostly supportive energies and it’s a good period for making important decisions about them. Productivity seems good, too. It’s also a good period for promoting yourself, your products, your web pages and your social media accounts. Furthermore, your spiritual abilities seem extra strong and capable. Also, social life seems pleasantly active and, probably, productive.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Finances receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Try to handle them wiser. There are supportive energies for your income, so, with some more care, things can proceed quite well. After the Equinox, there will be more support for all money issues. Long term financial planning should be done, if possible, then. Work and career matters, too, receive some stress, but not as strongly now, while the supportive energies affecting these matters are getting stronger.

Your creativity and productivity is quite strong, too. It’s also a good period for promoting yourself, your products, your creations and, also your web pages and social media accounts. Work on these now, as much as possible, as these blessings will calm down after the Full Moon. Social life, too, seems good. Also, your spirituality is getting stronger from the Equinox and then on.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Friends, acquaintances, people on the internet and people of same schools, or similar schools, religious groups spiritual groups and the like can play a supportive role on this account. Productivity also can boost your mood, so work on whatever you want to achieve. Not only it can be helpful this way, but, also, productivity seems strong and capable. After the Equinox becomes even better, too. Work, career and business matters, too, receive some stress, but the beneficial energies supporting these matters are stronger, so, in most cases, things proceed quite well. New business and new beginnings might face more difficulties than you expect, though.

Investing money in your business and making small-scale expansions receive mostly supportive energies, though. Social life seems pleasant, but not to active. You can, though, make it more active and more pleasant.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. In the same time, emotional healing receives support. As the stressful energies are becoming stronger as we are closing up to the Full Moon, act on healing as soon as possible, and things will be easier. Also, finances receive some stress, although they are not bad. You might feel like you need to restrain yourself, though. Also, big investments and big expenses should be considered extra wisely.

Social life seems mostly good and pleasant. People with similar intellectual and spiritual interests can play a beneficial role in your life, during this fortnight. Such schools and groups you are involved with, too. Love life, too, seems mostly pleasant, and mostly calm. Those in a relationship will enjoy these blessings more clearly. Those seeking one, may find it more helpful to start with a friendly approach. Furthermore, work, career and business matters receive a boosting after the Equinox.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

There is some stress affecting work, career and business matters. Your relationship with colleagues and partners can become more problematic, too. Nonetheless, progress and successes, there are feasible. They don’t come easy, but you can make them happen. Keep in mind that important changes and long term plans receive this stress more strongly than day to day tasks and goals. Also, investments and important financial decisions should be done with extra care and wisdom.

Social life is mostly pleasant and, probably, productive, or inspiring. Love life, too, receives some good vibes. After the Equinox, both love and social life become even better. Also, health seems quite good and healing is even better. Furthermore, your magical abilities are quite strong and capable.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Work, career and business matters are one of the main focuses of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Some things might end up being more difficult to achieve, there, relationships with colleagues and business partners can be more tensed, too. Nonetheless, the supportive energies affecting these matters are also strong and progress, despite the obstacles, is happening. After the Equinox, the supportive energies will practically overwhelm the stressful ones and things will get much better. Health can also worry you a little, but, in most cases, nothing more than worrying you. Do take proper care of your health if any issue appears, of course, but overall, health is good. Healing gets strong, too, after the Equinox.

Creativity receives much support, too. As this support won’t be as strong after the Full Moon, do your best now. Also, love and social life seem quite pleasant and pleasantly active. Probably, not too active, but quite fulfilling. Regarding love, those already in a relationship, or in the making of one will enjoy these blessings more so than those seeking a new relationship.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Health, both physical and emotional, receive some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. As this stress is getting stronger as we are approaching the Full Moon, and it will still remain active even after then, don’t let your guard down. On the bright side, healing seems strong, too. Therefore, if you are facing such issues and you do take proper care of your health things will proceed well. Physical healing is stronger than emotional one. Also, health issues in the family can also have good developments.

Love and social life seem unsatisfactory and restricted, but this feeling relaxes after the Equinox, as, then on, the beneficial influences affecting these aspects of your life become much stronger. Sex life, though, might take some more time to get better, while sex-based relationships can even break up. Finally, work proceeds mostly well, productively and successfully, with few, if any, problems.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life is probably the main focus of the planetary energies of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. There are some stressful energies affecting both long standing and fresh relationships and some patience and understanding is advisable. In some cases you might feel a distance growing between you and your other half, whether this is an emotional issue, or you literally are apart. Nonetheless, the beneficial energies supporting love life are many more and much stronger. Therefore, stay calm, stay positive and things will be good. Sex life might not be very satisfactory and sex based relationships can face more serious problems, as well as break ups. If you are thinking of starting one such relationship, this is not the right time to do so. Social life seems mostly pleasant and mostly fulfilling.

Healing receives some supportive energies, and they get stronger after the Equinox. Health, too, gets stronger and more reliable after the Equinox. Productivity and creativity are good, too, and, also, work proceeds mostly well.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. More effort might be needed in order to achieve the desired results. Health, too, needs some more care and attention. Healing is strong, though. Health issues in the family also receive some good vibes.

Family and your other half play a mostly pleasant and supportive role in your life, during this fortnight, but some stress might come from them, too. In most cases, though, it’s manageable. A calmer reaction and a more open mind can help you reduce the stress and enjoy more the good times. Love and social life seem pleasant and, after the Equinox, become even more pleasant and more active. Those in a relationship will enjoy these blessings more, but those seeking one can get lucky, too. Also, productivity and creativity receive a boosting from the Equinox and then on.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Health receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period and needs some extra attention. Be extra careful when driving, when engaging in dangerous activities and when you are around fire or metal. Working out, too, needs some extra attention. In the same time, healing is good, so, if you take good care of your health things will be okay. After the Equinox healing is getting stronger. Also, health issues in the family can have good developments then. Money, too, receives some stress. Income is good, but maybe you expect it to be better. Expenses and obligations are more likely to be the problem. Handle them wisely. After the Equinox, money receives some more help.

Productivity and creativity are quite good. Furthermore, love and social life receive much support. They can become more active and more joyous. Although quantity isn’t what the stars promise, expanding your social circle is possible. Those seeking a new relationship can also get lucky.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Money receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, and this stress becomes stronger as we are approaching the Full Moon. Nonetheless, the supportive influences blessing money matters are much stronger. Therefore, avoid impulsive and reckless expenses, and you’ll probably won’t have anything to worry about. Home and family can also give you some stress, or require more of your time and energy than you can easily spare, but they also provide some support, so be patient. It’s also an auspicious period for home repairs, redecorations and renovations, but do remember to keep an eye at your wallet.

Productivity and creativity are quite good and, after the Equinox they receive a boosting. Similarly, love and social life receive some strong blessings from the Equinox and then on. Until then, they aren’t stressed, but, probably not as pleasant and active as you’d like. Nevertheless, during the whole fortnight and, especially after the Equinox, those searching for a new relationship might get lucky.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. This is a long term influence, which will affect you almost the whole year, to a degree, but during this fortnight is quite strong, so mood swings are possible and they can make your days more challenging and, also, hindrance your productivity. Therefore, it’s highly recommended you support your mood and yourself. Emotional healing, is also quite strong, so work with these issues now, to avoid more problems in the future.

Home and family can also cause you some stress, but they provide some support, too. After the Equinox both the stress and the support might become stronger. If you keep a positive outlook, your productivity will be strong, to very strong, during the whole fortnight. Also, friends and acquaintances can play a pleasant role in your life. Expanding your social circle, online and offline one, receives some help, too.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is strong. Meditative techniques, mantra chanting and visualisation, as well as philtres potions, charms and magical oils and perfumes, both making them and using them, are even stronger.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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